Re: Question re zapper models!
>- *** On the contrary, you are very much competing, just as I am competing.
Actually, I am not. I do not sell zappers for use on humans and have not for a year and a half. I do sell them for water treatment purposes. The old sites remain up for information purposes.
>- *** This is technically correct. Which is why I chose to produce a wave that is squarer than square, in the metaphoric sense, and remains square because it is stabilized
First, it is misleading and false for you to claim that a square wave can be squarer than square. Yours is not a true square wave.
Additionally, the wave that you think so highly of has only half the power of any frequency compared to a true square wave.
Also, it does not produce even harmonics as you claim. Instead, it produces a second set of odd harmonics.
Lastly, you are only comparing your stabilized output to the cheaper models of zappers. ParaZapper CCa has a stabillized output due to the CCa technology. We just do not make such a big dealabout the stabilizing because the current boost is more important.