Possible Candida Parasites?
I've looked at this website countless times, to try and establish the cause of my coated tongue / stomach issues and have tried various things to cure it. I do have other ongoing issues, dry skin, sebhorric dermititas, sore throat every morning, sweating during the night.
I've probably had the coated tongue for over five years, I've seen two doctors, one who wasn't at all concerned and the other said "Oh that's unfortunate you have raised papillae you'll have to live with it"
I had various visits to the hospital regarding another matter, had an endoscopy, but there was nothing of any note to comment on.
Approximately six months ago, I had a stomach upset, vomiting / diarrhoea lasted for a day and was off food for a further day. During this time, my tongue returned to its beautiful pink colour for a couple of days, before turning back to its dirty yellow colour.
I tried the candida diet, there was no change, still got stomach ache and tongue remained coated - did for about four months. My diet is good, I exercise regularly, not overweight or underweight.
Just looking for a few opinions or thoughts that folks might have.