I've read an article which says there is recent medical evidence for papaya combatting cancer - is there any truth in this?
Papaya is loaded with cancer fighting caretenoids and anti-oxidants (such as beta caratene and lycopene), so it stands to reason that it could be beneficial in preventing and possibly fighting cancer (though I have seen nothing to indicate that it should be considered as anything close to a single item solution).
There has indeed been some recent medical indications of papaya's effects against cancer:
And previously it was reported to have effects against breast cancer:
Just becauise mainstream medicine has no answer does not mean that there may not be an answer in nature. Although there are no guarantees, six months to live is often actually plenty of time to turn the tide and beat the cancer IF a person chooses the right anti-cancer protocol and follows it persistently and consistently. You may wish to take a look at the suggested protocol I developed and refined over the past two decades. It has been very successful and is one of the top rated protocols by Cancer Tutor:
A Comprehensive and Highly Effective Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol
Also, here is an article from our website regarding addressing ascites.
I hope this helps!
I was just diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer a couple weeks ago.
I want to not do doctor's treatments except perhaps lumpectomy and am going to gamble my life on alternative health.
I bought and had two essiac tea formulas one with 4 herbs and one with 8 herbs but found out one must use the sheep sorrel roots and not just the above ground parts like leaves,.
I am on a low poverty income trying to save my life and cannot afford to throw those essiac formulas I already purchased before I knew about the roots out and am trying to find a source for the sheep sorrel roots only (not the whole formula) so I can add it to what I have
I searched for hours and can;t seem to find any. I saw one that was just an ounce or two last week but forgot to bookmark it and now cannot find it.
any help finding where to buy the sheep sorrel roots (preferably organic or wildcrafted if possible would be greatly appreciated.
sorry I just saw this post.
aw how sweet of you. I may be too far away or not sure what customs allows sent.
I am in Columbus, Ohio
I will send my email address to you via a personal message just check your inbox
Some nice guy form Australasia is the reason I posted my long kidney thread on curezone and got back on here.
He tried to get some herbs for his dad..maybe he would know about custom rules for sending plants or maybe tincture.
Thank you do much for this info..check your inbox
Yep, confirmed. She covers pets on pp199-203 (Ibid.), and she cites an audio case history here:
In your position, I would consider this first before going down any other routes. It seems to tick all the boxes, and if you try it, please let us know the result.
I can't speak for the zapper, as my knowledge is only superficial. I know there are a lot of ineffective copycat machines out there that purport to replicate the Rife frequencies, so extreme care is needed in this area of anti-cancer protocols. Hopefully, a forum expert will come on board to advise you. Otherwise, may I suggest you join this forum, and put your question to the experts:
You may even find your questions have already been answered via a search of the forum archives.
How long to heal? Again, I'm not a vet or hepatic consultant, but users of Protocel typically report noticeable healing within a matter of weeks to a few months, and pain reduction within days. It is also important to continue the treatment long after the absence of visible signs of the tumor, to ensure every last cancerous cell has been lysed. I believe at least a year is recommended. As a ball-park guesstimate, I would have thought that full hepatic function could be restored within about 6 months or so.
As for what you're currently doing, there's a lot to be said for the scattergun approach. But be warned, Protocel works in a very specific way that is not compatible with some other protocols. Pierce covers these in chapt. 12, and you need to take special care that you're not giving Rover anything that might reduce its efficacy.
Actually no, not necessarily faster. In fact, it is arguably slower than most other protocols, but there is a very good reason for this. There's no point destroying the cancer faster than the body can get rid of it, otherwise you risk overloading the body's natural waste processing & elimination systems. The amount of oxidative stress resulting from this overload can create its own problems, and this should be avoided when one is already ill and vulnerable.
I'm pretty sure you're safe continuing with the Yunnan Baiyao - it isn't listed in the Avoid tables on p176, though Rife treatments are listed, so you'll have to stop zapping during Protocel treatment, I'm not aware of any adverse effects of Protocel on internal bleeding, but really, if you have any doubts or questions such as these, the best ppl to ask are the vendors themselves:
or (perhaps better still) the Protocel Support Forum:
As for how it works vis-à-vis the rest, Pierce gives an excellent description (pp123-128), & since I believe you now have her book, if you don't mind, I'd rather not duplicate work she has already done. If after reading her explanation you still have questions, then by all means get back to me, or again contact the support forum. They will have direct experience of its use that I can't match. My knowledge of this protocol is based purely on its reputed and reported efficacy.
Hope that helps, and of course you're very welcome.
Thanks for a very interesting point vairagi. However, you are mistaken on two counts.
Firstly, Pierce is not an MD. Her master’s degree is in clinical psychology, and she's a counselor by profession.
Secondly, and much more importantly, she does not discourage or reject the use of the protocols listed above. Not by any stretch. Indeed, most of them feature in other alternative protocols advocated in her excellent book, which should be required reading for every Curezone member, including my antagonist #461.
