Your assumption about why I am against DMPS is not correct. DMPS was designed for the military. it is sold to dentists and doctors for cheap and they take advantage of their ignorance. if you bother to read my site about it, you will see that it is an inaccurate test for mercury poisoning anyway, and it puts too much mercury onto the kidneys. it has ended some people up on dialysis and killed others. that is according to Hal Huggins and other experts. There is no reason to use it for people with amalgam filling poisoning. It can make you very ill and it doesn't matter what vitamins your dr. gives you.
DMPS and DMSA are called provocation challenge tests. They test, as well as, chelate mercury; But, they are "dangerous", according to Dr. Hal Huggins and Dr. Thomas Levy. Originally used for military personnel who had high amounts of heavy metal exposure, they were designed to get the metals out quick. However, it puts toxic loads of metals on the kidneys. Dr. Hal Huggins told me that he has "seen too many horror stories with DMPS". Even the new lower doses of DMSA being promoted now days can be toxic.
Dr. Thomas Levy is a cardiologist who co-authored Uninformed Consent with Hal Huggins. In the book, Drs. Levy and Huggins discourage the use of [these] synthetic chelators in general, and DMPS in particular. At page 252 they state:
"Heavy metal chelators almost always overaccelerate the detoxification of the post-TDR (total dental revision) patient. DMSA, DMPS, and EDTA can all do this. DMPS is consistently the greatest offender here. Immune declines and clinical illness can result for weeks and sometimes even months after only one injection of DMPS".
Dr. Levy...[says], "DMPS is an unqualified sledge hammer to the immune system." He referred to the administration of DMPS as an "assault". Dr. Levy believes that synthetic chelators should just plain be avoided most of the time. Most patients simply don't need them.
*In recent years, DMSA has become available in much lower doses, and Hal Huggins DDS, MS and Thomas Levy MD, JD now approve of the use of DMSA capsules. Here is what Dr. Levy has to say, "In a nutshell, DMSA is fine if you take enough vitamin C and other antioxidant supplementation so that you are completely free from any negative symptomalogy from the ensuing release of toxins. A particularly good form of vitamin C for this purpose is lipsomal encapsulated vitamin C ("
In [the Author's] opinion, DMPS is obsolete no longer has a place in medicine. [He has] communicated with many patients who received DMPS elsewhere and were made quite sick by it...
yes, it is possible to make a claim against your insurance company for not removing your fillings because you are ill from them. my doctor back in oregon testified against the insurance company and they won. myself, i was too ill to do that and needed immediate removal, plus, at that time, i only had state aid and battling them would have been like fighting city hall and probably taken many years. you will need certain tests to prove your case, like the fractionated porphyrin urine and/or fecal for mercury (get one for nickel if you also have nickel in your mouth). you could also get a melisa test. if you need more info because you want to proceed with a claim against your insurance compnay, i can give you more info.