I was at a new doctor today and the first area she attacked was mental illness. Doctors ALWAYS seem to result to you being mentally ill and prescribing your antidepressants while sending you a invoice to pay.
Doctors have taken all my money and have not cleared me lol. they took it all...........
i told her i have chronic fatigue and she says its depression. i go "no, its not Depression its my adrenals or my liver is sluggish".
So now im doing another stool test for her tomorrow and eggs should show up because it was a new moon yesterday and i had crawling sensations alllllllll night. I do question myself(regards to parasites) sometimes but I think my condition is real because of all the gastrointestinal symptoms along with the worms i have removed from my body. "shrugs" i hope i can get somebody who knows what there talking about because this is getting old and life has come to a stand still.