Conscious Choices 20 y
Sometimes Food fills needs that cannot be filled with Food!
And if One can get a handle on what it really is that yyou are craving then one may decide in favor of that thing- or another-or food..Conscious Choices
Check In with yourself..The message for my week...Get in touch...
I also am a food
addict and compulsive overeater and hope that kundalini yoga will help
with me heal this. I am anxious to learn and practice.
Sat Nam!
There are sets in Kundalini Yoga to help correct your metabolism. You may
look there.
Also, I find that Kundalini Yoga will help me confront my habits by giving
me higher awareness, but it won’t usually make the decision for me. At
some point I have to make a decision with the higher awareness I have.
So one thing is to keep remaining aware throughou ... read more
Eye of the..... 20 y
Beauty/Beast in the eye of the...
”The eye of the beholder may govern what is seen.”
-James MacGregor Burns
9th~ the eye of the beholder always governs what is seen...What’s the neighborhood look like? visit the page
Guilty Guilt 20 y
The hook for all good personages...hahahah, If there is trust in yourself as the creator and you are mindful, how can you be guilty of anything?
”You may not be guilty for the problems in
your life, but they have become your responsibility!”
For my part: healing is natural... unless we block it and then pain and
body problems come along.... We don’t have to hang on to the suffering...
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An inside game? 20 y
It's all an insider's game. I long to feel the hands of God cradling me ...A few times I have actually felt the sensation of being lifted and cradled..what an extreme love affair...Baby, take a load off....I love you!
Success and failure are an inside game. Transform your thinking and you transform your world. -- James A. Ray visit the page
Pro-Choice? 20 y
9th~ I’m starting to revere life in such a way that killing in the womb does not seem an option. But I do know that both the lives of the mother and the child can be miserably ruined by a ”welfare system existence”. Is this actually a position of the elitest right...Has it and was it always a class consideration? No more teenage girls having babies they can’t take care of financially...So who benefits by that ...Taxpayers or women ... who? And is there any question that our culture has become so split that there is no welcome for a being that comes to us trusting, helpless in love, and ... read more
Eurythmy 20 y
Eurythmy the movement of speech,music, and movement
Eurythmy is the art of movement that attempts to make visible the tone and feeling of music and speech. Eurythmy helps to develop concentration, self discipline, and a sense of beauty. This training of moving artistically with a group stimulates sensitivity to the other as well as individual mastery. Eurhythmy lessons follow the themes of the curriculum, exploring rhyme, meter, story, and geometric forms.
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Anthroposophy 20 y
Human development is not linear
Human growth and development do not occur in a linear fashion, nor can they be measured. What lives grows, and has its being in human life can only be grasped with the same human faculty that can grasp the invisible metamorphic laws of living nature.
Collin Price
Renewal Magazine
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Sweetness, Yeah! 20 y
I've got a sweet tooth..lately I've had more than my share..share..share..share
I live each moment in
the sweetness of life.
“One of the great difficulties in the new order of thought is that we are likely to indulge in too much theory and too little practice. As a matter of fact, we only know as much as we can prove by actual demonstration. That which we can not prove may, or may not, be true but that which we can prove certainly must be, and is, the truth.”
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, pg. 51
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San Diego Foundation 20 y
The San Diego Foundation, San Diego's priemere charitable institution is celebrating 30 years of service. Any of you charitable organizations~ this is a wonderful time to get out and rub elbows with the San Diego Old Time movers and shakers...along with some new time movers and shakers~ Place to be and be scene (seen)
A Newsletter for Professional Advisors
(619) 235-2300
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The San Diego Foundation can help you help your clients receive the maximum tax advantages for their charitable gifts while allowing them the flexibility many of today’s donors desire. Whether your clients are interested in supporting the causes they love now or creating a lasting legacy for the future, The San Diego Foundation is your resource for charitable giv ... read more
Truth 20 y
How does a Quantum God Think?
Live in Joy 20 y
Get out of the bad neighborhood with another thought which creates another feeling which creates your world
Daily Affirmation
How to use the affirmations:
A continuous realization of the divine Presence is the pivotal element in experiencing the kind of life you desire. When you consistently envelop yourself in a spiritual atmosphere, you align your inner being with right action.
Fulfillment, joy, peace, and abundance are available to you when you consciously embrace these ideas, constructively directing your thoughts. The Daily Affirmations help you to do this.
Devote at least 15 minutes, preferably when you are alone and in a quiet place, to each day’s Affirmation. Read the paragraph f ... read more
Global Heart Vision 20 y
“A World That Works for Everyone”
…where poverty, hunger, homelessness, disenfranchisement and war no longer prevail; where forgiveness, compassion, nonviolence, respect, appreciation of beauty, and the generous sharing of resources are the norm.
Science of Mind magazine, your daily manual for spiritual living, offers a spiritual perspective on world events, as well as tools for your spiritual practice, all based on the life-affirming Science of Mind philosophy. Filled with practical as well as inspirational content, Science of Mind will change your life. And don’t miss our ever-expanding line of Science of Mind book titles! visit the page
Create 20 y
It is our birthright
Get Clear On What You Want
If you are experiencing a particular challenge in your life, or would like to expand your consciousness in a particular way, please feel free to use the form below to assist in working things out. Before you begin affirmative prayer (or Spiritual Mind Treatment) for something, it is good to have a clear spiritual focus. This page can help you with that clarity.
In this context, ”Consciousness” means: what you are conscious of. This page is to help you to become conscious of God - in yourself, in every person, and ... read more
Applying Thoreau 20 y
The Playing field.....And immediate considerations of the "wait"
”All good abides with him who waiteth wisely.”
-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
This is my catch all for today and the next coming weeks...All is paved by intention and Universal Oneness...(just to ground me I think I’ll get a treatment for today’s undertaking. 1-800-421-9600 and online
Today I will find the words to tell the admin that they will need to streamline the computer system as a foundation for a more cohesive operation which is one step in many that will provide a foundation to build on for a successful public op ... read more
Concentration Camp Dachau 20 y
written in the Concentration Camp Dachau, in the midst of all kinds of cruelties. Noblesse Oblige
by Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz, written in the Concentration Camp Dachau, in the midst of all kinds of cruelties.
”You asked me why I do not eat meat.... I refuse to eat animals because I cannot nourish myself by the sufferings and by the death of other creatures. I refuse to do so, because I suffered so painfully myself that I can feel the pains of others by recalling my own sufferings. ... These creatures are smaller and more helpless than I am, but can you imagine a reasonable man of noble feelings who would like to base on such a difference a claim or right to abuse the weakness and the ... read more
Quickie 20 y
The coalescence of forces and projects for the next board meeting
This will be a quickie since I am gainfully employed now....Gainfully, may be stretching slightly!
The one thing that is coherent is the mission that is part and parcel of the ”job”, the mission is congruent with the Path..or existence of Now in Me...This is near a first...
Mostly I planned other’s financial futures better than my own (cobbler and shoes?)and did my heart’s desires for free outside of working other words, I volunteered...I have volunteered as a Board Trainer (fiduciary responsibility) with United Way, a docent with Mary Birch Aquarium (SIO), Fundraiser and g ... read more
Longfellow/Waiting 20 y
Oh yes a combination of thought and doing- SOM would say- think it and let go to the universe...and it will be done- Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven- I love God, open hearted, open handed, open minded....
”Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
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