Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Mercury Amalgams
"In Charge" Not related to job title, pez
At the time of my divorce it was the only positive thing I could think of about the divorce.
About the same time, I needed a user name.
In a rather bizarre, and perhaps even controversial, study that looked at the mating behavior of ibises, a tropical bird species that to some extent resembles a seagull, researchers from the University of Florida, Gainesville, (UFG) found that exposure to mercury disrupts the birds' endocrine systems and leads to decreased offspring. Not only this, mercury exposure was also found to cause some male ibises to pair up with other males rather than females, exhibiting a type of chemical-induced homosexuality that is rarely the topic of scientific inquiry.
Published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, this study reveals that methylmercury, the most toxic and easily absorbed form of mercury found in the environment, is capable of literally altering sexua| preference, at least in ibises. What has otherwise never been observed in wild ibises, homosexual behavior, was observed for the very first time in carefully controlled tests, suggesting that determined sexua| orientation could have a chemical component.
Peter Frederick, an ecologist at UFG, and his colleagues wanted to see how methylmercury, which is often hiding in wetlands and other natural environments, is affecting ibises. So the team collected 160 of the birds from breeding colonies in South Florida and divided them up into four test groups. Each group was composed of 20 males and 20 females, and after 90 days, the first three groups received either low, medium or high doses of mercury in their feed. The fourth group received control feed without mercury.
The birds in the first group received 0.05 parts per million (ppm) of mercury in their feed, while the second and third groups received up to 0.3 ppm. These amounts were carefully selected to reflect what wild birds living in the area and in other parts of the world might encounter in the wild from pollution runoff and other sources. The control group, of course, was designed to replicate wild ibises living in more remote areas that do not encounter mercury.
After three years of studying the birds and analyzing their various behaviors, the team came to some shocking conclusions. Not only were the mercury-exposed male ibises less prone to mate with females and produce offspring, but they were also more likely to try to mate with other males. And even when this proved to be a failure -- non-exposed ibises typically give up on trying to mate with certain females after the first year if they are unsuccessful -- many of the mercury-exposed birds continued in long-term relationships with other males, which is completely outside their normal behavioral pattern.
"Methylmercury seems to cause these behavioral changes by affecting the endocrine system, which controls the release of hormones in the body," Frederick is quoted as saying in the journal Nature. "That effect alters levels of the sex hormones testosterone and oestradiol in male ibises."
Though Frederick was quick to insist that the findings cannot simply be extrapolated to apply to humans, he did explain that chemical-induced endocrine disruption definitely caused male ibises to act much differently than they otherwise would in a non-polluted environment. And because of what we know from other research that looks at endocrine disruption in humans, it is possible that similar chemical effects may also be occurring in humans.
"Mercury is a known endocrine disruptor, but this is the first study of endocrine disruption in birds," adds Frederick. "This study links detrimental effects on biochemistry to decreased reproductive success very plausibly, through altered pairing and courtship behavior."
A similar but unrelated study on nematode worms published in the journal Current Biology back in 2007 found that the brain, which is highly affected by chemical exposure, determines sexua| orientation, at least in this particular species. The authors of this study concluded that sexua| attraction in nematode worms is literally wired one way or the other in their brains and that this wiring can be altered by external factors or inputs.
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The Dangers of Dental Amalgam (Mercury poisoning, Silver fillings)
Millions of people have dental amalgam silver fillings implanted in their teeth. Dental amalgam is the most commonly used material to repair cavities. Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury and just 20 to 35% silver.
Mercury vapor is released from amalgam fillings, is inhaled and swallowed, and causes low level mercury poisoning in the body. The amount of mercury in the brain is directly linked to the number and the size of dental amalgam fillings. Mercury passes through the placental barrier and even enters the mothers breast milk! Mercury affects the body chemistry and disrupts organ system functioning.
Symptoms of mercury poisoning include:
Auto-immune diseases, mental disorders, migraines, cancer, insomnia, arthritis, depression, oral lesions, infertility, birth defects, stomach pains, memory loss, autism, developmental disorders, ADHD, anxiety, mood changes, asthma, allergies, etc.
Dental amalgams were first introduced in 1833 but many dentists refused to implant them due to the mercury. In 1843, the American Society of Dental Surgeons declared the use of dental amalgam a malpractice(!) and forced its members to abstain from using amalgams.
Proponents of amalgam continued to claim that dental amalgam was safe because it was supposedly inert in the filling. As dental amalgam was less expensive and easier to work with than standard gold fillings, it was not long before dental amalgam was routinely used by most dentists.
In 1926, Dr. Alfred Stock showed that mercury vapor escapes from amalgam fillings and that this could cause significant health damage. The American Dental Association (ADA) vigorously defended dental amalgam as being safe and its widespread use was continued.
In 1986, the ADA finally admitted that mercury vapor escapes from the amalgam fillings. But the ADA remained adamant that amalgams were safe, and in 1986 it changed its code of ethics, making it unethical for dentists to inform patients of the health risks of amalgams or to recommend removal of amalgams
In 2008 the FDA admitted in 2008 that dental amalgam can cause health problems.
Norway, Denmark and Sweden have ended use of mercury fillings and many dental schools no longer teach mercury placement. Germany, Canada, and California require mercury toxicity warnings to be given to pregnant women.
Videos about Dental Amalgam:
There are healthier alternatives to dental amalgam such as composite resin (white) fillings, porcelain, and glass ionomers. Gold is not a good alternative as it produces electrical currents within your mouth.
Improve your health by having your amalgam fillings removed!
Amalgam removal should be done SAFELY! Use a dentist who specializes in safe amalgam removal. Mercury vapor escapes during the removal process.
It is essential that you are protected!
Don't use a dentist who still implants amalgam fillings in other patients as this causes second hand mercury vapor.
Mercury-free & mercury-safe dentists:
The mounting body of scientific evidence against dental amalgam is finally creating extensive public concern. It is only a matter of time before dental amalgam fillings are banned.
i don't think that is the only issue, whether what leaks out is enough to be toxic. the general public are not scientists and are basically sheep, in so much as, they are led by others who have the means and money to lead them. meaning, the corporations are able to collude with the government and produce products for consumers, and the consumers have a blind faith in those products. the government sets up entities like the FDA to make the general public think that everything out there within their jurisdiction, is safe. the problem is that corporations pay off the FDA and other agenies in order to get a product on the market or keep certain products out there. mercury amalgam and fluoride are two such examples. so the public is already at a disadvantage with brainwashing. then, the issue of the general public not knowing how really toxic mercury is, really becomes the issue.
i believe it isn't a question of how much comes off the teeth that is the hurdle the mercury opponents face, i believe it is the fact that most humans do not understand how minute an amount of mercury it takes to damage cells and destroy health. one BIG reason for this is because a filling is relatively small within the scale of our bodies. humans think that a small amount of something is not harmful. they are just not educated in detail on the most toxic substances on the planet. scientists who do know, isolate the general public from those things. so, by allowing mercury into fillings, it sends the message that a little bit of mercury doesn't hurt people. a perfect example of this also, is all the kids who were given mercury to play with as a kid, and all those who have taken thermometers apart and played with the little balls of mercury. when mercury from a thermometer is dumped in a lake, our govenment knows to shut down the lake, but when someone breaks open a thermometer, it isn't viewed by the average person, as toxic. now, i realize there are different forms of mercury, and that is how they are still able to get away with placing one kind in the mouth and saying oh, it is the kind that doesn't hurt you. well, it mixes with bacteria in the mouth and DOES form the more deadly type. but, then, that goes back to what i said before, in that, the general public are not scientists.
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