Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Page 5 of 17

Story of a burned book...   18 y  
What happens in life should shape your life not stop your direction...
Life is recorded in the ashes of History!!    This is a book that survived a fire in my house in Arkansas some years ago...  We kept it to remind us that all that ends well is where we need to be...  I did not let this stop me from living the life GOD gave me...  It takes more than my house catching fire to detour my life...    Many times in this life; we seek to know what is our life about??  The problem most people have is learning to accept the truth...  It seems that we always want to sugar coat things so they look better...  This burned book reminds me that life is ...   read more

Your Eternial position in life...   18 y  
Each person is called to a position in this life... We all have a position to play, and our outcome depends on how well we preform!!
We each have a part to play in this life ...  It is just too bad that it takes some folks; almost forever to know what they are suppose to do... Just about everything in this life leads to your Eternity....  HUH!! We all go forward seeking to do our best ...  Mainly learning from those around us, and then using our GOD given intelligence to make determinations that should  benefit both us and others...  It is sad that so many people; wait for others to make decisions about their day to day lives...    We are re ...   read more

Meth Mind   18 y  
Meth is messing up more than minds...
Well the buzzards seem to come home to roost....   Found a note on my front porch, just yesterday left by a "meth mind/ crack head"  cousin to the wife of one of my sons...  He has been on Dope for several years....  Lost their house, and now has  been kicked out by all his dope ring (if you can call them) friends...  Got his wife on dope, she lost her job, their children are being kept by her mother, thank GOD...  There are other details, which we could mention....  And now after a life of going around to ...   read more

When are you going to get out of debt... HUH!!   18 y  
The more we have the more we want... Where is the end to this trail?? The poor house... DUH!!
Today in the United States, we think that poor is living in government housing and getting $12,000 a year plus food stamps...  Most people do not really know poor if it were to come up and bite you in the butt...  It is a shame that we can live so high compared to most of the world, and complain so loudly...  May be if you were living in Haiti, or some parts of Kenya, or in the outskirts of Bombay, or some where near Faya in Chad, or in Felda Fla, or Chilon Mexico, or Babo New Guinea, or Bulusan Philippines; you might know real proverty...  You may ...   read more

Once upon the Gulfcoast....   18 y  
Rebuilding; determination will get it done... HUH!! More pics, and stories of courageous people....
Nine Months after the big blow...   Mississippi woods from a 100 miles north of New Orleans..... Bent and broken trees!!                   All that is left of houses on the Miss. Gulfcoast... Note the mobile home residence!!                      Just slabs on the ocean side...  A few older houses survived...  These are what is left off homes on the East end Of New Orleans...  Lights are not on ...   read more

Understanding Easter Sunday, by a 12 year old retarded boy..   18 y  
A story of innocence, love and simply the truth....
Heard this story coming home; on Good Friday...   It is a article from Focus on the Family, magizine....  I will attempt to retell it as close as memory will permit... The names may not be correct... Once upon a time there, was a young lad of twelve; who never got past the second grade... Johnny was disruptive, did not seem to pay attention, and made rude noises during class...  His teacher of several years; Ms. Miller, ask for a conference with his parents... At the meeting Ms. Miller, spoke of Johnny’s lack of progress and his disruption of the class ...   read more

Some times boredom is necessary & desirable...   18 y  
Boredom may well be the gateway into peace of mind....
Being bored is good at times...   Like sitting by this stream... Until you learn to enjoy periods of just doing nothing, or being bored, you will never really experience the real joy and contentment in life...   Most of us live high pitch fast paced lives; where hormones like Cortisol rise to meet our needs for energy...  But unfortunately the human body was not made to substain these levels for more than a short period of time...  As we age the body must calls upon reserve hormones, like DHEA to help make more Cortisol....  But thi ...   read more

The end of it all...   18 y  
Some stuff you might want to know about your true health...
So So...  Sorry for the false start yesterday......   Sometimes Curezone (CZ) leaves some thing to be desired...  Could not get the image dept here at CZ to cooperate completely;   so we will do some of this easy Part 1, and some not so easy Part 2 ....   Part 1 (easy) Go to the CZ; Image Gallery,  book section,    Look at item #21,  the above book....     BTW there are is a good selection there... As in any book collection there are good books,  not so good books, and ...   read more

It is never too late for success... Try it!!   18 y  
Success is doable... You only get what you go for... Knowledge plus action equals results... Always!!
Who or what brings joy to your life??   This is the question we will attempt to answer on this blog...  I have also posted important points on this message on my web site @ www.simplytruth.com,  in the blog section....  Stop by from time to time and see what is happening over there....   You can also visit and sign up on the message board, on simplytruth.com,  we would love to hear what you have to say.... This discussion will be quite involved so you will have to stop back, and catch the latest ...  I will take several weeks to develop ...   read more

