Re: Another Sad Post - Today i lost my business
Dear Scarface: I want you to find the biggest pot you can find and boil water in it as hard as you can and then stick your hand in it for one minute. Oh wait, you cant do that huh. Well anyone who commits suicide goes to the hellfire for eternity. And however you commit suicide you will be doing that over and over again. so if you cant stand the heat what about hellfire whose fire has been burning for one thousand years.
You have to quit saying that, and start living. Your words are so powerful, maybe at one time you are saying that God is granting wishes. You have alot to live for and yes life is tough but I guarantee you many have it worse, look at the people freezing to death in afghanistan, the people in gaza being bombarded, the homeless people with no food. Excuse me if I am so blunt but I been in your shoes. When I first got Epstein barr, i tried to kill myself many times and God saved me each time and now i find out that I would of went to the hellfire so I want to stop you from these thoughts. You see I know of what I am talking. I know the pain, so bad you cant think of the next minute much less the next hour. You just want the pain to stop but it doesnt and you must be patient, ask God to forgive you and just get busy. Go do something fun. Go do something you havent done in a long time. What makes you happy and just do it. I was known when I was young as the one always doing something crazy. Just do something crazy for me.