Pre Sadhana Thoughts 20 y
Sadhana day 35, with no missing-25 by minding the strict rules..Bye Gotta go
I am getting a sign today. I’m forgetting if I’ve asked for a sign, and if so about what...My dreams must be spieling.
I have a letter for the annual report that I want to make Antroposiphical references..which is kinda dangerous..since Rudolf wrote over 60 books and I have read 2. So my common sense tells me to KISS.
I’m on my way to day 35 Sadhana, if not for the triatlon...I would have 4-5 days to go if the chain was unbroken. Otherwise I have 25 to go. I think I will just go as I go and forget the counting- keeping score drives me crazy (Ah, so!)
I’m am committed to gettin ... read more
Dispositions vs Circumstances 20 y
Spirit and Circumstance...I Hear about burying heads in sand...I do not think my head is buried anywhere, but allow for disagreement and proximity. I do think we effect outcome based on our Point of View..., How we see things affects how things are. Change is a matter of our own dispostion and sight. If we really "feel" change is, and can be, we can move mountains with a mustard seed of faith...gather together with fellow Curezoners at a date and time, and use you juice to enact your joint vision. Some can travel to the astral levels and see change that has happened but we have not , as yet , "seen" down here.
”I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.”
-Martha Washington
I think it was Abraham Lincoln who later said: ”We’re about as happy as we make up our minds to be.” Events and circumstances change all around us, all the time. And yet our spirit remains present throughout. In difficulties, it doesn’t retreat to wait on more ideal times. We can choose our attitude. So why not choose to garner insight and make the most of any condition?
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Affects of Personal Disasters 20 y
Even though disaster is eye opening, fear provoking, humbling experience...It is a wakeup call...Much as Sadhana is kicking my so much, as I had a laugh-a-thon, full bendover, stomach crunching laugh melt down...These experiences cleanse the decks for new paradigms (change)..they change perspective. (and BTW, I amnot comparing Katrina to a laugh breakdown-but changes occur under both these types of circumstances!)
Oh yeah, I noticed that my Cold Water blog entitled "Something is Wrong" was read more than my other postings. It interesting isn't it? maybe a low reading day on Curezone...or? Nothing is really wrong, except I needed a nap.
Last week in this section, I asked the question:
’How has a personal “disaster” affected you?’
Here are the results you gave us.
1. It helped me see what is really important. - (60.6%)
2. It redirected me down a much better path. - (49.2%)
3. It made me realize that the “good” had clouded the “best.” - (22%)
4. It destroyed my “stuff” but strengthened my relationships. - (19.1%)
5. It wiped me out and I have never recovered. - (8.1%)
6. It made me the bitter pessimist I am today. - (7.2%)
Yes, we now allow you to vote for all the answers that apply ¯ thus the plus 100% tot ... read more
The China Diet 20 y
I'm noticing the lastest trend in information on the net will be blog linking. It is here but not used as a commercial venture ..YET. This will be common for infomation, but wil also be a marketing tool for speakers, and authors. A type of credibility issuer. (with no shopping cart)
A terrific health book I’m reading now is The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. This book is currently one of the top 500 selling books at Amazon, with a 4.5 star rating.
According to the New York Times, this book is based on “… findings from the most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.” In my opinion it’s one of the most important books on diet ever written.
The China Study is incredibly readable and presents solid and convincing evidence that the best possible diet for overall health, energy, weight control, ... read more
Vibration Poem 20 y
All names are not, to protect the Innocent-if there is One?
I like the view from afar
But once you open those
Lips to sing & Chant
I reside Inside of you
Time falls away and
I drift in the nothingness
of the vibrations of
your sounds
I feel the vibration
in my chest cavity
Sympathetic Chanting
Inside Me
I hold open
and delight
in the results
I Am just
that the vibration
is an illusion
and only stillness is true
I’ll take your vibration
over my stillness
Giving up my Power
Yes, It is Safe
You are over there
and because you
are senstive you can
feel my interest
Being gentle,
... read more
Rotten Relations Poem 20 y
I am so austere
So detached from passion
Except, Anger!
Irritate a woman
you will view
truth of passion
In her
cold and hot!
I am practiced
in battle;
of the ”iron fisted”
Most women carry
such ammo
but may have
with focus,
being a ’vessel’
For you and yours!
As One ’boyfriend’
annoited ”a depository”
Needless to say
No Deposit
that night or day
Cleverness can be
Dangerous when orifices
are at Jest!
Or when vestels are
Ignorance is Bliss
Only because
We tactfully
Ignore You
80% of ... read more
Something is Wrong 20 y
Time for a nap? Jammies, Jammies, I love my Jammies sometimes I wear them to Sadhana and Guru laughs at (with?) Me!
Yes, finally something is wrong......I started off to the Spot to grab a swim and I am too tired to do so. Something is wrong with this...Sadhana is kicking my ass...and I feel like either giving up (although I LOVE it when I’m there) or Stepping up the pace and doing more yoga to break through this ”flat” spot.
BTW, that is not a very yogic idea...This ”breaking through to the other side” mentality. I am home on a Saturday afternoon -ready for a NAP! A NAP!
It was a BIG week I had 2 (yes 2!) nightime events and one night up in Fullerton I had only 3 hours of sleep...But there’s ... read more
Today is Free Fishing Day 20 y
That is if you live in California, and definitely not in Nevada!If you reside in other states, it is unclear what your day is, and Canadians EVERYDAY is a fishing day!
Don Quilici
September 22, 2005
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Sept. 24 will be Free Fishing Day in the State of California.
