Does it work ?
yes it does work
end of message
now go back to sleep
Life Force Energy Interview Tony and Sean - Out of the bag - Irish radio from on Vimeo.
fake out from on Vimeo.
The Sky Stealers from on Vimeo.
Amergin from on Vimeo.
Plasterite English Version from on Vimeo.
For the time being my last post
just to shake you up a bit
so you stop chasing your own tail ;)
I am just an individual
I dont go along with agendas
I just wont go along with agendas
any agenda
take care and maybe make good use of it
it is for free, no it is not a "hoax"
it s just energy
it works, at least give it a try
before you rule it out by lack of knowledge
all I see here is the usual mumbo jumbo
doing the " allowed bark" at the system
still we are in this for a decade maybe keep that in mind
we are being sprayed from the skies for ten years
would it not be time to grow up
to be a bit mature about it and work on solutions
but all I see is the usual hoopla
chemtrails here and there jadija...
not contributing !
Grow up and do something about it
it all comes down to fearmongering and feeling useless, helpless
please grow out of that mindset
leave the chessboard
dont play their game
thank you for listening
and no I dont need fans or money
love you too
now go back to bed...
I would from on Vimeo.
How I answer the negative arguments of chemtrails deniers:
(NaturalNews) Whenever most people hear the terms "chemtrails" and "weather modification" they tend to roll their eyes and classify the person talking about those subjects as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut. Fewer people recognize the term "geo-engineering," but all three of these refer to the same thing: cloud-seeding to create weather patterns in order to effect a certain climate outcome for a region. "We've been led astray by the military and industrial complex, and they're responsible" for the creation and deployment of chemtrails that serve as the underpinning of a "weather modification program," said Allan Buckmann, former military meteorologist and fish and game biologist. He called them "dark operations," which is why there is little serious media coverage of such programs. Buckmann added that today we can see clouds in the sky that have never been seen before. Sure Spud. I'm on the fence with this one too. It's hard to find time to research everything I'd like to. I'd sure appreciate hearing whatever you discover. I'm tired of jumping on all the conspiracy bandwagons. I need more evidence too. As many of the commenters stated beneath the photos at that link, the photos did nothing to explain away chemtrails, which are pretty much indisputable when you consider that the government has admitted them, they have been widely reported and the material they have spewed out has been collected and tested. Contrails dissipate and only rarely spread out and linger (and when they do, they do not linger long and create a very thin hazy layer). Contrails are not sprayed in inexplicable X-patterns and grids. Chemtrails spread into thick layers and can linger for hours. Chemtrails frequently are sprayed in grid patterns that cover wide patches of the sky. I agree that too many people are prone to jump into just about any conspiracy theory. Sadly, I think a much greater number of people have been misled into believing that simply calling something a conspiracy is sufficient to disprove it. The fact is, our country, as did virtually every country and form of government and most of history itself, are all the result of conspiracies. The thing is we don't want to believe that our government lies to us and thus has been the case for a very long time. All the government has to do and all that those who really control our government and our world have to do is to deny something, or better still, to redicule it and you can count on most of the population to go right back to watching their reality shows and the filtered news and believing that all is right in the world. As a result, the majority of our own country still believes that there really was a swine flu pandemic and that vaccinations containing mercury, aluminum, MSG, aspartame and various mutagens and poisons are perfectly safe. For that matter, most people still believe that the two party smoke and mirrors political system we have is real. Years ago people would have called anyone who dared suggest that we had false-flag wars or experimented on our own citizens with nuclear radiation and dangerous drugs "whackos" and tinfoil hat wearers. Many people today think that the idea of a medical conspiracy is "whacko" and a surprising number of people still believe that those who tell them that the Federal Reserve Bank is not a government entity, but rather is owned by a cartel of international bankers, are "whacko". But the truth is that such things are indesputable facts. From the July 2006 Idaho Observer: In May of 2005 a family in Iowa contacted the office of Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) to report the constant criss-crossing of "chemtrails" in the sky above their neighborhood. They received back from the senator's office a General Accounting Office (GAO) report on "military chaff" and the material safety data sheet for aluminum-coated fiberglass fibers being spread_seven days a week for several hours each day_in the skies above their home. The chaff is spread