To my Daughter~ 20 y
I hope that the Princess has the appropriate staff to feed, clothe, and wash the Prince-then it might be a 'Go' in my Kingdom~
9th Queen
Once upon a time,
in a land far away,
a beautiful, independent,
self-assured princess
happened upon a frog as she sat,
contemplating ecological issues
on the shores of an unpolluted pond
in a verdant meadow near her castle.
The frog hopped into the princess’ lap
and said: Elegant Lady,
I was once a handsome prince,
until an evil witch cast a spell upon me.
One kiss from you, however,
and ... read more
Self Mastery- gag! 20 y
What is Self Mastery- Can one Buy it?
So back to the personal stuff again. I am in another transition, they are coming quickly-I believe this has something to do with maintaining balance in the face of chaos. Or staying grounded in faith and practice.
Whatever’s going on it’s got some punch attached.
I’m vascillating between tigress teeth and complete surrender every 4 hours or so- vascillating between low vibrations and high vibrations. Definitely a transit or transitioning thing.
So I try to be patient with myself- then I can be patient with others. I’m doing OK, compared to even a year ago.
My awareness of m ... read more
Letter Home from IRAQ 20 y
One of the organizations that I volunteer for is the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. We give MOBS/DEMOBS, Family Days. This letter is from a reservists- now on active duty- in IRAQ. With all the small bothers and overwhelm's in the life of the ordinary citizen (some challenging) imagine your life as a soldier in IRAQ?! I am so lucky to be home with whatever life provides in the moment then in IRAQ with whatever life is providing there- ! Ya Know, this soldier seems well suited for the JOB!
Subject: Countdown
Howdy Folks,
The weather here is a changing, and not for the better. At the end of
April we gat a taste of what is to come. We had some 110+ degree days
but since then it has cooled off down into the lower nineties. Yes,
after that heat the nineties do feel cool. We had a really big gully
washer a week ago. Flash flooding and tornadoes accompanied the rain.
The regimental colonel, Saber 6, tried to cross a low water crossing
only to have his 1 1/4 ton Hummer get washed off the road bed. Everyone
had a good laugh over that one. Especially, those of us in ... read more
Hope, anyone? 20 y
Hope is the Gift of Miracles-without it None will Appear
Hope is the companion of Power
And The Mother of Success;
For Who so Hopes has
within Him the Gift of Miracles visit the page
The Joke's on Me! 20 y
How are my thoughts of today creating my feelings of overwhelm?
I asked for Strength ...
And God gave me Challenges to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom ...
And God gave me Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity ...
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage ...
And God gave me Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love ...
And God gave me Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favors ...
And God gave me Opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted
I received everything I needed.
So this is about how it goes for me.
I am looking at much change in a short period of time-
It is highly uncomfortable for me- and I realize I ... read more
Poem for "Beloved" 20 y
The Apple doesn't fall far......
To J
You are a Beauty,
A Beauty with Courage
And Authenticity
Nothing Less
Than Your own Path
Will Do.
It will be different
For You
It will be Grander!
This Path will move
You from
your original Idea of
Who you Are
To a place of
Internal Sustenance
It’s your Journey
of Authenticity
The Journey
Has Begun
With a
Find the Practices, People,
and Places that Nourish
Your Soul;
They are calling
You were always
The Gifted One!
I am Proud of You!
visit the page
The "Beloved One" Exits-Stage Left 20 y
Sometimes our own life can be managable, even when it is not. But when the persons you love and gave birth to, are hurting and ungrounded in their own travails-Then it is heart rendering to be travailing oneself.
I am feeling such feelings for this child and myself, she is so beautiful on the outside, and so ”second guessing” herself on the inside.
For brevity and to honor her process I will do a thumbnail on the ”issue”...There are 3 Matt’s in her life. Matt 1) ex-husband and still friend, whom she left for Matt 2-approx. 4 years ago. Matt 2) the Engaged One, but now broken up-this has been going on for 18 months back and forth. There are personality differences and she is looking for the Perfect One, and he may be out there-I’m not clear what part ”tolerance of loved one’s differences” plays ... read more
eudaimonia/eudaemonia 20 y
Here's a beaut of a new concept for me, a new word discovered on my Visual Thesaurus (such a cool program! check it out)I am enthralled by my own Fool's Paradise!
A noun
1 wellbeing, well-being, welfare, upbeat, eudaemonia, eudaimonia
a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous; ”the town was finally on the upbeat after our recent troubles”
Category Tree:
╚fortune; destiny; fate; luck; lot; circumstances; portion
╚good_fortune; good_luck
╚prosperity; successfulness
╚wellbeing, well-being, welfare, upbeat, eudaemonia, eudaimonia
╚health; wellness
I don’t often find a word that I am not familiar with, I found one. I get very excite ... read more
Dear God, how did you know you were God? Who told you? Charlene
20 y
Kids say the darndest things
Kid Quotations
1. Dear God, please put another holiday between Christmas and Easter. -There
is nothing good in there now. Amanda
2. Dear God, Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a
puppy. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. Joyce
3. Dear Mr. God, I wish you would not make it so easy for people to come
apart. I had to have 3 stitches and a shot. I love you, Kathy
4. God, I read the bible. What does beget mean? Nobody will tell me.
5. Dear God, how did you know you were God? Who told you? Charlene
6. Dear God, is it true ... read more
Beaver Mustard 20 y
Incredible Lightness of Being meets Beaver Mustard!
