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Throw away those DGLs tabs! Take clay, eat well/properly and heal!

EDIT NOTE: for those reading on the 3rd of Feb, before 3pm eastern time. Been doing slight edits - so you might want to go through again - my apologies :)

Let me tell you right off the bat. Using DGL will very likely slow down your healing process a lot, or kill it completely. You'll have much better results on Bentonite clay (it is alkaline, perfect/powerful for healing the gut/digesting tract and more and as soon as you heal you have to drop it for a while in order to boost HCL until you're back to normal as I'll explain - and that would happen in days, weeks depending on your intoxication levels). DGL is not good guys, it has Xylithol and Stevia which suppress appetite and kills your HCL production. They're an anti-acid posing as a health product just because they use plant derived ingredients. If you're using DGL at least, as soon as your h pylori or whatever tests come negative - get off it immediately!!! I will give you a full healing story in a very critical condition - not only I had to heal dyspepsia, ulcers, gerd - but I was in the shitty spot of getting out of a water fast. As a 5'10 male who was at 58kg and nose diving towards 51kg that wasn't fun but I learned a lot so let me share.

This is the basic full story so you understand where I come from:

I was coming out of this Water Fast and eventually I had to deal with chronic reflux, severe, for days couldn't recover, couldn't sleep more than 1h at some point - fire in the gut; then using Bentonite clay (at the 24h mark I was doing great, but I was fasting on clay too and I was primed and clean to heal from the water fast, in 48h! I was totally healed, sleeping like a baby) my symptoms went away 100% in a record time. My gut shedding mucus and all that, taking the crap out with enemas - all that in 48h! Does DGL do that? Clay won't work the same for everybody. If you need to detox, if you're not fasting with clay, if the clay has to detox other areas first than the issues in your gut it will be slower but we're talking weeks probably. A few days earlier in the exit I dealt with dyspepsia/ulcers and in 3-4 days cabbage juice worked wonders - not for gerd though, gerd needed clay 100%.

Fast forward, I take clay a few more days/weeks and I shed tons of mucus (after weeks of fasting my body recovers on the speed lane, and I have to detox again the havoc wrecked by the gerd) yet: alkaline juices now would keep me in a weird vicious circle - I can't advance eating, and the clay water upsets me. Drinking lemon/ginger water, or salt water gives ambiguous bad results. Sauerkraut brine diluted in water just the same (1:10 ratio) - and it's weird because these worked to save me in though spots in the previous fasts but I couldn't figure what I was doing wrong now.

With a mix of following my cravings and research, I start at some point to nibble on salt, REAL salt, black, moist, dark (Guerande or Maison Orphe raw stuff) - and that makes me feel good. So I realize: dilution is the issue. I take raw sauerkraut brine and dilute it 1:1 or 1:2 - works great! Then I remember that when I had a slow gut before I actually took shots of brine too, although back then I was ok enough to drink diluted 1:10 also. Now I had low HCL for real. Then I research and I find this article:

The Truth about Salt and Your Digestion:

I agree with everything that lady says there except the DGL part which I took from her. The rest - tried and tested!

And - I knew this video - I begin to get what she's saying better:

So I understood: I need REAL SALT (not processed crap, like the article says), fermented brines that are mid acid when diluted and above all I need my juicing and foods to be kept at a 3.5 - 4 ph more or less (apples, grapes, berries, pinapple, green olives etc). I noticed that the water has to be more sub-acidic to have a hydration source; for 500ml I dropped 8-10 drops of lemon juice and got a real spring water from ph 7.7 to 5.1 (with just 10 drops! there's barely any taste of lemon). So for someone on low HCL who has access to a natural spring water eat mid acidic vegan foods, drink plenty of water with a few drops of citrus in it (maybe 10 drops per 1L of water should be enough) and that should be enough to get you through! If the water is too alkaline just add incrementally a few more drops until you learn what you need. At first I would get my water at 3.5 ph (and even then the lemon taste is weak). Drinking a lot of 3.5 ph water kinda gets the mouth/gut raw after a couple of days and doesn't hydrate well - you need something more neutral in your system too - so for hydration find the balance where your water is the most neutral, potentially on the acidic side, where you can have 2-3 L daily, without your gut issues going haywire ;) ... as easy as that.

AND Like the article above and the youtube clip says - you cure HCL issues, you get "The #1 Cure for Sibo, IBS, Gerd and Candida overgrowth: you can't heal your gut without it!".