by pilots learning how to mask planes or send false radar images. It was reported that the military also has lead-based chaff, but that it is not being used at this time. Chaff was used by the military in Europe in WWII and, according to the GAO, had been used in training here at home since the 50s. Once chaff reaches the ground, it breaks down into particles small enough to inhale. Though military spokespeople insist that chaff is not harmful, the GAO report concluded that health effects are unknown and more studies are needed. Regardless, some members of the family were very sick. On May 23, 2005 after a hard rain the day before, they a noticed glittering substance and a pinkish-colored powder substance on the roof of their house. They then noticed the glittering substance on many surfaces, even the dashboard of the family car. Both substances were collected and sent to a lab for analysis. Among the substances found to be in the samples were several that should simply not be there: 6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride 26 heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead,mercury, silver, uranium and zinc 4 molds and fung 7 viruses 2 cancers 2 vaccines 2 sedatives If you want to see what a "chemtrail" insider revealed, see: and you might also want to take a look at: Dr. Ian Revson's articles: Its been my experience, that in the last 10 years, the exact opposite of this, is what I'm observing. People are more likely to believe an unproven Conspiracy theory, with little or no evidence, than a scientific theory with much supporting evidence. What you find in people such as the CureZone audience, especially in the debate forums, and what I have found out in amongst the great unwash are worlds apart. People here tend to be much more skeptical, due no doubt to the medical conspiracy and propaganda they have witnessed which tells us that unnatural drugs are superior to nature itself, and the so-called science which has warned us of the dangers of vitamins, minerals and supplements while telling us of the safety and effectiveness of drugs such as Vioxx, Avandia, Fosamax, Paxil, et al. All I can tell you is that what I find here at CureZone and on similar forums is vastly different than what I find among family members and neighbors. In regards to chemtrails, I recieved a pm and he sent me this one and it is really incrediable to view . Add This Forum To Your Favorites! Challenge the message and not the messenger! Forum Stats: CureZone Newsletter is distributed in partnership with Copyright 1999 - 2025
"I can understand how when you reach a certain level of awareness through your own work, affirmations and experience you have the ability and the courage to get off the hampster wheel of conditioning and limitation. It's like you realize that you, and the world we are trying to save don't have time for people who are still on that wheel. People can only wake themselves up out of a genuine desire to do so."
You see its correct that theres little time for people to WAKE the hell up. We don't have time for Pyjama Matrix talk and actions. I don't have time to mess around and make people like me etc. You either get your asses off the ground and research fast or simply die its that simple. We are now in the New World Order like never before and time is running out. Still want to believe the de-bunkers there is no New World Order like 10-20 years ago, with no micro chips, land takeovers or Patriot Acts? Well its in your face now guys so its all up to you. I will no longer reply to this thread.
Fighting the Medical Mafia Matrix & the aids SCAM
¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸, 2TUFF ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤
Research the following excellent sources
Jon Rappoport, Harvey Bialy, Christine Maggiore
Dr Kary Mullis, Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger
Dr Peter Duesberg, Dr Robert Root-Bernstein
Dr Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Dr Valendar Turner
Dr Gordon Stewart, Dr Alfred Hässig, Dr Charles Thomas Jr
Dr Richard Strohman, Dr David Rasnick, Dr Charles Geshekter
Dr Etienne de Harven, Dr Joseph Sonnabend, Dr Casper Schmidt
Dr Heinrich Kremer, Dr Stefan Lanka ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©
To the Pyjamaeople I may come off as a know-it-all or a weirdo but this is because pyjama people simply don't take time out to study anything in depth let alone a whole complex covering many topics. To Pyjama people they see a person with a complex knowledge as a threat because how can that person be one of them when they lack his knowledge. They must be plant in order to know so much but at worse a weirdo. Anyone who doesn't toe the Matrix lie is looked upon as a weirdo but the insane people are the matrix pyjama drones, its that simple. I can accept in my mind governments and people wanting to exterminate me. Pyjama people want to be tucked up nicely in bed and never think of them things for fear of going crazy and being frightened. This is what the establishment has done it has taken our empowerment away and when that happens fear enters. If you can within reason control your own destiny then you shall fear little. Whilst others fear big bad Cancer and more stupidly fake diseases like HIV I laugh at them and don't worry in the slightest. Fear = Manipulation!
