I was just diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer a couple weeks ago.
I want to not do doctor's treatments except perhaps lumpectomy and am going to gamble my life on alternative health.
I bought and had two essiac tea formulas one with 4 herbs and one with 8 herbs but found out one must use the sheep sorrel roots and not just the above ground parts like leaves,.
I am on a low poverty income trying to save my life and cannot afford to throw those essiac formulas I already purchased before I knew about the roots out and am trying to find a source for the sheep sorrel roots only (not the whole formula) so I can add it to what I have
I searched for hours and can;t seem to find any. I saw one that was just an ounce or two last week but forgot to bookmark it and now cannot find it.
any help finding where to buy the sheep sorrel roots (preferably organic or wildcrafted if possible would be greatly appreciated.