I came across this therapy, called Inclined Bed therapy.
This looks like opposite of Inversion therapy.
All the time we are standing or sitting, our heart has to work hard to pump blood to upper part of the body, and heart gets tired. When we lie down, our heart gets rest, as entire body is at same level. When we invert, it becomes even much easier for the heart, and blood gushes to face, brain, scalp etc.
But with inclined Bed therapy, even while lying down, heart will be working hard.....Why would anyone want to do that???
More information about Inclined Bed Therapy: https://inclinedbedtherapy.com
Video interview on Rackonteurs news: https://youtu.be/Zs-XCzCN1wQ
Fascinating Inclined Bed Therapy Interview Andrew K Fletcher Andy Young Peoples Internet Radio IBT https://youtu.be/kldTMZ4UyFI
Science of Healing Sleep, Andrew K Fletcher Inclined Bed Therapy Clive De Carle (2 hours) https://youtu.be/86ysFt9DCQQ
Phenomenal Health Benefits Of Inclined Bed Therapy One Radio Network Interviewing Andrew K Fletcher https://youtu.be/x68PLE8MXJE
Phenominal Health Benefits of Inclined Bed Therapy Follow-Up One Radio Network Interview. https://youtu.be/Z9zWUZB7hAQ
Inclined Bed Therapy Sandra Shares her IBT Healing from Pain, Injury, swelling, arthritis. https://youtu.be/B45HSUS2-s0
Water Flowing Up 24 meters Not Magic, Just Science! Gravity of Life (Part3) https://youtu.be/sz9eddGw8vg
Inclined Bed Therapy Spinal cord injury. Carlton TV News https://youtu.be/u3D7tBQfCxQ
Old thread but IBT has been gaining popularity from Andrew K Fletcher.
It sounds like they each can address different issues (muscular-skeletal, circulatory) but inversion seems to have way more history. It does seem inclined IBT helped with my varicose veins.
I think I am more enthusistic abt inversions than anyone here in CZ. Unfortunately, I do not own any inversion equipment. I have learnt to invert from my ottoman+sofa cushions. But that helps me only invert my upper body. My legs are horizontal, to support my body.
I can do headstands, w/o putting pressure on my neck, but cant hold it for too long.
-IT ( Inv table) suspends the body by ankles. Hence lot of pressure on the ankles and perhaps knees.
-IS (Inv Swing) puts the weight of the body on pelvis, which I guess would be better.
Plus IS can allow us to achive a lot of YOGA poses. Being an active Yoga doer, I am thinking of investing in one of these. Plus its so portable and I can carry it on trips, vacations etc.
Couldn't find any review of Inversion Swing on CZ though.
If Rosie O Donnel can use a swing, I am assuming its not that hard. Considering she is over-weight. :) She cliams she has successfully used it for treating her depression. She hangs upside down using the swing for like 30 mins a day. She swears by it, that it has cured her depression.
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17541917/wid/7279844/
Thats interesting to know that inversion can help with C1 subluxation. Ppl who have high BP have their C1 subluxated. And no amount of drugs, supplements, herbs can fix the problem unless the C1 moves back into its place.
very intersting. hmmm
How often and how many times in a day do you use your table.?
What are your ailments which you are trying to correct.
We have to lay off the notion the inversion is only for back problems. Actually, a lot of good health just comes miraculously, when the spine is strightened. I am seeing good results from chiropractic. But I want stories from ppl who own the table and use it regularly to see what benefits they are getting.
I can't imagine what would cause that. I've never heard anyone have that kind of reaction. Sorry I can't help you.
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