This might sound too simple but I just recovered from being really sick. My diet was really limited. I got my thyroid going after 11 years. When your thyroid is not working your adrenals compensate by shooting out more cortisol during stress. When cortisol is released is also release stomach acid. That in turn made me sensative to the slightest acid in food. I would get sore spots on my tongue when eating those foods. Foods like greens or brussel sprouts etc... Then the food relations made me even more stressed which started a cycle. When I realized what it was I calmed down and started using antacids. I drank camile tea and bone broth with gelatin and l-glutamine. Ginger was also so helpful. I did not use probiotics but at a ton of coconut yogurt and drank tons of coconut water. Most of all was getting rid of stress. Do not let your mind go to any negative thought. Greatly guide it to happiness and stay there. Your mind processes stress and then sends signals to your body to respond.