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    tooth abscess   selly1991   10 y  4,965  C
  • The real cause for low stomach acid production and...   letitbe   11 y  1,900  C

    The real cause for low stomach acid production and related heartburn is parietal cell mass reduction or perietal cell impairment

    The real cause behind heartburn when a result of low stomach acid production is strongly related to parietal cell mass reduction or parietal cell impairment as a result of certain medications. Do you know more about this? Please, add your insights on the forum and here:
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    Candida Die Off and Sore Throat/Ear Ache   sophali   11 y  24,342  C
  • taking supplements for virus but now have the flu?   mykneehurts2   12 y  1,373  C

    taking supplements for virus but now have the flu?

    For two weeks I have been taking virastop 3x a day, oregonal drops 3x a day and turkey tail 1x a day to try to beat the hpv virus. For a while I have also been taking vitamin d3 and vitamin c. I woke up today with sore through, sneazing I think I have the flu. Does this mean that these products are not working? Should I discontinue? I assume they would boost my immune system but now I wonder if they are making it worse since I rarely get the flu.
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    9 year old has chronic cough...please help!   jfkane   12 y  5,093  C
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