Hi everyone, I've heard that Peak State Institute https://www.peakstates.com/covid19.html has had a stable and free neruoimmunological Covid 19 treatment over the past 5 months that clears it and also immunizes the person against it, but they are not releasing it yet I have no idea why, it's better than any vaccine!
Has anyone been treated at the institute?
If someone has, could they share here what you did in the session and put it here, or on concen.org (more visibility) please?
If no one has done this, do you have Covid? Does anyone you know have Covid?
If so you could sign up for treatment, record the treatment (without the therapist's knowledge), and post at least the audio somewhere like dropbox and the link to it here? It would be a great help we need this badly
Thank you!
Just found out Im HIV postive,
HIV+ really does not mean much of anything. HIV+ does not necessarily mean a person actually harbors the HIV virus. If you run a search on HIV on my forum:
you will find all sorts of information on the misconceptions of HIV and AIDS the public has been fed. Here is one of my posts on the false positives of HIV testing:
There is another one somewhere on my forum giving a list of some of the over 65 known causes for false positives on HIV tests.
wow, thats crazy, but I believe it, I read the article, I didnt think I should have it. A counsler came to my house and said the ran 2 test,
What they don't get is the fact that nonspecific antibodies can react to confirmation tests just as they do the original test. For example, if you had a recent flu vaccine studies have shown that flu vaccines raise counts of antibodies that cross react on HIV antibody tests for about a month. Since the intial and the "confirmation" tests are both tests for antibodies they will both detect the antibodies that share a similar structure to anti-HIV antibodies.
To make matters worse, the "confirmation test" was shown in studies to be less accurate than the initial test. Yes, it is a completely ridiculous to use a less accurate test to confirm what it considered a more accurate test. This is done for cost effectiveness. The initial test is cheaper to run than the confirmation test. Gee, that gives me an idea. An infomercial for HIV antibody tests: "But wait, order now and we'll throw in a second second inaccurate HIV test for free". "Just pay separate shipping and handling".
and now there going to do my cell count test.
That should be your CD4 count.
They may also order a "viral load", which is a complete joke.
I did break out in a rash on my arm and have had skin problems latly, but It was winter time when that started,
But I bet the goverment meds are poisen that they give us for money and population control, because all the do is kill you in the end.
If you read through my posts I have also written a number of times on how the drug AZT given to people testing HIV+ is a primary cause of AIDS.
The original poster mentioned colloidal silver. Would you please post your thoughts, as I think that colloidal is a harmful substance that is heavily promoted on Curezone.
I have never been that big of a fan of colloidal silver for several reasons. First it is way over hyped. Secondly, a lot of the products themselves are very questionable. I have seen products with protein stabilizers that would not be required if it were a true colloid and other products that only had ultra traces of silver in them but were still selling for around $40 a bottle. Then there was the one guy claiming that his silver particles were so small that they were half the size of a silver atom. Of course this is impossible. Here are a few posts I did in relationship to colloidal silver in the past:
I have used silver in the past, but that was externally and in combination with high voltage through a gas tube to regenerate the tissue after cutting the end of my thumb off in a table saw accident.
Would you also please give us your thoughts on MMS, which was also mentioned in this thread? I tried the MMS protocol and reacted with extreme vomiting, so again, I think it's harmful.
This is something I definitely would not touch. There are number of products similar to this on the market. Most of them basically boil down to being saltwater and bleach by the time they finish the chemistry in making the product. I have posted on this stuff in the past as well:
There is a a clinic called the Camelot Cancer Care in Tulsa, Oklahoma that promotes using DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) as an IV carrier for Sodium Bicarbonate in the treatment of cancer tumors. They are the only clinic in America allowed to use DMSO for cancer therapy. They seem very accessible, with qualified MDs and with contact phone numbers given on their site.
DMSO is unique in that it is able to combine with water soluble chemicals (like sodium bicarbonate) and pull the chemical through the skin. DMSO also has a unique feature -- it has an affinity for cancer tumors - and so is an ideal chemical to target the cancer tumor.Their DMSO IV treatment lasts for 18 days and costs about $10,000, and the clinic is run and managed by 3 women. During the non-invasive treatment you will stay in apartments that cost little more than a motel.
Anyway, check the links and Good Luck.
RE: ...I have no way of analysing it and analysis is likely to cost a lot of money and without that I think it would provide less information than details about the generation process that you used to make it.
I think you misunderstood. The intent was to use the solution in hopes of helping you decide whether or not you'd want to invest in such a process method.
RE: Does it have any control of current via a potentiometer etc?
I've chosen to use current limiting diodes in my own setup since my configuration(electrode size/distance etc) is fixed and where these are very simple to implement. That said, it would be quite possible to substitute this with a variable current limiting circuit should the need arise.
