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Re: --Big Government--
evanluck Views: 2,201
Published: 16 y
This is a reply to # 1,345,237

Re: --Big Government--

I am glad that you clarified this. I was going to ask you directly but you beat me to the punch.

I think the best way to create change is to make people aware of the cause and effect relationship of the choices that they make.

So I appreciate when you do this on all the various subjects that you choose to speak out on.

When you speak out against abortion, those who might benefit from hearing what you have to say will immediately lash out defensively if they think that you are of the opinion that the government should make abortion illegal.

If, as in the case with almost all the other advice that you choose to give, you make it clear that you are just trying to discuss causes and effects so that people may be better empowered to make choices according to God's truth, then your audience may be less likely to react defensively and more likely to engage in conversation that could result in different choices.


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