Re: Question re zapper models!
>- why is it that you have not ever once refuted the fact that the Ultimate Zapper is NOT superior?
While I have seen some good aspects to Ken's zapper, I have not seen any proof of superiority. I also have not seen anyone else claim that his zapper is supperior. At the same time, I do not say that his is not better because I do not have proof of this.
Ken claims that I have disparaged his zapper, but I do not feel that I have. I have offered my thoughts about some of the aspects of his zapper and continue to feel the same in regards to those aspects.
In my book "
parasite Zapping and the Zapper" I refer to the UZ as a "good quality zapper with medium pricing". I also have posted on this forum positive comments about the UZ.
IMHO, every zapper has its points but I have never seen anything that sets the UZ apart from the Terminator, the SZD, or other zappers except claims. I have never bought or tried one. I have had customers who bought ParaZappers after owning the UZ and preferred the ParaZapper. There are also others who prefer the UZ. Some like the AC adapter, which I still do not entirely trust. Some like that it feels stronger because of the slightly higher voltage that you get from the AC adapter.
Truth be told, most good zappers have a following of satisfied customers and while one zapper may be great for any one particular issue or use, that does not mean that it is best or even good for all. Just like the same diet is not good for all people, there is probably a particular zapper that may benefit one but is less effective for another. That is why ParaZapper has offered a range of zappers for individuals to select from.
>- as a USER tell you which one is better
I think that in all fairness, it would take the averaged results of at least 100 users to produce a good evaluation. I have contacted a couple of naturopathic schools offering free zappers but have not had a response.
Sadly, in the US, due to the FDA, this is not likely to happen anyhow, at least for the time being.
I am glad that you took the time to read these messages though. It is encouraging to know that there are those who are truly interested.