I myself am proud in the knowledge that I have healed many people both on the internet and in my neighbourhood along with some family members. The question is what have you done for anyone and on what scale? I got off my ass and investigated deeply sometimes for 12 hours a day, generally 8 and still do, all the information I talk about. My information is documented and anyone who is free from their bed clothes and the matrix with an open mind will soon find the knowledge. When pyjama people come along and talk dribble through denial and fear when they do absolutely little for themselves them this is pathetic. When I learnt about Chemtrails I did not have all the denial, I checked out the skies and researched hard.
Theres a good little paragraph from an article by Jeffe to Don which I think is good for this pathetic thread:-
"I can understand how when you reach a certain level of awareness through your own work, affirmations and experience you have the ability and the courage to get off the hampster wheel of conditioning and limitation. It's like you realize that you, and the world we are trying to save don't have time for people who are still on that wheel. People can only wake themselves up out of a genuine desire to do so."
You see its correct that theres little time for people to WAKE the hell up. We don't have time for Pyjama Matrix talk and actions. I don't have time to mess around and make people like me etc. You either get your asses off the ground and research fast or simply die its that simple. We are now in the New World Order like never before and time is running out. Still want to believe the de-bunkers there is no New World Order like 10-20 years ago, with no micro chips or land takeovers? Well its in your face now guys so its all up to you. I will no longer reply to this thread.
Fighting the Medical Mafia Matrix & the aids SCAM
¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸, 2TUFF ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤
Research the following excellent sources
Jon Rappoport, Harvey Bialy, Christine Maggiore
Dr Kary Mullis, Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger
Dr Peter Duesberg, Dr Robert Root-Bernstein
Dr Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Dr Valendar Turner
Dr Gordon Stewart, Dr Alfred Hässig, Dr Charles Thomas Jr
Dr Richard Strohman, Dr David Rasnick, Dr Charles Geshekter
Dr Etienne de Harven, Dr Joseph Sonnabend, Dr Casper Schmidt
Dr Heinrich Kremer, Dr Stefan Lanka
19 y
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Weirdos enjoy!
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8 y
Chemical snow?
7 y
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Chemical snow?
I read this in an e-group I'm in. Anyone know what is causing this?
"I'm in Oregon and I'm reading Facebook posts from friends of mine who are shoveling snow right now in Washington and Oregon, and the snow is causing chemical burns on themselves and their kids and they're wondering what in the world *this* is. It smells like plastic, not like snow. So they do a few tests on the "snow" like letting it melt in the sink and it takes hours for it to melt and smells like plastic...they try burning it, and it burns and leaves a black residue...they put some "snow" in a saucepan and heat it up and it looks and smells bizarre, and so forth.
Another Oregon Facebook friend posted this today:
Here is a sample of our December 16 rainwater that Patrick Roddie had analyzed by McCampbell Analytical:[link removed] Rain collected December 4th, 2016 contained 340μg/L of aluminum (reporting limit 50μg/L), 11μg/L of barium (reporting limit 5μg/L), 270μg/L of iron (reporting limit 20μg/L) and 21μg/L of titanium, 41 times its reporting limit of 0.5μg/L. These are the metals proposed to be sprayed on us by geoengineer, David Keith.
I'm wondering if this is why now that I live in Oregon, moved here in 2014 from where I lived in Nebraska for ten years, I'm developing all sorts of weird pains: muscle and joint pain (which greatly dissipated when I quit eating all grains in May, but hasn't completely disappeared), " Rheumatoid Arthritis " type body pains, something like a "rotator cuff" shoulder pain that just showed up for absolutely no reason, for example. Not only that, there's a good bit of emotional stuff (kind of like depression, boredom, don't care attitude) that goes along with this."