Just look at this list of food pH: . Virtually most vegan foods are acidic. There is no such thing as an "alkaline" diet. Veganism kicks ass health wise - plenty of docs prove it (Forks Over Knives, What The Health, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead); and virtually all vegan food that is processed little is acidic - in it's RAW state it is acidic 100%, I tested it with my pH meter. So, there can realistically - so any idiot would understand without confusing things with the natural chemistry of things - there can only be talk of a low toxicity, low PURINE, low excretion, easy on the body "toxins wise" diet full of life. The more raw you get, the cleaner you stay (like hermit). But alkaline??? - where did they come up with that word choice. When I saw that even green foods are mildly acidic in nature I couldn't believe what I was reading with my pH meter. And btw I have a pH meter that we use for measuring when preparing juices for brewing (apples, grapes u name it) and I did measure all my foods (including the honey to check if it's raw and unpasteurized! - ie acidic at around 4.7 - and that honey and the pollen granules that I have, oh man balm for the gut, balm!!! restoring digestion like strong fire!!!).

Speaking of Alkaline foods. I researched to see how they measure alkalinity. Basically it's about what the body has to excrete - this is info that gout people need badly. It's the PURINE content in foods, here's a table: (and another ). So, again, where did that word choice of alkalinity come from.

NOW! I understand that my green juices are not a strong choice and I begin juicing apples, pineapples and I feel great. In a matter of 12h I went from digesting 50ml juices to 150ml juices (from 25kcal to 75kcal) - digesting them in 60-90 min - that's a very fast progress for a day! And I was constantly hungry! Before, because of Low HCL, I started to have dizzy, double vision; it was going away: great! My body started to warm up, no more cold, tired sensations.

But I did a mistake I had lemon water and the first 3 glasses - I did good - I took just the inner juice and the 4th glass I juiced also the rind (which I didn't know was highly basic - for a healthy person that is good and healthy btw!!! eating lemons whole is good). SO I got a bit cold, sick, and fuzzy again not knowing what's up. I thought I needed some medicinal help so STUPID ME goes to the health store - and as per the author above with the salt article - I buy DGL!

I figured out eventually that the rind oils are alkaline but I kept popping DGLs in order to help heal my gut because - everybody said it's God's gift to the universe. Except this girl in a review mentioning Stevia something something.

For the past 3 days, I pop DGLs and my healing is going down. I don't get it - no appetite, no HCL, nothing, and my tongue is getting raw! My LIVER started to hurt! I thought I clogged my liver with toxins from the fast so I began prepping for an emergency Liver Flush with olive oil/lemon Moritz style. Then yesterday, in the afternoon I quit taking DGL and I begin to binge on apple juice, eating apples, and I buy these amazing green olives in weak salt brine with lemon from an Arab shop in Montreal (Sami Fruits for the locals). Not even 6h later, my digestion awakes; 7 h later I pop a DGL but spit it out - something feels wrong; 8h later I have an apple juice variety testing with my mom, checking out various apples what kind of juice they give, so a lot of tarty acid drink and I'm having green olives with GrannySmiths (weird tasty combo that works surprisingly well for the gut - making a spread out of that would be a blast) and my HCL juices are starting to erupt! I am ALIVE!

Of course the binge, wasn't healthy. I've been for weeks on low quantities of juice so I was fine. I just have to clean-up and juice a bit and I'm back in shape. But the foods were good on my body - my digestion works great!

So there you have it folks! From hell to heaven. I hope this helps you all who need to heal your gut.


EDIT NOTE: for those reading on the 3rd of Feb, before 3pm eastern time. Been doing slight edits - so you might want to go through again - my apologies :)
  • Cayenne Pepper for Nervous Ulcer : Mood Swings   r1deforever   7 y  636  C

    Cayenne Pepper for Nervous Ulcer : Mood Swings


    When I use Cayenne Pepper I find myself getting quite nervous / anxious.

    Which does not help my ulcers which where caused by nervous anxiety.

    It seems the Cayenne stimulates these moods, which is unfortunate. I am also taking a Nervine tonic, so if I also take Cayenne it is a bit like taking uppers and downers at the same time.

    Anyone with similar experience ?

    Perhaps Mastic Gum would be a better solution.
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    Why Activated Charcoal gave me stomach ache?   Norpriest   8 y  3,104  C

    Why Activated Charcoal gave me stomach ache?

    I've never seen anyone saying Activated Charcoal produces something bad before.

    Does it indicate that I have some pathogens or inflammation anywhere in the gut?

    Thank you!
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    PPI/Prevacid Question   Leahnc   9 y  2,522  C

    PPI/Prevacid Question

    Im literally pain free after a few doses of Prevacid 30mg?

