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Re: EmergenC = 1 gram ALA
  Views: 4,710
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 105,078

Re: EmergenC = 1 gram ALA

Janey thanks for that.
The format you have put the results in is fine, except you need to add the following information to each line:

1. The color of the section each element falls into
2. For the essential elements whether they lie above or below the 50% line (i.e. whether they go left=below or right=above).

Just click "edit" on your above message and repost there if you like.
An example of what to do is given below:

element result ref range color
aluminum 9.2 <12 hi green
antimony 0.037 <0.060 mid green
arsenic 0.073 <0.090 hi green
Beryllium <0.01 <0.020 no line at all
bismuth 0.16 <0.13 low yellow
cadmium 0.15 <0.10 low yellow
lead 0.59 <1.0 mid green
mercury 0.28 <1.1 low green
platinum <0.003 <0.005 no line at all
thallium 0.003 <0.010 low green
thorium <0.001 <0.005 no line at all
uranium 0.011 <0.060 low green
nickel 1.4 <0.40 mid red
silver 0.06 <0.10 mid green
tin .21 <0.30 mid green
titanium 13 <1.0 all the way to red margin

element result ref range color under/over 50%
Calcium 11700 475-1500 red ove 50%
Magnesium 540 45-180 red over 50%
Sodium 1000 24-180 red over 50%
Potassium 300 20-80 red over 50%
Copper 13 9.0-24 white at 50%
Zinc 180 130-200 green over 50%
Manganese 0.56 0.20-0.45 green over 50%
Chromium 0.39 0.20-0.45 green over 50%
Vanadium 0.039 0.018-0.065 green over 50%
Molybdenum 0.30 0.040-0.10 red over 50%
Boron 3.2 0.70-4.0 green over 50%
Iodine 8.6 0.25-1.3 red over 50%
Lithium 0.045 0.008-0.040 green over 50%
Phosphorus 5940 350-600 red over 50%
Selenium 1.4 0.95-1.7 green over 50%
Strontium 19 1.0-8.0 yellow over 50%
Sulfur 43300 43000-50000 green under 50%
Barium 8.1 0.50-5.0 yellow over 50%
Cobalt 0.033 0.013-0.050 green over 50%
Iron 32 5.8-14 yellow over 50%
Germanium 0.045 0.045-0.065 green under 50%
Rubidium 0.40 0.030-0.25 yellow over 50%
Zirconium 0.98 0.040-1.0 green over 50%


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