RE: Does it have some form of stirrer
The answer is yes, as a stirrer is integral in the production of high quality colloidal silver solutions. - ie, dispersing ions from the anode boundary etc
RE: and if so what method does it use?
I personally prefer the use of a magnetic stirrer for its simplicity and effectiveness. Though I'd add that the use of a mechanical stirrer is also possible with the addition of measures to control cross-contamination.
PS. the worst possible scenario in cases such as these however, would be the use of air(bubbler etc). If not only for its severely limited capacity for dispersion, but more so, for the added cross-contamination that comes with the admission of oxygen(enrichment) into the solution. - thus promoting the formation of silver oxides and further destabilization.
RE: Is it entirely manual or is there any automation?
Since my own process will run in under 18mins, I've chosen to keep the setup manual. - safe the addition of a timer . That said, it wouldn't be very difficult to automate this with a micro-controller such as an Arduino to either; collect telemetry, or carry out simple functions such as suspending or terminating an operation based on conditions etc. Though I never opted for this personally as the batch is usually finished by the time I'm done cleaning the first set of cathodes.
RE: what voltage level for generation does it use?
I run my own setup(electrode sizing, etc) at 42v DC so as to keep the cell running as close to maximum potential throughout processing. That said, I'd add that it's important to note that the voltage in this particular case is merely a carrier from which the current(mAh) is delivered into the cell to do the work.
NB. the efficiency of an electrolytic cell can be managed by reading the voltage drop between the electrodes throughout processing. This in turn, provides the means from which to control the potential of the cell and inherent properties of the particulate(size, shape, net structure), as well as calculate saturation(ppm).
RE: I assume the larger silver electrodes that you hinted at are how you are able to produce the Colloidal Silver so quickly by having a larger surface area, is that correct?
Correct. The rate of production(ion distribution) within the cell is proportionate to the size and capacity of the Anode. That said, the rule of thumb in this particular case is; 1 mAh p/sq. inch of total wetted surface area.
RE: ATM I am trying to find a design that does what I need, as all so far have proved deficient in one way or another.
Perhaps I can help. ie, can you elaborate further as to what your particular needs are?
RE: So I can get an idea of what it would cost me to build it can you tell me what additional equipment that I would require?
I'd say that the setup costs will depend on how far down the rabbit hole a person is willing to go. ie, In this field, we can scratch the surface, or dig deep into the depths of laboratory process methods in pursuit of more stringent parameters. - ie, < 3nm /30+ ppm.
RE: I have suffered from Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome for over 20 years and I know the cause which has been very frustrating because all attempts to beat it have been blocked because the items that would help cannot be purchased by the public only research companies and educational establishments.
Sounds like both you and your Aunt could benefit from the use of an advanced Colloidal Silver solution coupled with the addition of a secondary treatment or protocol. - see: Beck Blood Purifier /electroporation device.
RE: Large batches quickly are less important to me than quality and small particle size ie low current. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome has taught me patience but that is being severely tested by frustration ATM
Generally speaking, the higher the quality of the solution(particle size, stability etc) in terms of production, the more complex and expensive the process will be. That said, there are numerous limitations that come with what I'd call the common LVDC Colloidal Silver generators being sold today, in that none of them(to my knowledge) actively deal with the issue of solution stability and inherent particle size/ quality beyond the fundamental basics. To which I'd add, is likely attributed to the complexity and costs of the measures required to accomplish this.
PS. I've also learned(over time), that many, if not most conditions can potentially be treated with what I'd call, modest solutions. So long as these solutions are relatively stable(ie, oxidation and precipitation), and that the pathology(ppm/dosage) is sufficient to treat the condition.
- Hope this helps
Congratulations and I hope you see continued progress. As you say, you are not sure what you have. Could be that laetrile (apricot seeds) have been responsible, though normally laetrile is fairly slow acting. Just a thought: you might try adding some inositol/IP6 and colloidal silver - as that combo seems to be a good one for eliminating tumors/tumor like masses. If it were me, I would also consider curcumin and N-Acetyl Cysteine as well as changes to a healthy diet and lifestyle if needed. And if you do get a definite diagnosis of cancer, there is more still you may wish to do.
I will say one thing: do not rely on apricot seeds alone for your mother-in-law. Laetrile has been widely ballyhooed - and I like it - but the reality is that, while it can be effective, it is far from universally effective and most studies which found effectiveness found that it was most effective when used in combination with other cancer fighting items, such as supplements, diet, lifestyle, etc.
I'm not sure how kernels worked for me (apricot pits that is) - I don't have anything I know of to use them for, but I have munched on them several times off and on, Kinda tasty lil devils . . .
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