MonkeySword Poem 20 y
WOW, And there it is...
WOW, And there it is...
A Barrel of Monkeys
That are Armed
Teeth to Tail
I Prefer
Monkey Frivolity
To the Work
of Wielding
The Sword
Then Again
When the Wind
Blows Right
I Smell
The Blood
of Human Fragility
All the Wants and Needs
And the lack of Truth
I Circle and Watch
Where is the
Weakness of
The Suffering Fools?
(Not Lightly Now)
I am Sensitive
and Cold-blooded
Both at Once
A Deadly Combination
I AM Still and
There is nothing
We Can do Now
Too Late
Your Path and Mine
Has Condemned Us
to The Mailai
of Spirituality
... read more
Transform Money 20 y
Spirit of Money- this site is interesting and worth reading a few links- I am not through with the reading, but I have read enuf to know that I want to read more!
The mission of this site is to demystify money by presenting the best leading-edge ideas on monetary and non-monetary exchange. It is a resource devoted to the advancement of economic democracy, self-determination, and global harmony.
Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, cannot be realized so long as fundamental structures of economics and finance are monopolized. The focus here is not on monetary REFORM, but on monetary TRANSFORMATION and monetary TRANSCENDENCE.
The intention of this project is to provide general access to the best ideas and so ... read more
My Monkey Sword 20 y
It doesn't hurt to be armed and strong, but after all-after several decades of life, the sword arm gets tired and the heart grows larger..and less attuned to radical vibrations!
There is much Dragon Slaying going on-after all Michaelmas has just been observed and this is the Dragon Slayer.
I’ve had mine in my pocket for handy access!(carry with me for handy archetypal resolution! this is tongue in cheek for the serious in nature)
This ”killing off has occurred in my career, and in my healers, and here at Curezone, and not yet (or perhaps at all) in my circle of genuine friends.
That word ”genuine” is the precept/precursor to the killing spree. My own private MaiLai~ the Warrior!
The pattern unfolds along these lines:
1. There is an overt move to reli ... read more
Techno Flattery! 20 y
hahahahhahahahhahahahahha & Baby you're the greatest
Subject: We All Need This on our Computers Every Morning!!
Good Morning.......
This is what a computer should do first thing in the morning!
Click on the link below and then type in your first name..
visit the page
Chicken Soup for the Herbal 20 y
Food, Soup, Heat, and Love
Learn how to use food for healing
This recipe is based on a traditional herbal tonic recipe that I was shown how to make years ago. This version is very simple to make, requiring only ten minutes of preparation time. From there you can just put it on the stove and let it slow cook for a couple hours.
Astragalus root, called Huang Qi in China, is an immune tonic that is believed to strengthen wei qi, the body’s defensive energy against bacteria and viruses. Astragalus is a component of Change of Season soup and is often combined with other herbs for energy, circulation, and physical sta ... read more
Paradox 20 y
change and reform- How though? Cold Water Blog
”Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found.”
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh
visit the page
Security 20 y
Security change, and gone!
”Security can only be achieved through constant change, through discarding old ideas that have outlived their usefulness and adapting others to current facts.”
-William O. Douglas
visit the page
Poof II 20 y
True freedom means Just that~ And where are we truly free? Cradled in the arms of the Universe...We are One!
For all the
Talk of Conspiracy
with a Capital C
The Poof Spoofer
Is every bit
the same
If the truth reflects
badly on the the
Powers that Be
Even small ones
Then Poof is
the Protectorate of
Every bit as bad
as those Poof criticizes
Predictable, I guess
Since those whose passion
is Power
They exhibit this behavior
and Execute
well themselves!
(Professional Courtesy?)
Disinformation becomes such
a worry, and conspiracies
While truly, still,
It is the old tedious
... read more
Example 20 y
When the moderators are Biased and have friends they like- somethimes their job looks like a protection-or if there are one's they don't like then their job looks like self righteousness
You ask who would risk there moderator’s password/status to do any number of things-read the Wrenn’s Blog comments on the side bar panel
Wrenn I think you would, and have-All from the conviction of righteousness, and your ability to wield influence. But in the end your position of moderator is to uphold the neutral, and to be the path of higher ground-Not on the path of opinion or protection.
And if you read the ccomments in Janaki’s links- then you know they were slanderous not just not following a certain leader..
