Re: Question re zapper models!
After reviewing these pages, I am seriously concerned about the integrity of the information presented.
As an example, you state that many links on ParaZapper sites do not work. This is plainly false. We use a commercial link monitoring site to verify that all of our links work in addition to our own verification.
Also, you complain that the owner does not post their name. This is not true. The owner is Para Systems and Devices, LLC. This company was registered as a multi party Limited Liability Company and according to law, it is a legal entity on its own. Just like a Corporation, a LLC can have many owners. Your claim is misleading.
Also, I do not publish my personal name all over the place because I am not grabbing for personal glory.
One last point. If the UZ is so great at curing MS, then why was ParaZapper chosen to be published in the "New Pathways" magazine of the MSRC, instead of UZ?
Also, as far as I can tell, your claims about the higher voltage of the UZ is only due to the power adapter that you use and any zapper connected to it would have the same output voltage.
I could go on about this, but the point is that I see many serious flaws with your claims.