The point here, which I believe arises from your lack of understanding how Protocel works, is that the above-mentioned are specifically cited coz they are Protocel antagonists, ie they interfere with the cells' capacitance. They do this by causing a small increase in capacitance, which is fine in other protocols.
Protocel, on the other hand, works by precipitating a fractional decrease in cell capacitance, or voltage if you prefer. The small reduction is perfectly harmless to healthy cells, but lethal to anaerobic cancerous cells, which already subsist on a metabolic cliff edge, so to speak. Protocel 'pushes' them over that edge, resulting in apoptosis (self-destruction), while leaving healthy cells intact.
So you see, while your concerns over the above recommendations are perfectly understandable, they are in fact groundless. Pierce would say that the OP's anti-cancer protocols for 'Rover' are perfectly fine, but those mentioned above must be stopped if the OP wants to use Protocel. So it's not a question of never, but either/or. By all means continue with the above if you wish, but stay clear of Protocel if you do.
Well I have only been using essiac tea for a week now. But I am so pleased with the TURBO charge as compared to anything I have done over the years.. You know you try this and that - get better get worse... Well I have slowly improved my health over the years but had stopped improving some what where I would fluctuate up and down depending on strict diet or lack there of...
OH problem - self diagnosed liver cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome - tested positive for gluten food allergy - have had digestive trouble from my teen years... Likely due to the gluten problem...
I read recently that fungus - candida - is linked to cancers... I suspect that I had candida and my system just ran down so much that my liver gave out... Well I was on some what of the Gerson plan for over 5+ years now - some what means my diet never matched what the Gerson plan requires but the coffee enemas I believe saved my life... but I never returned to 100%... I would say 60-65% operational level to what I was at 30 years old (about 20 years ago)
This essiac - I can tell the difference from the 1st 1/4 cup I drank - I felt a mind energy lift like I had drank a little coffee but no buss like coffee.. Well Friday I could not believe the sustained energy level I had. I washed 3 cars - cut the grass - adjusted the satellite dish trimmed 2 trees and was sweaty and stinky but not worn out.... That is just amazing for me! Also my shoulder which dislocated by itself - well just the snap of using the fly swatter... this was about 6 months ago - It has slowly been healing but there is pain, popping, grinding and reduced range of motion as I try to use it... By the way; I read that cancer will send out enzymes which destroys the connective tissue etc... So I figured this was why but had no clue - I was taking H2O2 and MMS at the same time when it occurred - That may have eaten the tissue as well... Yes I play mad doctor on myself...
ALSO Friday night we went out and I thought lets test this stuff - I took my shot of essic and then went to eat a burger fries and a chocolate shake. That should have gave me indigestion as well as mucho fatigue especially after all that work - I did take a 1/2 hour soak first with Epson salts baking soda and H2O2 before we went to dinner - Well all I got was a little bloating feeling from the shake... Simply amazing!
Anyway my shoulder feels better in just one week on the ecciac as well, I don't like to say tea cus the place said don't drain it - drink the full mixture so just shake it up and drink the semi thick stuff.
So lets give it 6 months and see where I am at. But so far I have to say WOW! Just what I needed... I am very hopefull for 110% recovery :)
This blend is certified correct by a letter from Dr Charles A Bruch, MD
1. Prevents the buildup of excess fatty deposits in artery walls, heart, kidney and liver.
2. Regulates cholesterol levels by transforming sugar and fat into energy.
3. Destroys parasites in the digestive system and throughout the body.
4. Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning--this has important implications for detoxification of the body.
5. Strengthens and improves the functioning of muscles, organs and tissues.
6. Makes bones, joints, ligaments, lungs, and membranes strong and flexible, and therefore less vulnerable to stress or stress injuries.
7. Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system.
8. Essiac tea promotes the absorption of fluids in the tissues.
9. Removes toxic accumulations in the fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals.
10. Neutralizes acids, absorbs toxins in the bowel, and eliminates both.
11. Clears the respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling mucus.
12. Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fattytoxins into water-soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys.
13. Essiac tea assists the liver to produce lecithin, which forms part of the myelinsheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers.
14. Reduces heavy metal deposits in tissues (especiallythose surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness.
15. Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin.
16. Purifies the blood.
17. Increases red cell production, and keeps them from rupturing.
18. Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygenlevel in the tissue cells.
19. Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated: in this way, cells are nourished with nutrients and are also cleansed.
20. Essiac tea converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. Regulates the amount of oxalic acid deliveredto the kidneys, thus reducing the risk of stone formation in the gallbladder, kidneys, or urinary tract.
21. Protects against toxins entering the brain.
22. Protects the body against radiation and X-rays.
23. Relieves pain.
24. Speeds up wound healing by regenerating the damaged area.
25. Increases the production of antibodies like lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which is the defender of our immune system.
26. Protects the cells against free radical damage.
27. Increases the appetite for healthful foods.
28. Decreases sugar cravings due to better blood sugar control.
29. Essiac tea increases energy along with an improved sense of well being.
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