Re: What is a starvation diet?
The body has short term and long term energy stores. Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver and will typically fuel your body for three to four days.
Once all the carbohydrate in the form of glycogen has been used up the body turns to its fat stores generating energy in the form of Acetly-CoA. However not all the Acetyl-CoA can be oxidised and ketone bodies begin to accumulate and are used primarily by the brain in the absence of glucose.
So, being 'in ketosis' simply means that all your carbohydrate reserves have been used up and the body is burning fat to survive. I don't know much about Natural Hygiene so can't really comment further.
Stop thinking about starvation! If you are overweight this is because you have taken in more calories than you need. If you then begin to take in fewer calories than you expend per day you will lose weight. A pound of fat represents approximately 3000 calories, if you eat 100 calories less than you expend per day it will take you 30 days to lose a pound, if you eat nothing at all you will lose a pound each day on average.
Reducing your calorie intake by eating smaller meals, cutting out fizzy sugary drinks, not eating snacks etc is certainly not temporary starvation.