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Re: EmergenC = 1 gram ALA
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Re: EmergenC = 1 gram ALA

>BeBe...thank you so much for your menu of what you think i should be taking to start off. nobody has ever given me an answer to that question.
do you have an idea how much to take?

250 is good for Mg, you could probably increase to 400 or more though. (unless it gives you diarhea in which case cut back).

1 gm of C is bare minimum. Take to bowel tolerance then cut back. For most people this is between 1 and 5 gm a day. Try to get hold of a buffered form if possible as pure vit C is very acidic and hard on the body. If you can get Vit C buffered with Mg then you can get both in one supp.

Vit E - look for 400IU -1000IU a day
Milk thistle - 1 capsule with each meal (just get a good brand like solgar)
Zinc- 50mg a day.

Its ok to take Emergen-C without ALA. But personally I don't like combination supplements because you think you are getting X,Y and Z but in reality they don't give a theraputic dose. I prefer to take individual supps - the exception is a b-complex. Just FYI, powdered vitamin C works out much cheaper than something like Emergen-C.

> ps:do you know what to take for yeast? i don't know the proper test to see if i have it, but since being on a yeast/sugar free diet it has helped.
Right now I take Aqua Flora which is a homeopathic formula.

Yeast is a tough one. None of the supplements worked for me. My advice is to try many things and stick to what works. If nothing much works (as in my case) then just go ahead with chelation anyway. You won't get rid of the yeast properly until you get the metals out.



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