    For a month Ive had pain under right breast/rib that goes into back between shoulder blades and just an overall fullness feeling in back and under rib. This whole time I was thinking gallbladder because symptoms were worse with meals. The pain wasnt awful, but I felt awful with muscle aches/soreness and more recently bloating and acid reflux. Had right sided sternum pain too which shouldve been a clue?

    I requested an upper abdominal ultrasound 2 & 1/2 wks ago which was on Dec 4th - it showed no gallstones, but did show mild fatty liver. I started eating healthier but the discomfort continued.

    Yesterday I requested a lab for H Pylori but do not have the results yet. In the meantime started Prevacid 30 mg with immediate relief from the pain/discomfort. At this point Im thinking I have gastritis or some type of ulcer and this is not gallbladder related? I hope this is the end of my search? Any suggestions
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    Just want to share positive experience...   RRR Success #141604   9 y  3,325  C

    Just want to share positive experience...

    I just want to mention my huge success with terrible gastritis and GERD. I used to have pains even from cold water, and regular pains after each meal. My digestion was very poor and I was having a severe GERD, which was making me hiccup and burp after meals, as well as making me feel real pain my throat and chest from the stomach acid.
    In less than 2 months I am 90% fixed (still can not tolerate nuts completely and need to take care of food combinations for GERD, but I am hundreds of times better up to the point I can live a normal life again). I used 2 things - D-Limonene (for the GERD), and Zinc-L-Carnosine.
    I think Zinc-L-Carnosine is a genius solution, because what it does is that it blocks the inflammation of the lining so it can repair, but in the same time blocks the urease, produced by H. Pylori, so it can not produce ammonia, and in this way it again returns the acid levels in the stomach back to high levels - this way, digestion is improved, as well as H. Pylori is suppressed, as it can not thrive in high acidity.
    Note: It is my strong belief that NONE of these 2 things will work while you are on antacids.
    Note!!! Raw cabbage juice is supposed to take care of both as well for lower price and faster period of time. I could not drink cabbage juice as I am mercury toxic, but if you can - give it a try. 1 liter per day of raw cabbage juice, drunk straight after juicing (seconds are vital).
    It contains a substance that kill H Pylori, Glutamine, which repairs the lining and helps with GERD, and also inhibits Urease (same effect as Zinc-L-Carnosine).
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    Cirrhosis & Liver Flush - want to do one, but shou...   conscious1   9 y  4,373  C

    Cirrhosis & Liver Flush - want to do one, but should I?

    I currently have 85% Cirrhosis of the liver, gallstones, ulcers & diverticulosis. I want to do a Liver Flush and also use a large amount of lecithin for hpomemade (Lipososmal Vitamin C) Are there any contraindications (sp?) for these? I have no energy and experience a a lot of pain and want to help myself the natural way. I have an appt with GI doc but DO NOT want to go back on DRUGS!!! ty
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    Needing a non-MD doctor who specializes or is exce...   #170492   9 y  4,454  C

    Needing a non-MD doctor who specializes or is exceptionally good with stomach / intestine / abdominal issues

    I am having some severe stomach or small / upper (likely duodenal) intestine issues. There may be an issue with my gallbladder in the mix as well.

    I have tried various solutions so far with no real success. Due to lack of health insurance, I would like to find a naturopath or other doctor that would work outside of the "system" so to speak.

    Can someone recommend a fantastic doctor (of any type, but preferably who will work with someone in my position) who is exceptionally talented at diagnostic work?
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    cows milk contains helicobacter pylori.   lifetechnology-com   9 y  3,870  C

    cows milk contains helicobacter pylori.

    i had intended to post a link but that link was blocked. google 'milk contains helicobacter' to find the study i wish to reference.

    for some time i have suspected that milk was the causative agent in helicobacter infection.

    the above referenced study proves it.

    helicobacter pylori is the organism that infects the stomach and causes stomach ulcers among other problems.

    milk also reduces the acidity in the stomach and thereby removes the protective capacity of the stomach. stomach acidity is not only for digestion of food but is designed to kill harmful organisms before they enter the lower gut.

    unwanted organisms in the lower gut can lead to things like irritable bowel syndrome, crohns disease.

    if you consume milk or dairy products, you would be better off switching to a non dairy substitute like coconut milk or almond milk. i am aware that soya milk can have phytoestrogenic (hormonal) effects so maybe not soya milk.

    if you are a long time consumer of dairy products, and most people are, and you wish to clear your digestive system of helicobacter pylori, the natural remedy mastic gum is very effective.

    i hope this message reaches those who need it most.
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    am i delusional or do i really have parasites?   commonknowledge   10 y  2,566  C

    am i delusional or do i really have parasites?

