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Re: Question re zapper models!

Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Ken Presner Views: 10,341
Published: 18 y
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Re: Question re zapper models!

Hello David,

>- **** Do you really expect ANYONE on this forum to believe this nonsense? Water treatment? Give me a break! Where are your postings on this forum about water treatment?

I normally only post when asked about a topic.

* Which, curiously, does not explain why you to avoid posting about so many of the issues that I mentioned in my previous post. How convenient. You simply pick and choose which issues you post about so you can walk away from the issues you wish to avoid, squeaky clean.

* Your m.o. is to avoid the issues you don't want to get involved with because there is too much risk for you there. Which is something you find multifarious ways of doing. You invoke the "got no time for all this" clause. Except when you look at this forum your postings are all over the place, so who the heck do you think you're fooling with that one?

Now that you bring it up, thanks.

* You're welcome.

Yes, zappers are used in water treatment.

* That's not the point. The point is you avoid the fact that you only talk about health issues on your site, not water treatment. Who the heck do think you're fooling? How many of your health-oriented customers who make up the majority of your sales are worried about water treatment? It's incredible how you try to manipulate readers on this forum with a straight face without ever having to address the issues. You just sidestep the issues. You remind me of politicians when they are asked a straight question.

Often, they are much larger that the standard zappers. Water treatment also uses magnetic pulsers in some cases. The unit used is determined by the amount of water being zapped. There are even units being used to zap milk and orange juice, and yes, the are listed on the FDA site as a valid technology.

* Yah, like all your customers are only using their zappers for water treatment. Who the heck is going to believe this?

We only sell our zappers for treating non-drinking water such as cooling towers to reduce odors from bacteria, protozoa, and algae.

* You have lots of talk on your site about user feed-back surveys, all regarding health issues, and lots of links on your site with health titles that contain no information at all about the health issues in the title (go ahead, tell me I'm lying) lots of empty talk on your site about health issues, no substance at all, next to nothing on your site about water treatment, and all of a sudden you are only producing water treatment zappers. That's the tallest tale on this forum today.

Other than that, while you do not seem to understand that your claims are only anecdotal and are not proof of anything, others do.

* "While you do not seem to understand ... others do". This is typical of your patronizing attitude and your arrogance, just what I wrote about in my previous posting.

* Of course claims are only anecdotal. Everyone knows that. But that does not make them untruthful or unimportant. On the contrary, the testimonials on my site are both truthful and important. You try to diminish their importance because you have no testimonials on your site (although you claim to have hundreds, which are also only anecdotal, you can't have it both ways) because you feel it necessary to talk to your lawyers about every line you print on your site. That is a cop-out. You should take down all those empty links that make it look that you have a health oriented site and put up a water treatment site. Why not be honest?

* You always fall back on "expert" credentials and tech talk because you have nothing else on your site to offer people in the way of something real, in the way of proof that they can easily understand and relate to. My testimonials are too easy to understand and relate to, so you deny their importance. You have no commercial interest in this, of course. It's just a scientific study.

* You talk about what others understand, as though you knew. I think they understand a lot more than you think.

The only way that you can claim superiority for anything is through side by side comparison.

* This is your "I'm the technical expert" ploy, which I discussed very cogently at length in a previous posting.

Your lack of faith in your product is exemplified by your refusal to submit to an independant comparative study.

* You just made my day. My lack of faith in my product? Ya gotta be joking!

Ken Presner



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