It is the second of two free fishing days that the State of California offers each year.
The first one was held back in June. This one is held in late September and is timed to coincide with the annual National Hunting and Fishing Day celebrations held across the United States.
So, if you’ve had a desire to fish in California but haven’t done so this year, Sept. 24 will be your last opportunity to fish in the golden state at no cost.
There is no need to ... read more
Entreprenuers 20 y
My time is Now- well I may have one more failure...My websites (one at least) are doing good! And in another year my choices will be wide.
”Entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before final success. What sets the successful ones apart is their amazing persistence. There are a lot of people out there with good and marketable ideas, but pure entrepreneurial types almost never accept defeat.
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Hitchcock reincarnate? 20 y
Humans are so fragile..and separated from our Pack we become strange wolfs indeed!
MARSEILLE, France (Reuters) - A Frenchman in his sixties lived for five years with the body of his dead mother to keep receiving her 700 euros monthly pension, judicial sources said Saturday.
The man, a hospital morgue worker, is to be prosecuted for fraud and concealing a death Saturday after police found the corpse in a two-room apartment in the city center in piles of rubbish.
Police went to the flat because of unpaid rent and other bills. The man had imitated an old woman’s voice to deceive the social services.
His mother had died of natural causes at the age of 94.
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Everlasting Life 20 y
Woke up with this rather than the "dream"- or perhaps this is the dream?
I have held you
for all Life
You have been with me
for many lifetimes
Nanuk places you
in my circle realm
The Circle,
as I have
encircled you
ad infinitum
on all planes
and in all ways
we are together
You have been so
many people to me
Now this time
In this way
I am of two
And then always
the One
I touch your brow
Ah this is familiar
But not
Your voice is what I hear
Oh your voice
Gentle, deep!
I fall away from
this self
and feel the
And know you
are here again
to encircle me.
dear friend
Welcome home!
9t ... read more
Toys! Pictures! 20 y
Accoutrements, the latest and Greatest in TOYS for the Adult Sense of Humor- Well ,OK ,really the Adolescent Sense of Humor
Try Outs for the Play Peter Pan went well yesterday, but I willnot be a crockodile, there was someone far more talented...and I gotta admit better for the part.
But I still dance well, surprise surprise, and the voice while rusty...went throught the registers well-(singing Oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer weiner!) I have missed singing even more than dancing, I think. Something with the throat chakra...And it isn’t as if I’m not self I think I will be Mrs Darling...geez, Or a pirate- probably a pirate since the dancing skill came back and all the dancing parts are pirates ... read more
It Only Hurts when I Buzz 20 y
Bumble Bee
When I start to vibrate
move away from me
these are the first steps
of the Dance of the
If you persist
feel obliged
to Resist
The I will impart
the kiss
No Tongue
Only the
exquisite delight
of a job
well done
A Sting Full
of passion
and the sweetness
of action
You’ve got me
under your skin
dear friend
with stinger
in your bastion
So sweet, so sweet
that honey within
How, do you suppose,
One gets in?
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Perserverance 20 y
Julie Andrews, the star of Sound of Music and others..on Perserverance
”Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.”
-Julie Andrews
A little story about Julie comes to mind. (BTW she is the lead actor in ”The Sound of Music)Her beautiful singing voice was damaged and her life threatened when she found she had cancer nodes on her vocal cords. She never told her rather delicate of nature (neurotic)husband before her procedure (operation) was done, because she knew he would be a basket case. Now I don’t agree with not sharing the truth about your health with your mate, but it does illustrate the ”guts” she had, ... read more
Signal in Dream 20 y
Dream alert for 9th- Funny but I rarely remember my dreams!
I got a message to watch my dreams...This is humorous because..I rarely if ever remember my dreams. And now that I am running on 4-5 hours of sleep-Man I sleep the sleep of the Dead...
So this is the next step in my evolution, not needing so much sleep while getting the proper cycles of sleep so I may dredge up the fodder of dream material. Conscious dreaming? We’ll see. It’s happened in a sexua| way before, but not very satisfying that way. I was being toyed with! haha-
I know one thing I pack a punch in the ethos right now. Those sihks are holding me in their hearts and cons ... read more
Melodic Eros 20 y
Sadhana, a new face with a lovely deep voice, My Ears are a sexual organ, If you stay up late and show up late? what then?, Do I have to start again?,
So I was a 1/2 hour late to Sadhana becausee I stayed up till 12M!! And even later since the computer needed to be restored after I downloaded ftp...shoot.
Ah well, I am learning, I think Ipswich is an old ftp program but it is the one most compatible with Pat’s. Pat is my webmaster and is teaching me how to make my own websites and to do maintainence on my own site. My next site is up - As anyone who reads me knows, I am an avid swimmer, and reader...O well you may not know the second one- but I am that also. I will have toys for the water on Headwet..
But back to S ... read more
I AM trying 20 y
Is midnight past my bedtime- yes I think I am due up in 3 hours ..Holy Cow!
to have a normal (ah, and what is this?) life and go out on Saturday night and still do Sadhana at 3am..
My house partner has suggested I just go to bars and stay out until 3- do Sadhana and come home and crash for the day...
But that limits my spiritual practice and he is young and able to do this kind of Idiot stuff still.
I Am afraid this would kill me, I’ve had my 30’s spree of substance induced stay ups, and I AM Positive that I could not take another round of that kind of free-radical introduction to the body.
So I’ve ruled that out. But tonight I did go out to a concert, ... read more
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