Today is one of ”the” weddings...Jen is getting married today-my daughters best friend.
It dawned bright and sunny, a beautiful day for a wedding- a Blessed day for a wedding- All seems right with the world.
My buddy is in town and we will swim tomorrow if the weather holds. Good on us, it is nice to have someone who likes to do the unconventional stuff with you. We walked along the beach at ”the spot” last evening remembering many of my incarnations through the last 4 years-laughing at my stubborness. This one ”gets” it. Of course, the trip to India helped.
He thinks China may ... read more
What a Spinning Array of Dessert Trays 20 y
Kibbitzing from the Shiska- How about an eclair while you read, darlin'? A Little Strawberry Shortcake-open wide I'll feed it to you, whip cream and all! hmmmmm...
One of my dearest old friend’s came back for 2 weeks (Do his taxes) from San Blas, Mexico. I felt him coming home on Wednesday, and I e-mailed him-He is always on-line ’cuz he builds websites for $$-So I e-mailed him and told him that I felt he was due home and -damn -he was on his way Thursday (1 day off- pretty good!)- to do his taxes and to swim with me for a few days.
We like to swim together-he is the ONLY man I know who can give me a go in the water (I don’t try very hard, ’cuz I like to chat with him while I swim) I am hoping the seal shows up for him-he’ll crap! He just got b ... read more
The Most Beloved One Arrived 20 y
As much as We Love People/Family Members it doesn't always manifest peace, or harmony during visits. This One is my achilles heel- in fact, personal/possesive Love is my achilles heel
And I gotta tell you as much as I love that Kid, she drains me and throws me off balance. I am so vulnerable and affected by her that I actually feel drained after 5-8 hours in her presence.
I have GOT to GET her interested in some mind calming practice. She is all over the place. I feel 1. that I need to take a bath in Epsom salts after I see her, and 2. that I need to be alone or nap after her visits.
I don’t get it. I look so forward to her visits, I enjoy the time we spend together in one place -like at Pizza Nova over lunch- of course there is the cell phone call to Jen her b ... read more
For Men and Sons 20 y
Boyz to Men?
As Adolescense ends,
If there is no effective initiation or mentorship,
A sad thing happens...
The Fire of Thinking
The Flaring of Creativity,
Then Bonfires of Tenderness
All Begin to Go Out
~Robert Bly
Since our culture has ”lost”/not honored the Tribal/Ethnic Traditions of Passages (not even death!) many boys have a difficult transition to manhood.
I believe, and this is just my personal opinion not that of Threshold Passages, the Columbine incident was not about guns or depressed children, as much as it was about young men who were having an unsuccessful and di ... read more
The Healing Presence That is Within 20 y
This is The Science of Mind as it pertains to Perfect Health
The Healing Presence that is within You
There is a healing presence that is within you. This healing Presence you must recognize before it can operate for you, because like every other thing in nature It works according to exact and mechanical law.
The God whois within you and has created this marvelous mechanism which you call your human body. The Intelligence which designed and projected this body must have a perfect knowledge of all its parts, It must have a perfect understanding of all it’s needs, and It must be able to rebuild those parts and supply their needs.
... read more
Path of the Buddha 20 y
Looking Forward, with Pleasure and Excitement, makes life richly rewarding-and abundant!
Some of you already know I am a member of a spiritual community called Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes-circa 1930’s)
Ernest Holmes orginally taught seminar entitled ”Science of Mind”, and because he was a good man and spirtually connected to the source -followers or admirers or believers created a church or spritual community based on his understanding of Universal Law. Named Church of Religious Science.
Many of the practitioners-those who do thought treatments to heal the ”lower vibratory” thinking (reacting?)-or, put positively, to raise the vibrations of thought-for us to really ma ... read more
Poetry of Appreciation 20 y
This work touched me with it's genuine devotion so I posted it for you "others" that resonate with the "feeling" of it.
I want
I want to give you these gorgeous pink pearls to run your beautiful fingers over their glow
I want to give you these pearls to bring the magic of mother ocean to encompass you
I want to give you these pearls so I can capture a few moments with you
I want to give you these pearls so you can feel my prayers through your fingertips
I want to give you these shell pink pearls because they remind me of the lining of your heart
I want these pearls held together by white gold links to remind you how you have linked us much more strongly than white gold
Guru Tej Kaur visit the page
A New Age Passover? 20 y
Well it skips around a lot but you will get the flavor of the evening, and the Players at Large-Or not quite ready for Prime Time Players! Fun, unique, intrigue plus Passover!
So Interesting the historical and religious bent of the Passover meal- a Meal of Thanksgiving to God that the Jewish households were ”Passed Over” by the 8 catastrophic plagues that apparently hit Egypt. The Jewish slaves were spared these catastrophes - because they had marked their doors with red ”paint”(lamb’s Blood)! (OK now God, knows everything so the red paint was overkill-but that the way the story goes.) By the way, we did not do the long version so I missed a lot of the story I am sorry to say. I apologize for any errors and invite correction through the ’respond’ button.
T ... read more
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