Depends on your point of view. My mother is always telling me to eat a biscuit or a piece of cake and in general low calorie diets are frequently termed 'starvation diets'. Though in my opinion an apple is a healthier lunch than a Big Mac and chips.
If someone wants to lose a few pounds then a reduced calorie intake is essential. Think of it like a water trough. If every day you pour in 5 litres of water and take out 1 litre eventually the trough will overflow. Whereas if every day you pour in one litre and take out five litres eventually the trough will be empty.
Fat is how your body stores excess calories and your weight equals calories taken in minus calories expended. If you consistently take in fewer calories than you expend you will lose weight. If you don't believe me try it: Every day for one month eat 100 calories, if you don't lose weight you're cheating!