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The Solar Eclipse that just happened August 21 didn’t seem very ’standard’ if you will (it seemed to be ’structured’ and deliberate).
This week was very active for solar FLARES, but also it has ....
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Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenrod
This week was very active for solar FLARES, but also it has been claimed that hurricane Harvey is from Russia's weather weapon.
Harvey Russia’s weather weapon???...
Solar shakedown…
It seems that all governments are afraid of conventional warfare because it is now NUCLEAR and the start of WW3.
Chemtrail snow does not melt... why doesn't the US government use weather modification weapons against North Korea?
Possibly because North Korea has some kind of cyber DOOMSDAY weapon that will destroy us after they're gone.
No nation wants to be blamed for causing WW3, but the anonymous terrorist attack of a weather weapon would seem ideal EXCEPT FOR retaliation by computer.
8 y
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Experts come forward to answer questions about the dark reality of chemtrails
As noted earlier in a report by Natural News, the concept isn't new. In fact, it can be traced at least to a 1996 Air Force research paper, which identified "weather" as a potential "force multiplier" – that is, weather can be used as a means of enhancing U.S. military forces during a conflict.
In more recent times, actual companies have sprung up that offer weather modification services in response to the need of governments to manage water resources and monitor "environmental quality." Cloud-seeding – a scientific technique designed to "enhance a cloud's ability to produce moisture" – is one of these services.
So, clearly there isn't any wild conspiracy here. In fact, as reported by Secrets of the Fed, pilots, scientists and doctors in this video reveal the truth about chemtrails – what they are, why they are being deployed, and what they mean to the overall health of the human race and the planet. One of the people providing testimony at a forum on the subject called them a "threat" to humanity.Rising levels of aluminum in soil, water
Mark McCandlish, a former defense industry technician, testified that what people are seeing in chemtrails that take several minutes to dissipate – unlike contrails which are frozen water crystals from jet engine exhaust that dissolve quickly – is "aluminum floating in the air."
Others in the video echoed McCandlish's claims, adding that other substances like strontium, manganese, barium and other compounds are also in the chemtrails.
Francis Mangles, a U.S. Forest Service biologist, said that he has tested rain for aluminum content. Noting that rainwater should not contain any aluminum, he testified that water he analyzed in 2013 contained 13,100 micrograms per liter. "So 13,100 is pretty damned much, folks," Mangles said, adding that during the earlier 2000s, the amount was only "in the hundreds" per liter, then rose to about 1,000 in 2010.
Mangles said that snow he tested from "pristine Mt. Shasta," located in northern California, contained 61,000 mcg/ltr, or roughly four times the amount found in the soil there.
"Where in the hell is this stuff coming from if it's not coming from the soil?" he asked rhetorically.Number of neuro-degenerative cases 'have quadrupled'
Aluminum – the most widely-used metal on the planet – is toxic to humans and animals. It is especially destructive to the central nervous system, with studies indicating that the metal is instrumental in degenerative brain diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Symptoms include flatulence, headaches, dry mucous membranes, heartburn, a tendency to develop colds easily, burning pain in the head that is relieved by food, skin dryness and an aversion to meat.
"A brain autopsy study of elderly people found them to have average aluminum levels 20 times higher than middle-aged groups," says this article from Natural News Blogs.
During testimony, as shown in the above video, Dr. Hamid Rabiee, a neurologist with nearly two decades experience, said that in the past five years the number of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other patients with neuro-degenerative diseases he has seen has "almost quadrupled."
Learn more:
contrail science
14 y
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contrail science
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Thanks for posting this Gina, very interesting stuff, there goes my lunch hour, gonna be reading again :)
Thanks for posting this Gina, very interesting stuff, there goes my lunch hour, gonna be reading again :)
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Sure Spud. I’m on the fence with this one too. It’s hard to find time to research everything I’d like to. I’d sure appreciate hearing whatever you discover.
I’m tired of jumping on all th ....
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Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenrod
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yep Gina, I too, find I’m a little pressed for time, and wish I had more free time to look into these things more thoroughly.
I’m interested, also, in who exactly people think is behind this s ....
