Re: Your avatar, Evanluck,
Didn't choose my avatar...but now that you've made me aware, perhaps I should.
Whether or not "It's all good..." is an interesting philosophical question.
Personally I have never experienced something or someone that I could categorize as "evil." Most people who I have observed or experienced doing something "evil" believes that they are doing something good but has a flawed belief system. Basically in moreless' words, "they are deceived."
I have seen in movies, read about in books, and have seen on the "news" "a pure evil," that cannot be reasoned with or corrected through teaching of spiritual truth, but I have not experienced this type of person in real life. Do they exist? Perhaps...but even if they did why would I want to spend any energy thinking about them.
My gut feeling about it is that there is God who is love. The absence of God, we call fear. Fear does not actually exist, it is just an absence of love. Just as darkness does not exist, it is just an absence of light.
God describes Godself as the Alpha and the Omega. God is everything and God is good.
So I guess it is "All Good..." or "All God."
Perhaps I don't need to change my avatar after all.