On a typcial day, this is my food intake:
6-11 AM 1-2 cups coffee, half&half, tsp sugar
12 - 2 PM lunch of some sort: egg salad sand. on hard roll, pickle, slaw, chips (sometimes)
9 PM 1/2 Italian sub w/ lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, salt, pepper, oregano, Dr. P., or water
I drink coffee, water, and (lately) have been in the downward spiral of drinking soda - yep, I know it's very unhealthy....
On occasion, I will eat fried onion rings, or mushrooms. Sometimes, I'll substitute the sub with white pizza, a chinese combo, or some other prepared stuff. I don't like eating so much fried stuff, but I do crave it from time to time and eat chips, doritos, or cheetos. I do not get McD's, Burger Fling, or other fast-food as the "food" actually make me physically ill! Plus, I'm aware of how their "food" is processed and it's no wonder we're all dropping like flies.
Anyhow........that's a typical day's eating for me. It's unhealthy, unwise, and completely ridiculous! So....suggestions on practical methods of managing meals (am involved in college classes, instruction, etc., hence, the schedule), preparation of healthy meals, etc., will be greatly appreciated!!!
Oh, as a complete aside to MY quest for better eating health....I just watched a documentary called, "The Future of Food," and I recommend it to everyone, particularly those folks out there with kids! It explains why our kids are growing far above the normal average, why we're all so allergic to everything, and precisely WHY people eating raw greens are suffering from e-colii! Most all of the seeds that are used to grow these crops have been genetically altered in such a manner that, in order to get the crop DNA to become "Roundup Ready," which translates to "Roundup Resistant," the genetic information had to be spliced with e-coli bacterium.......
THANK YOU!!!! I'll check the site out, immediately. I also purchased a book on detoxifying/fasting, last night, and I believe that I could glow in the dark from all of the toxins that I've either ingested, breathed, or been exposed to.
In this book (I'll remember the title after I've logged off, no doubt), the author (MD from ORU) suggests that we, as a culture, are not just overeating, but we're also undernourished. So, we consume 2 double cheeseburgers, large french fries, and 40 oz of soda at a well-known fast-food chain, and we can't understand why we're actually feeling hungry some 2-3 hours later. Well, the author suggests that, due to the depletion in nutrients in all of this overprocessed junk, our bodies are literally starving on a cellular level while we're storing toxins in our fat. In fact, the more that I read, the more frightening it became, and the more sense it made.
I'm ready to go organic, more fruit, more veges, and free-range meats, only. Also, we are gifted by a number of avid hunters with tons of game, and I can't believe how tasty the meats are! There's actual FLAVOR instead of the need to dump herbs and spices (processed grocery store chicken, for instance) on a protein to force some taste from it other than cardboard.
I'll keep posting with regard to the detoxification/lifestyle changes as time goes on. Again, thanks for suggestions!
I am morbidly obese - I could stand to lose a whole other person, to be frank. And, my metabolism is so dead that I believe I've killed it, myself, with my eating habits over these many years.
I'm making changes, little-by-little, simply because any full-blown radical change is too much for me to comprehend, at the moment. And, as I mentioned, bariatric treatment is not the solution to obesity, for me - it just treats one of the symptoms, I believe, and the dangers far outweigh the "benefits."
I will start pulling oil and start a pre-detoxification regimen, this week, and begin moving toxic, processed foods out of my diet, and replace them with organic, raw, and unprocessed foods. Reducing the caloric value will be helpful, too! I mean, during a lull, I've caught myself taking in over 4000 calories in a single day, and ALL of it absolute junk!
Any suggestions will be helpful to me (and, others, I'm sure), and I appreciate your mentioning that the weight loss will be slow - it didn't come on all at once, and I'm not going to expect it to disappear in 5 months!
I'm 5'6" and about 325, right now. My activity level isn't rigorous - I do a lot of walking, lifting (50lbs or more), and upper-body activity. When I'm not working like a madwoman, I'm ususally sit for a spell.
Thanks for the input! I really, REALLY appreciate it, and I'll keep you posted on results, milestones, etc.
Thank you! I'm going to keep referring to this exercise online until I get some ink for my printer! LOL!!!
And, I'm already starting to move away from tons of food after starting the oil swishing, this week. It's funny, but I don't crave so much, anymore. I do crave raw fruits, though, and greens.
I'll keep in touch!