My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Page 113 of 113

Interesting POST - About Covid 19 & Corona Virus   32 mon  
Have posted a - Blog: Path of my Life by Karlin! Which is about Corona Virus Immunity existed before CovI.D. 19
Blog: Path of my Life by Karlin Corona Virus Immunity existed before CovI.D. 19 asymptomatic but testing positive for Corona virus - they were previously infected with a Corona Virus Date: 7/28/2020 3:25:56 PM ( 24 mon ) ... viewed 647 times Headliner: ”asymptomatic but testing positive for Corona virus - they were previously infected with a Corona Virus and are not contageous, and have immunity” I watch a TV news channel and I get a different opinion handed to me, as compared to the opinion I form when I read the Alt News online. TV news says the virus i ...   read more

Key vitamins everyone should have   32 mon  
Your Diet is the key to your health and a better life! Learn to check and see if you may need some to balance your life!
Vitamins are substances that your body needs to grow and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins your body needs. They are: Vitamin A B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate) Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K ** You can usually get all your vitamins from the proper foods you eat. Your body can also make vitamins D and K. People who eat a vegetarian diet may need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Each vitamin has specific jobs. If you have low levels of certain vitamins, you may ...   read more

External circumstances do not have to cause Stress   32 mon  
Everyone reacts differently to any given stimulus {Internal image} depending on the beliefs on the beliefs that reside in the cellular subconscious of your mind, refereed to as cellular memory.
Therefore the key to properly dealing with stress is not necessarily to removing yourself from stressful situations - but rather to neutralize the wrong beliefs that caused you to interpret the situation as stressful in the first place! Our subconscious mind can have wrong beliefs which cause our minds to go into a ” Fight or Flight ” defense mode! Don’t let People or Things force you into a defeated attitude! We are all in this earthly life which is full of stressful situations used to make pressure in your life! looking at two different type of people: The first has a tremend ...   read more

It is one thing to ponder or meditate - another to worry   32 mon  
Seek after peace not confusion; because the truth of God is not the author of confusion! Confusion will lead to doubt and worry! Because when you start worrying, doubt and reasoning - all these lead to total confusion! Don't worry your self into failures, doubt and confusion!
The Truth is and will always be correct and available without worry or doubt! AMEN! ”The Truth Will Set You Free” - What it Means & Why Jesus Said It Kyle Blevins @ Contributing Writer: 15 Aug 2019 - ’The Truth Will Set You Free’ - What it Means & Why Jesus Said It You may have heard this saying in an academic setting before; “the truth will set you free” could certainly apply to learning and gaining new knowledge. However, the original intent of this phrase refers to a spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin. Let’s explore what truth means for us from thi ...   read more

Super-humans, Do they really exist? Read and see!   32 mon  
This post originally appeared on Quartz and was published October 18, 2018. This article is republished here with permission. ** Since fear, loathing, anxiety, and outrage tend to drive more engagement, the platforms serve us more and more of this negativity.
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind A Simple Acronym Sums up What’s Wrong With Social Media Engineer, philosopher, and virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier thinks you should leave social media platforms because they are BUMMERs. Quartz Ephrat Livni Quartz More from Quartz Stephen Hawking Left Us Bold Predictions on AI, Superhumans, and Aliens 895 saves The best way to use social media is to act like a 19th-century Parisian 4,465 saves The Five Universal Laws of Human Stupidity 6,265 saves Do you ever scroll through your social media feeds and feel gros ...   read more

“Archaic Torso of Apollo.”   32 mon  
changing your life is a big deal. It takes a lot of work and emotional energy. And it’s often very difficult to predict if a dramatic turn will actually make us happier and more fulfilled, or if it will be the biggest mistake ever and we’ll shrivel up into little raisins of regret.
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind An Economist’s Rule for Making Tough Life Decisions ”Whenever you cannot decide what you should do, choose the action that represents a change.” Quartz Sarah Todd Read when you’ve got time to spare. Quartz More from Quartz Understanding FIRE: A Philosophy for Financial Independence and Retiring Early 568 saves The Racial Dynamics Between American Women Are Flipped in a Disorienting Photo Series 432 saves The History of the Pivot Table, The Spreadsheet’s Most Powerful Tool 480 saves a woman jumping ...   read more

Truth is always there but you must seek it and believe!   32 mon  
Four Reasons Why People Misinterpret James 2: “Faith Without Works is Dead”
Blog / Four Reasons Why People Misinterpret James 2: “Faith Without Works is Dead” 04.30.20 Topics: Written by: Nathaniel Wall James 2 is a key passage in the Bible. It is commonly misinterpreted. However, it can be easily understood. Here are 4 Reasons why people misinterpret James 2: “Faith without works is dead”. #1. They forget about James 2:10 (this is crucial). In James 2, the author is arguing against two forms of false Christianity: A) Those who think Christians must earn salvation. B) Those who claim to be Christian but act like the devil. We will deal ...   read more

