Congratulations, Jonaslon, on ridding your body of cancer. You mentioned it almost offhandedly, but that's quite an accomplishment. Not everyone survives such an ordeal, and I'm sure it took quite a bit of courage and gumption to find the knowledge you needed out side of the normal medical information. Thank god for nutritional and information freedom of choice.
A couple of thoughts on your post: you ended it with the following sentence: Get a grip on yourselves, People!
Think back to the time when you still had cancer and were about to start the alternative methods that both your intuition and higher self had determined were the once you were going to try out. Had told virtually any MD these self-chosen methods, they probably would have said the same sentence: "Get a grip on yourself!" Imagine if you had listened to them. You would probably not be alive today.
You also state that there are "much milder, gentler ways to clean the liver than to drink salt, lemon juice and oil."
Most health-conscious people use these three substances on a regular basis. They are regular foods in almost all societies. I don't think it's possible to get much more mild. What did you have in mind? Herbs and other plants?
You state that you "... know many people who have done them [liver flushes]."
How many people, approximately, do you closely know that have done these liver flushes? Three? Ten? Twelve? Sixty? I would guess that, whatever the number, most would report a rise in their level of health. I would question the truth that they all, or even a majority of them, saw a drop in health.
Last, you say "The whole liver flush frenzy is completely obsessive and compulsive."
I'm going to agree with other responses that this last statement makes me think you haven't read a lot of the posts here. When any human being is severely sick, and looking for answers, my suggestion would be to get very, very obsessive about finding an answer. Time is of the essence when you're headed for possible death. Obsessive, in this case, is a damn good strategy. I would also suggest, as you did with your cancer, to try out things that are different from the norm. Like putting oil and lemon juice into your body in the hopes of helping the gall bladder and liver.