    I was at a new doctor today and the first area she attacked was mental illness. Doctors ALWAYS seem to result to you being mentally ill and prescribing your antidepressants while sending you a invoice to pay.

    Doctors have taken all my money and have not cleared me lol. they took it all...........

    i told her i have chronic fatigue and she says its depression. i go "no, its not Depression its my adrenals or my liver is sluggish".

    So now im doing another stool test for her tomorrow and eggs should show up because it was a new moon yesterday and i had crawling sensations alllllllll night. I do question myself(regards to parasites) sometimes but I think my condition is real because of all the gastrointestinal symptoms along with the worms i have removed from my body. "shrugs" i hope i can get somebody who knows what there talking about because this is getting old and life has come to a stand still.
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    Candida and ulcers   EverythingIsOK   13 y  7,915  C

    Candida and ulcers


    Dear friends,

    Here's something that many ulcer sufferers may find useful. This is the evidence that the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers (H. pylori) seems to act together with the Candida fungus. So if someone is trying to recover from ulcers, make sure you address the systemic Candida infection in your body as well. There are many ways to do that but, first of all, don't eat any sweets. Because eating Sugar is a sure way to open up your body to Candida.

    As the authors point out, a low curability of ulcers infected with Candida has already been known for a while, but now there's scientific proof.

    All the best,


    Longxue Jin, Masashi Yoshida, et al. Candida albicans Infection Delays Duodenal Ulcer Healing in Cysteamine-Induced Duodenal Ulcers in Rats

    Published in: Digestive Diseases and Sciences
    Volume 53, Number 11 (2008), 2878-2885,
    DOI: 10.1007/s10620-008-0385-9

    A low curability of ulcers infected with Candida has been reported in the literature. The aim of the study reported here was to investigate experimentally whether Candida infection affects the healing of ulcers. Candida albicans (the Candida group) or saline (the control group) was administered intragastrically into rats with a cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer. The duodenal lesions, vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were assessed. On Day 7 post-administration, 70.4% rats of the Candida group had a duodenal ulcer compared with 33.3% in the control group (P < 0.05). The duodenal ulcer in the Candida group was significantly larger and deeper than that in the control group. The number of VEGF-A- and PCNA-positive cells was smaller and the area of VEGF-A expression was lower in the Candida group. Using a rat model, we have demonstrated that Candida infection can delay the wound healing process of duodenal ulcers by means of a low expression of VEGF-A and PCNA.
  • Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream ... Image Embedded   RR Tony Isaacs   14 y  3,511  C

    Cloves & Wormwood
    Parasite Cleanse

    Cloves & Wormwood
    Parasite Cleanse

    Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs


    Heal and Soothe Stomach Ulcers without Mainstream Drugs

    by Tony Isaacs

    Stomach ulcers are small holes or sores in the gastrointestinal tract which affect millions of Americans every year.  The most common major symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts from half an hour up to three hours. Usually, the pain occurs in the upper abdomen, but may sometimes occur below the breastbone. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies which can heal and soothe stomach ulcers without the risk of mainstream drugs.

    Appetite and weight loss are also common symptoms of ulcers.  Other symptoms which may occur include recurrent vomiting, black stool, blood in the stool and anemia.  Often ulcer pain is misinterpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger.  A person with duodenal ulcers may experience weight gain due to eating more to ease discomfort.

    Also known as peptic ulcers, stomach ulcers are caused by the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by hydrochloric acid, an acid normally present in the digestive juices of the stomach. Infection from the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is thought to play an important role in causing both gastric and duodenal ulcers. H. pylori may be transmitted from one person to another through contaminated food and water.

    Chronic use of anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, is another major cause of ulcer.  Cigarette smoking is also an important cause of ulcer formation and can contribute to ulcer treatment failure.

    Following are some of the best natural remedies for healing and soothing stomach ulcers:

    * One of the very best home remedies for ulcers is eating raw cabbage. Juicing the raw cabbage will make it easier to take and mixing it with carrots in the juicer will make it better tasting. Drink half a cup before each meal and at bed time and make sure that it is fresh. Your ulcer may be gone in only a few weeks.

    * Eat at least three bananas a day. These fruits contain an antibacterial substance that inhibits the growth of ulcer-causing H. pylori. Studies show that animals fed bananas have a thicker stomach wall and greater mucus production in the stomach, which helps build a barrier between digestive acids and the lining of the stomach. Eating plantains is also helpful.

    * Cayenne pepper is wonderful for healing ulcers as well as dulling the pain.  It is a bit strong and may take some getting used to at the outset. Start with one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water twice a day and work up to a quarter-teaspoon. You can also take cayenne capsules that you can get at the health food store. Take three a day immediately after meals.