What should we be doing??   18 y  
Actually, we should be looking for ways to not only better our lives but those around us. Start with who you really are.
What is the secret of life?? Well it starts with you, and how you live your life in response to the opportunities presented to you...  You do have the obligation to seek and develop those opportunities to better serve both you and those who are placed on your life’s pathway...  Remember what we think, we do and ultimately become....  So plan and live your life as you want it to be...  It is really up to you to become the person you were meant to be...  No one can tell you what you should be... There are many suggestions, and advice out there but ultimately you must make th ...   read more

Duty is really a requirement on our pathway of life....   18 y  
People with out any sense of duty are truly lost soals... Duty is the purpose you are bound by either moral or legal obligation!! So what is your duty; dear friend??
What is your duty in life??   Is it your duty to: 1) Tell the truth? 2) To preform your work to the best of your ability? 3) To raise your children properly? ( or yourself ) 4) To meet your financial obligations? 5) to keep your word? All of these things and many others not mentioned are part of your obligation and duty in this life.... We all have certain social and personal obligations to carry out in this life...  If no one honored their obligations; then all that we know would be lose...  It is only through the duty that we ...   read more

Who are you; Really??   18 y  
Core beliefs Part 1: How do we become true Spirit Warriors?? That is the question we must all answer, lets look at it...
Who are you?  Well who do you think you are?   Of course you can rule out certain things, such as you are not a rock, or tree, or boat anchor... Sooner or later you should know that you are human, either male or female, and of a certain age...  Good so far, but you really need to see the whole picture...  You in the universe!!  We all know we are part of a whole fabric or tapestry of human life....  What really defines each of us, is our core beliefs ... That is who we are!!  Lets look at what makes up our core beliefs...  Som ...   read more

What we do should scare us sometimes.... HUH!!   18 y  
What we have here is an opportunity to communicate... Life offers the changes, and we must learn to dance to the new music... So, stop, look and listen, it may save you and/or your pride...
I have not seen it all, but damn close to it.....   Most of what we as humans do in life should scare us  straight, so to  speak....     It is what happens next in life; that should get our undivided attention, most. ..  HUH!!     Well  most of us go around thinking we are ten feet tall and bullet proof...  DUH!!   If you really believe that you are;  then  are you  as smart as a buffalo chip....  Here is a little story to go along with this idea... For those of yo ...   read more

Police Power VS Individual Liberty, the real answer...   18 y  
When your liberty collides with another then police power kicks in.... When freedom of choice is directed by others... We must learn to recognize our freedom of choice and not give it away in selfishness or fear in the name of security!!
Some years ago I took a college course " The History of American Foreign Policy" during which I did a term paper on " Police power Vs Individual Liberty". ... This will be a reflection on that chain of thought, and the truth that it contained... We must learn that life is a constant battle for each individulal... On the one hand we all have a GOD given free agency... Free to choose what we will do ... On the other hand there are those, { there are many who fall into this group} who want to control and direct your life, so that they profit, or it makes t ...   read more

Sin and Eternity.....   19 y  
Some times it behooves us to step out of the box and really see life for what it is... Sin will cloud your vision, steal your joy and lead to many heartaches... DUH!!
Statistics  Now that I have got your attention.....  There have been many stories and books on real living...  This will be a different approach ....  Stop and look, if you will....     Above is a picture I posted sometime back on the result of the bite from a Brown Recluse Spider....  This is not very nice to say the least, DUH!!   But it definitely is a wake up call for most people....   BTW: You can look at the image files under blogs - kerminator and see the mean,  spider....  Back to ...   read more

Quote of the hour, day, year, and for life....   19 y  
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living... The world owes you nothing, it was here first!!" Mark Twain
What is your problem dear friend??  Are you confused as to what you should be doing??  Well lets get some things straight...  We all come into this world not knowing much and we will leave it not knowing much more....  It is our task to seek knowledge and the apply it to our lives.... One of the things I know for sure is that; no one here knows everything, and that includes you...  So we must get on with our lives, using the best information we have...  DUH!! There are certain values which we should adhere to and want as the foundation of our fam ...   read more

Cures for some curses   19 y  
We need to look life in general.... The choice is yours.... Come see!!
What is life about??  Do we live under a blessing or a curse ??  How can we over come the curses in this life??   These are some of the things we will discuss here ... First we need to stop and see where we are in this life... Each of us is on a different pathway, but we are all going toward the same ultimate Eternity...  So it behooves us to seek the truth and live according to our inter feelings.... All of life is based on the premise that each person has been given the freedom to choose..  Your challenge in this life is to learn to ...   read more

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A forum based on truth for the exchange of ideas; built on faith, hope and charity... Based on communication thru feelings and dealings between individuals...… more...

Last Activity: 9 mon ago
291 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
203 Comments   Last comment 9 mon ago

viewed 2,198,625 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 18 2005


Comments (10 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 9 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 9 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 10 y
Re: Now is the tim… kermi… 10 y
Re: Government Mess kermi… 10 y
Re: Ethical & Mora… kermi… 10 y
Re: What me work? … kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… ren 11 y
Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (203)

Blogs by Kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  26 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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