OT~~judgment & peace & love
While I do respect you, and do not know you, I still
feel compelled to inject a few comments although it
is evident from your post that you consider alternative
paths to God forbidden and detestable.
I was born a cradle Catholic, raised and churched
and confirmed and all the other good stuff parents will
do to insure their child has a good value system.
When I was young, it was *drilled* into me countless
times and discussed widely among the family how one
of the Aunts, my favorite, was to be condemned for all
eternity for marrying my Uncle who was a Protestant.
It was a mortal sin to marry outside your religion...
I made the choice after many years to reject my spiritual
roots and to find my way spiritually through the darkness
of judgment of others and to seek light and truth through
prayer and being open to God on a personal level. I call
him Father and trust that when I am hungry, he will feed
me spiritually, what I need to get back home and beyond.
Remarkably, this morning on the news, there was a segment
about children, who were as young as five, becoming preachers
and prophets. One young man declared, Jesus was 12 when he
began his ministry. I could go with the flow until the
young man who was 7 was judging the interviewer who was
raised Buddhist saying that it mattered little to nothing
what kind of life she had lived, or how she felt about her
relationship with God, but that she would be damned for
eternity because she was not *saved*. Right there the young
preacher lost me, as my criteria for truth is that it has
to be available to all humans regardless of color or creed
and circumstance of life.
It begs the question of all the people who existed prior
to Christ coming on the planet...are all of them languishing
in some dark pit of fire for all eternity too? What about
Moses, and Enoch and Abraham?? What about the child who has
never learned to read or who has a comprehension level which
would preclude them understanding the finer nuances and
consequences you are holding his life to because of the
concept~~that there is only ONE truth?
Certainly, over my life, I have met people from many
denominations and have even seen the fervency of those
who have a little hand held database so they could share
a verse at every turn from the bible, like a never-ending
stream of inspiration. I have met those who had no faith,
and I have met others losing faith, seeking faith, and a
few, drowning in faith. I feel like I have respected them
all. I appreciate all the different holy writings of all
humans from all the corners of the earth. These are sacred
to me as they recording the strivings of man to know God.,
and the dispensation of truth to humans.
Even those writings by those who would judge one another,
and certainly, is this not why we war with other nations??
That they are Islamic, or Tibetan, or Christian, or Jewish,
or non-Christian, or non-Jewish, or a hybrid sort like me,
who has come to appreciate that with which I resonate as the
cream of that ideology or the morsel of truth in all scripture.
The Jewish would condemn all of mankind and your salvation
has nothing to do with anything but the law of their holy
scriptures. There are many different tribes and peoples who
must struggle to maintain their spiritual identity in a world
where belief is so strong that others would kill anyone who does
not believe as they do.
This has made for a world filled with the vibration of hate
and darkness and deception. It has burdened the seeker of
truth to dig deeper than the words and the symbols and what
has been before us as spiritual food to find that inner
strength and courage to face an even bigger challenge.
For me, that challenge was to suspend my disbelief. I made
the choice to choose to believe that God, my father, my source
of spiritual food and comfort, would sustain me through the
darkness and the uncertainty, to a time of healing and wholeness.
In this journey between where we were, where the Bible fed us
"enough" through a time where my heart and mind have been
opened to see the spiritual brotherhood as including even my
enemy, that truly there can be Peace. Perhaps, our redemption
may be in the one person, or a child, who keeps that hope, that
truth alive. That in joining and speaking the language of Christ,
the language of LOVE, we can, in a twinkling of an eye, heal
ourselves and those around us.
I feel like there have been many gifts given us by God and
certainly, for me, using stones is one of them. I doubt that
many of the minerals you take into your body have not helped
increase your health and vitality, irregardless of your belief
that gems or crystals have any place in your life. I suspect
you probably use a quartz crystal watch or have a clock which
uses a crystal as a frequency generator. It is learning to
actively speak and use a language to define a relationship
with our world which I happen to feel was akin to the experience
of Adam and Eve in their garden. I will not limit God's blessings
in my life by not using them.
For those who have eyes will see, and those who have ears will
hear. I would ask that you consider that it could be a way to
create a bridge of peace and love and the uplifting of humanity.
Jeez, what a concept, loving your neighbor even if he is a Gentile,
or a Buddhist, or a Baptist, or a Catholic. If we suspended our
disbelief that God could be the loving, homing beacon for
spiritual graduation into a vibration of LOVE, and choose to
be a part of the whole of ourselves and not to limit our
capacity to express ourselves in a loving way, open to love,
and willing to share our experience in healing, we may also
find the Universal Christ'ed being.
I say this mostly due to my own near death experience where I
was shown that the language of love is the language of life.
When we choose to become co-creative in the process of life
and to learn and discover a way to love through our life, we
will find the peace and fulfillment of the Ages.
For me, looking for biblical shifts and miracles is not
relegated to the past and kept confined to the spines of
a book. I look around me and seek the expression of God
in my life, as I believe that my love for God includes
a personal relationship. While I appreciate a good preaching
as much as the next person, when I am asking for guidance
and help in healing, or when I am witnessing the pain of
another and reach my hand to touch them, it is not my
relationship with a book which inspires me, it is my
relationship with God, and his vibration of love, which
inspires me to act as Christ would.
When raising my child, I let her explore spiritually
as well. I think she has been able to bring back many
gifts/lessons which in turn have made her a balanced,
compassionate person. We sort of distilled truth to
her and something as simple as saying, "look for the
reflection of Christ in EVERYONE", has given her the
spiritual food and capacity to seek peace in an everyday
I hope that if we should ever meet, you would see the
reflection of Christ in me. I will be looking for it
in you.