    * The bark of slippery elm soothes the mucous membranes that line the stomach and duodenum. It is often taken in powdered form. Some herbalists recommend taking a teaspoon of powdered slippery elm bark added to one cup of warm water three times a day.

    * Colloidal silver helps kill the H. pylori bacteria and helps heal injured stomach tissues.

    * Raw honey soothes and reduces inflammation of the lining of the stomach and is good for healing as well.

    * Garlic's antibacterial properties include fighting H. pylori. Take two small crushed cloves a day.

    * Plums and other red and purple colored foods such as berries inhibit the growth of H. pylori.

    * Coconut oil kills the bacteria that cause ulcers and gas, but it's mostly a long-term remedy.

    A few other good ulcer remedies are: raw goats' milk, barley water, aloe juice, propolis capsules, licorice root or marshmallow root.

    Sources included:

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    Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori B...   Hveragerthi   15 y  9,933  C

    Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori Bacteria Connection

    Solve the Puzzle of food allergies : The H Pylori Bacteria Connection

    (NaturalNews) Most doctors don't test for or treat the H pylori bacteria except in cases of unrelenting heartburn or in active ulcers and consider it an 'asymptomatic' pathogen that lives with most of us without hurting us. However, research shows that simply having the H pylori bacteria could be a risk factor in the development of the recent epidemic of both immediate and delayed reaction food allergies that so many people are reporting.

    The Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, most commonly known as H pylori, are ancient bacteria that have been infecting humans for as long as we have been on the earth. They are present in up to half of the world's population according to some studies, and have been found in nearly every bodily fluid and every organ in humans and even in some animals as well. They have become most famous in recent decades with the findings that most ulcers are caused by an H pylori infection. While the information about H pylori and ulcers earned the discoverers of this phenomenon the Nobel Prize in 2005 for their 1982 discovery, doctors pretty much ignore this bacteria UNLESS a person has active ulcers or has persistent unrelenting heartburn.

    But are doctors missing an important connection with the recent rise in food allergies ? The incidence of SEVERE food allergies has risen to epidemic proportions in recent decades, with even airplanes and elementary schools declaring themselves 'Peanut Free Zones' in order to help protect people with these serious allergies. Food allergies have become a serious PUBLIC health issue as well as a serious PERSONAL health issue for growing numbers of people.

    These obvious food allergies get a lot of attention because of their severity, but less obvious 'delayed sensitivity reactions' are a serious problem for the hundreds of thousands who become exhausted, get joint pains, have 'brain fog' and have other debilitating symptoms after a meal that contains an offending food. Interestingly, research is showing that these two seemingly unrelated phenomena of H pylori and food allergies are actually connected in a cause and effect fashion. Doctors only consider H pylori to be 'symptomatic' when the infected person has heartburn, ulcers or persistent stomach pains. But whether H pylori causes these problems or not, it is an INFECTION, and infections always without exception cause an immune reaction and inflammation. Inflammation in the stomach causes the stomach cells, which are usually as tightly fitted as puzzle pieces, to become damaged and pulled apart leaving gaps and spaces in between. While some tolerate this inflammation well and have no symptoms, people with food allergies and H pylori infection may have food particles actually 'leaking' between the stomach cells into the bloodstream- causing an immune system reaction to these food particles.

    "...this increased permeability to antigens could be responsible
    for an allergic sensitization to bystander food antigens occurring
    in some patients who test positive for H. pylori."

    ' food allergy and Helicobacter Pylori'

    Unfortunately, these H pylori carriers often don't have the 'classic' symptoms of heartburn or stomach pains that doctors are taught to recognize as H pylori infection. And even when they do they are often simply given an 'acid blocker' to relieve their heartburn, leaving the H pylori infection to continue causing inflammatory damage that could lead to ulcers and even stomach cancer down the road. In addition, many doctors don't recognize delayed food allergies in their patients either, and they certainly don't recognize that H pylori infection could be the culprit in these food allergies. Sadly, this leaves many to suffer with vague debilitating symptoms of chronic illness, sometimes for decades, that are really just the inflammatory and immune response set off by H pylori along with the debilitating effects of unrecognized food allergies.

    For those who suspect that their symptoms may be due to H pylori, both blood testing and stool testing are accurate and inexpensive ways to be tested for this common bacterium. In addition to standard medical treatments of Antibiotics for 'eradication' of this infection, there are also effective natural remedies that can control and even eliminate this bacteria altogether, thus eliminating the underlying CAUSE of the food allergies, inflammation and immune reaction that can masquerade as so many other chronic health problems.



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