Re: Amazing story!
Have you tried exerting your free will and
demanding that these dimensional entities
have permission before interacting with you??
I learned this years ago from an elder and
it has served me very well. It was explained
to me that it is sort of like a turf war but
you usually do not realize that vibrationally,
you have crossed some line and so when hearing
this negative gibberish, simply ask if they
have the permission of your higher self to
communicate with you. If the answer is no, then
they will go away. Sometimes, they may shoot a
parting shot, but if they have said no, and by
Universal Law they are bound to obey your spiritual
sovereignty, ignore anything past the word NO.
Of course, you need to state this aloud. I adopted
this as a spiritual alternator and protection, and
have not had any more trouble like I was, in many
many years.
Soaking in a
Sea Salt bath is also another way
of clearing and grounding too. Take care when
you open yourself that you always put out your
caveat, that only those with permission of your
higher self may interact with you. This should
help a lot.
best wishes,