I'm interested, also, in who exactly people think is behind this spraying, and why people think the government or whoever they think is behind this spraying, is doing this.
I've only found fairly nebulous answers to this question, like population control, testing of chemicals, biological agents or warfare systems. None of these answers have any consistant evidence to support them.
But I will keep an open mind on this matter, until the evidence gives a clear indication one way or another.
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As many of the commenters stated beneath the photos at that link, the photos did nothing to explain away chemtrails, which are pretty much indisputable when you consider that the government has ad ....
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I’m not convinced on the theory of chemtrails, I think there needs to be much more examination of the evidence. I personally believe that people are all to quick to jump to a conspiracy conclusion ....
When I start seeing words like sheeple, government conspiracy, population control, secret government business, etc, I find this just as suspicious as the words used by government spin doctors to cover up what they are doing.
DQ, do you have a link to this government admission of chemtrail spraying, now that would be some good evidence, if its credible.
I agree that too many people are prone to jump into just about any conspiracy theory. Sadly, I think a much greater number of people have been misled into believing that simply calling somet ....
Chemtrails parasites have infected all of us (red-wine/peroxide test):
Chemtrails weather modification overview:
Chemtrails - How 'black' programs are created:
Chemtrails biologics disease (questions/answers) pt 1:
Silentsuperbug (microscopy pictures/video/reference/therapy): (the video are chilling!)
Clifford Carnicom's and Gwen Scott, N.D.'s Work
Morgellons: Pathogens and the General Population
The Wine-Peroxide Test:
Aerosol Crimes (Video Documentary):
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Thanks DQ, I have read most of the curezone posts on this subject, and will have a look at the other sites you have posted.
Its interesting that you say people will more likely believe what a ....
Its interesting that you say people will more likely believe what a government says, than believe in a government conspiracy. Its been my experience, that in the last 10 years, the exact opposite of this, is what I'm observing. People are more likely to believe an unproven Conspiracy theory, with little or no evidence, than a scientific theory with much supporting evidence, merely because of the fact that a scientist has proposed the theory. There are many youtube videos, and websites, that have very questionable credibility, but people will take what is spouted on a blog as being more credible than anything that comes from a traditional scientific source, or government source, without even doing their own research or investigation.
I see many people being called "sheeple" merely because they do not accept a Conspiracy theory as truth, or reserve opinion until there is evidence to back the theory.
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Original Hulda Clark
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Original Hulda Clark
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Its been my experience, that in the last 10 years, the exact opposite of this, is what I’m observing. People are more likely to believe an unproven Conspiracy theory, with little or no evidence, ....
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what more do you need then looking up in the sky??? If something is there that should not be there, and if they deny it’s existence, is that not enough?
what more do you need then looking up in the sky??? If something is there that should not be there, and if they deny it's existence, is that not enough?
14 y
14 y
14 y
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Harald Kautz-Vella: Chemtrails, Smart Dust, Morgellons
I believe that this will STOP chemtrails
10 y
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I believe that this will STOP chemtrails
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Total CIA propaganda BULLSHIT. There are nearly ZERO activist groups in existence that aren’t ran by the govt. Here’s a shining exception;
Total CIA propaganda BULLSHIT. There are nearly ZERO activist groups in existence that aren't ran by the govt. Here's a shining exception;
Chemtrails - the complete answer here
13 y
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Chemtrails - the complete answer here
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I just saw what appeared to be a thomas school bus leaving behind a chemtrail. Last week I witnessed a 1983 dodge truck leaving one as well.
I seemed to have developed a strange rash with mult ....
I seemed to have developed a strange rash with multiple puss podules after these incidents.
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In regards to chemtrails, I recieved a pm and he sent me this one and it is really incrediable to view .
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Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...
This is propaganda and controlled opposition by the jews. Chemtrails are part of the global satanic/jewish depopulation program. If CZ has any ”real users” (not kike CIA trolls and shills) they wi ....
The first person to resort to name calling and personal attacks automatically loses the debate!
Personal attack is often the best indication that the writer knows his logic is flawed and therefore tries to deflect attention by attacking the opponent, instead of attacking the arguments of the opponent.
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