Becca, how are you doing? [Plus a story.]
I read this thread for the first time, today.
Wondering how events unfolded.
You got some great responses...apparently just what you needed at that time.
From way out here in the cheap seats, I'd like to say that I was taken by your suspicion of parasites. That explanation jumped into my head with your first post.
I've spent this last year learning something of how deeply
parasite poisons/toxins can affect anyone. R.G., at the Ask Humaworm forum, who ought to know, has thought that
parasite poisons can do far more damage than the critters themselves.
My experiences make me agree.
I've even wondered if it isn't irritations that cause all unhappy behavior.
I wouldn't even be surprised if they cause extreme and illogical longings for a love that seems appropriate and beautiful, but prevents individual responsibility and maturity.
I am now 70, and it wasn't long ago that it dawned on me that the enfolding and protective love I longed for (for decades), wasn't the most satisfying possible.
I've also recognized that all the in's and out's of the drama I lived in my first marriage, don't really matter to the real me, now.
I know I gave it my best shot, and I know I had to end it, for I could do no more.
Drama hurts like heck, while one faces it, but the hurt fades over time and new experiences...over new visions and insights.
It is amazing as the years go by to glimpse what was really going on, way back when.
As for 'what to do' now, today...
Well, you could test if either of you feel better with a big bowl of vegetable soup, fragrant with green herbs on top. Parsley, cilantro, or basil would be nice...celery leaves, too...a bay leaf cooked in, would be good. A piece of butter, coconut oil, and some Celtic grey
Sea Salt .
It's my guess that if such a soup is calming, the 'problem' might be parasites, toxins, mineral imbalances, or the like.
A great calmer and detoxer is a bath, or footbath, in Himalayan crystal salty as tears.
My healthfood store carries the crystal salts of It works...all my anxiety vanished, unexpectedly.
Another thing that works nearly instantly, if one feels bad, is the version of touching the accupressure points suggested now by the "I Can Make You Thin" program on the TLC channel.
They are using a method without 'statements', and going quite rapidly. I believe the EFT program is similar, though I haven't looked it up.
A person may have to repeat it a few times, in the beginning. I've been using it for every kind of 'pain' lately, even remembered embarrassments. It works. And it may be permanent.
There are other protocols that work, too.
To my way of thinking, a child may be born to war, and want...but that doesn't mean they will never laugh, and love. There is always more to see and experience and achieve and admire and love.
Every day, every moment, is a new opportunity.
Sometimes even 'pretending' happiness, lifts.
You've got a good head on your shoulders, Becca, and fine goals...the best.
Maybe when 'trouble' arises, or when all is well, you can help your love by distracting him.
"Yah but, try this first."
At the very least you will have seeded the thought that there may be another way out of bad feelings than the same old, same old. He'll never contemplate the destructive behavior again without remembering your suggestion.
Wouldn't it be dandy to go to a clinic where they welcome you with open arms, great foods, and rest?
Maybe you'll build one of those. Or find one like Loma Linda.
A clinic like that can be in your dreams, and do you great good just by imagining it once in a while.
Hope all is well and progressing as it should.
With you,
A story...
Once, after dark, a policeman stopped me when I was going a bit fast.
As he strode up to my window, I was digging in my purse for my licence. He asked, loudly, "Now where are YOU going in such a hurry?"
Finding my licence, I looked up, smiling sweetly, "Hmmm?"
He repeated his question, but softly.
I was amazed that he did, thinking better of his aggression. I'd never done that before, distracting someone.
I got off with only a warning.