In the end it will all come out- It always does...
But until ... read more
Poof Poetry 20 y
How's this Poofy? The grand Poofer! As in disappearence of anything that asks for explanation of the Alien Abduction of free speech~ It was coincidental that Poof was also a Spoof. The initially deleted posts had no spoof only proof...and those disappeared like they had never existed...
For all the
Talk of Cosnpiracy
with a Capital C
The Poof Spoof
Is every bit
the same
If the truth relects
badly on the the
Powers that Be
Even small ones
Then Poof is
the Protectoret of
Every bit as bad
as those Poof criticizes
Predictable, I guess
Since those whose passion
is Power
They exhibit this behavior
and Execute
well themselves!
(Professional Courtesy?)
Disinformation becomes such
a worry, and conspiracies
While truly, still,
It is the old tedious
lack of connection
in a new dress!
And Shouldn’t the new dress ... read more
Poem to Navel 20 y
Navel, Navel on the belly
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Whose got the Better Navel
Grounding of ALL?
You Do, Silly!
Navel Point
The Navel Point
Grounds Me!
Sadhana creates Me
as a veritable
The world is not
Full of Vampires
as some project,
Only those who are
less grounded
Since I feel no real
tickle to fight
We are all safer
More a tickle to Love
And then again, we are
not very safe at all.
Since vunerability
is more frightening
than Warrior Pose.
Ah, but, underneath it
All, I connect with my
I can laugh at myself
Again, Thank Heavens!
I am ruthless without
my sense of Humor
I take my Humor
Los ... read more
Salsa in the Keyboard! 20 y
A Dangerously spicy Mexican-Techno Poem
Just back from Sadhana
A truly Wonderful Feeling all through out me
Feeling a little frisky, feeling a little fun brewing
buckle up for a little ”tongue” poetry
Salsa in the Keyboard
Drip Drip
Salsa in the Keyboard
Wipe Wipe
It drips down
Salsa in the keyboard
Wipe Wipe
need one of those tiny
keyboard vaccums!
Salsa in the Keyboard
No Ones Looking!
Lips to keyboard
and Whoosh
Lucky I don’t lodge
Onion, Pepper & Tomatoe
in My Throat
Everything is
Side aching
Funny, lately
Navel Power
Starts the
AND n ... read more
Colleges of Good 20 y
It is no Dream, but the Art of Becoming
I am writing to invite you to our first fair in
San Francisco for Graduate Degrees for the Public Good.
At this fair you’ll have the opportunity to meet
with admission staff from a variety of graduate
programs oriented toward the public good.
These include Master’s and PhDs in Social Work,
Public Administration, International Affairs, Education,
Public Policy, Public Health, and Public Interest Law.
(Under my signature below you can see the list of
schools that have already signed up.)
The fair will be held on Tuesday, November 8th, from
4:00 to 7:00 at the Exhibit Hall of t ... read more
Art of Existence 20 y
The Art of Existence
And so much stronger. Interesting stuff that is going on through the embodiment of the Archetypes..This work is very powerful in accepting and ”not leaving behind” the shadow side.
I have my energetic practices and practitioners that support me in keeping the energy high and more or less balanced. If any one thing hastened or lead me in self realization it was to meet the people that are on the Path of self discovery through the etheric, energetic bodies. And, one in particular, is very grounded (sometimes a little too!) in the everyday world-since afterall we are on this plane to do ... read more
Happy Birthday 20 y
And so it is,
And so it is!
Feliz Cupleanos
Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.
Jean Paul Richter
Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.
Birthdays? yes, in a general way;
For the most if not for the best of men:
You were born (I suppose) on a certain day:
So was I: or perhaps in the night: what then?
James Kenneth Stephen
From our birthday, until we die,
Is but the winking of an eye.
William Butler Yeats
There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents ... and only one for birthday presents, you know.
... read more
Cartoon 20 y
Red Tape Cartoon
Regularity 20 y
Louisa May Alcott on Balance
”Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.”
-Louisa May Alcott
Yesterday I was up for 21 hours and had 3 hours of sleep, It’s just the way the schedule went! Last night I hit the sheets at 9:30PM and I got more sleep-but I need a nap again and I am certainly NOT following Louisa May Alcott’s formula for a balanced life! visit the page
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