Thanks again guys really appreciate everyones different imputs.
I would love to get back into exercise but am scared to get my heart rate up as even walking to the top of the road at times has it racing and pounding extremely hard along with extreme shortness of breathe.
Im going to do abit of ozone water therapy, along with atominide(sp?) followed by Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Hopefully that should really kick whatevers going on into oblivion. Ive tried taking iodoral before my back started growing, i was doing 10-20 bowel movements a day but started thinking i was puttin myself hyper thyroid due to racing heart etc plus doc told me to stop he said why are you doing this if your TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone) levels are normal well i have all the symptoms of a hypothyroid sufferer.
Ahh without proper testing to elimate whats going on how are we ever going to know??