20 y
Re: EmergenC = 1 gram ALA
> Bebe, how much do you take? what other things do you take? i need to get on a good program but my minerals and such are in such bad shape.
The main things you need are:
1. antioxidants (Vit C, Vit E),
2. liver support (milk thistle),
3. B vits
4. minerals (i.e. magnesium and zinc).
Those will form your core supplements which you take every day. You can add others as time goes on, but I would start out with those.
>do you think the 1mg of ALA in the Emer'gen-C is bad for me?
Yes! Stop taking it. Only take ALA on the Cutler schedule.
You probably need to start out on a low dose of ALA - something like 10-15mg should do it.