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Re: Does mercury toxi... oops, I know it is, I need to find doctors...

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Aharleygyrl Views: 15,521
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 829,867

Re: Does mercury toxi... oops, I know it is, I need to find doctors...

no cases, no lawyers, no laws. the guy was sick and his insurance company would not pay for the mercury to be removed. my dr spoke to the insurance co on behalf of the patient and they ended up paying for the removal and replacement. but, this is not an totally unusual thing. i have had a couple people tell me that their private insurance companies agreed to pay for replacement of their mercury fillings. it does happen. they did not have to involve a doctor, either. when you pay for years into an insurance, it can make a difference on their decisions sometimes. that is what one woman told me, that they complained and the company said they would do it. i don't know if they had a deductable or not.


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