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Re: which recovery program?
mikeh Views: 4,409
Published: 20 y
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Re: which recovery program?

Epson Salt is great, as Boronia suggested. You can also try Magnesium Citrate. Its very safe and easy to find. The trick with Magnesium is to start slow and work up. You want to start with something like 100mg 2X day. See how that goes and then maybe work up to 100mg 3X day. Don't take too much, or you will get diareria.

Magnesium is VERY safe at reasonable dosages, no reason too worry about taking it. Most Americans don't get nearly enough.

As for the Brain Fog, Muscle Twitches, and nervious feeling, you have the EXACT symptoms I've had for several years. I'm not a doctor or claiming to be one. :)

But my THEORY and THEORY only is that in MY CASE, these symtoms were caused by several things together:

1. Kidney/Adrenal disfunction due to the mercury causing Magnesium and mineral inbalance. The Kidneys and Adrenals keep the bodies mineral balance correct. Heavy Metals can really screw it up.

2. Fear, Panic Attacks, nerviousiness, and rage due to mercury in the Endocrine system messing up all my hormones. Note that the thyroid and pituitary are near the mouth, making them extremely easy to get mercury into.

3. Brain Fog and fatique due to Yeast Infection. This is just a THEORY, but in my situation, I had ( and still have some ) yeast in the digestive tract. The Yeast goes with the Heavy metals. If you get really bad brain fog or feel "Weird" after eating anything with sugars, its a good indication of yeast.

4. Immune system overreaction. Once the yeast moves in, the immune system stays torqued up and then you start getting reactions to food, etc.

Take it easy and don't worry. First thing to do is stablize your system. You need to find a good doctor to help you. But if you can't, I would recommend taking a minimum subset of Andy's supplements.

I would start out with Magnesium first. Then add Molybdenum to help with Yeast toxins. Also, Vitamin C and Vitamin B can help.

Because you sound extremely sensitive like I was, I would start out with low doses of everything. And don't start all at once. Start with Mag, and then add each supplement after a few days.

For instance, this is something similar to what I take:
B complex vitamins - low dose only about 10mg of each and 7 mcg of B-12 1 time a day. I use the "Whole Foods" "365" brand, its not 2 high of a dosage.
vitamin C - 100-500 mg 2 times day - I use Twin Labs
Molybdenum - 100-200 mcg day, helps process yeast toxins, Solgar is the only tablet form of this I could find.
Magnesium - 100mg 2-3 Times day, helps to relax and keep bowels moving, I've taken Solgar and Blue Bonnet brands for this one.

Then add this a little later:
Milk Thistle Extract - 3 times day with meals, to protect your liver - gaia herbals is good. Whatever you get, make sure its "Standardized".
Digestive Enzymes - with each meal, I have tried Omegazyme, but it was expensive so I switched to the "Now" brand and take "Dr Balch's" enzyme fomulation.
Probiotics - I've tried several, the cold ones work best. You can get good bacteria from Yougart too, but I won not eat too much dairy.

Also AVOID like the plague:
Food with additives and preservitives
artificial sweeteners

Andy also has things to avoid on the right side of page 69 in his book.

I found it helpful to eat a diet of mainly veggies, nuts, goats milk yougart, eggs, and occasional meat in my case. Organic when possible. Despite the recommendation from every alternative practitioner out there to eat raw, I cook about 1/2 the veggies I eat as I seem to tolerate them better.

After you feel better, then you can start chelation. Andy's book is written in technical format, so it can be confusing.

When you feel better and are ready to chelate, I'm sure we can help you out. Don't let fear get the best of you. Its NOT you. Its you wacked out system making you afraid. After many rounds of chelation, I'm much less apprehensive about life and everything in general. I can actually concentrate again for a few minutes before my mind "runs away on me" too!

You will be too. The worst thing you can do is nothing. I sat around and did nothing for a while and I got nowhere fast. Chelation will make you feel worse, but then you will feel SO MUCH better a week or 2 after each round of chelation you won't believe it. I just did 2 rounds about 2 and 3 1/2 weeks ago, and I can actually eat oreos again. I still get some Brain fog, but its nothing like I had before.



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