Want to find yourself? Read this to learn how!   32 mon  
Stop and seek the truth in life - because all else is a waste of time and energy!
Blog: Forgotten Words! by kerminator Want to find yourself? Read and follow this outline! ** Many of the people in the world today are lost and confused! WHY? They have no real purpose or understanding as to what is true in their lives! So stop, look and listen! Date: 9/22/2020 ... viewed 798 times Are you one of the bored people who looks everywhere for their answers? Well you are not alone. It seems that in this modern age of so much information available - people have become info-zombies! They can get on line to seek an answer, or zip off a dozen Cell calls ...   read more

Qu'est-ce que le monde a fait pour vous   32 mon  
James 2:14-26 NKJV - Faith Without Works Is Dead - What does › passage 20 Faith Without Works Is Dead. 14What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? Jacques 2:14-26 LSG - La foi sans les oeuvres est morte. 14 À quoi cela sert-il, mes frères, si quelqu'un dit qu'il a la foi, mais qu'il n'a pas d'œuvres ? La foi peut-elle le sauver?
Cher ami, prenez le temps aujourd’hui de comprendre et d’apprendre à utiliser votre intelligence donnée par Dieu pour devenir une meilleure personne ! La plupart des gens repoussent les limites pour obtenir plus de choses et accumuler afin de se sentir mieux ! Pourtant, le monde est de plus en plus guidé par l’égocentrisme ! La foi est la clé pour améliorer la qualité de votre vie au point où vous en venez à comprendre le vrai sens et le vrai but ! La foi est la partie principale de la compréhension de la nécessité de voir et de comprendre la Vérité ! Pour comprendre complètement ...   read more

Heavenly Sleep - try it!   32 mon  
There is a misconception that as people get older they don't need less sleep. Typically they just tend to get less sleep, due to having fragile sleep and are thus more easily disturbed!!
We will pick this up in future posts - stop back by and learn! This effects your life!   visit the page

Stop, drop, nap.   32 mon  
one study on Greek adults that found a short nap during the day reduces the risks of dying from heart disease and regularly getting more rest may increase your sex drive. ** The Kerminator has used this nap-time for good health! Try it you may like it!
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind What Happens to Your Body When You Take Naps Every Single Day? Stop, drop, nap. Domino Raven Ishak Read when you’ve got time to spare. Domino More from Domino Whoa: This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Enough Water 678 saves I Tried Five Hacks to Become a Morning Person—This One Actually Worked 69 saves What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Single Day 388 saves As often as we talk about the benefits of sleep, more than a third of Americans are not getting the proper amount of shut-eye. Ins ...   read more

What happened to me overseas? I was called a fool?   32 mon  
Well I learned how to function better! Having studied French in H.S. = It allowed me to know more and understand how to use translation!
Being French literate since high school, I have enjoyed the application and use of it! While in the US Navy when we were over seas; I was a translator. So once when our Destroyer docked in Tunis, in North Africa; I was posted at the main Police Station to answer calls in French! One of the first things was to make contact with the ship moored @ la Goletta I had to use the then Operator controlled Phone system! I knew how to ask for the US Navy ship at La Goletta - but then the operator kept asking the same question! But since I did not understand the term: ” Hang up ” in French. ...   read more

"The brain is malleable and adaptable,"   32 mon  
Speaking multiple languages has also been linked to delayed onset of dementia symptoms. And of course, multilingualism brings many obvious benefits beyond the brain, not least the social benefit of being able to speak to many people. It turns out that when a multilingual person wants to speak, the languages they know can be active at the same time, even if only one gets used. *** BTW: I speak multi languages! U can 2 : I Was a French translator while in the US Navy - overseas, Then Picked up Itelian, and German plus some Hispanal while in Europe!
Speaking multiple languages can have some surprising effects on the brain By Nicole Chang 19th July 2022 Speaking a second or even a third language can bring obvious advantages, but occasionally the words, grammar and even accents can get mixed up. This can reveal surprising things about how our brains work. I’m standing in line at my local bakery in Paris, apologizing to an incredibly confused shopkeeper. He’s just asked how many pastries I would like, and completely inadvertently, I responded in Mandarin instead of French. I’m equally baffled: I’m a dominant English speaker, and ...   read more

What’s more magical than a firefly light show?   32 mon  
There are more than 2,000 species of fireflies, a type of beetle. Despite their name, only some species produce adults that glow.
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind 14 Fun Facts About Fireflies Fact number 3: In some places at some times, fireflies synchronize their flashing. Smithsonian Magazine Sarah Zielinski Read when you’ve got time to spare. Smithsonian Magazine More from Smithsonian Magazine How Cheese, Wheat and Alcohol Shaped Human Evolution 1,323 saves Why the Avocado Should Have Gone the Way of the Dodo 1,027 saves The World’s Parasites Are Going Extinct. Here’s Why That’s a Bad Thing 93 saves GettyImages-1202154599.jpg Photo by Ali Majdfar/ ...   read more

Proper use of key words will enforce a statement!   32 mon  
Extensions can be used if the proper extension words are placed in certain order to clarify or back up the original primness.
” BUT ”is not a valid or actual answer to any statement! Rather it is an extenuation or a diversion used to cover other factors. Times When used; it is a form of question and/or when used a fact of the discussion! When ” BUT ” is the modified form or else is an alternative condition! Normally it is generally the avenue taken to cover the intended statement! One way to find the validity of a statement or so called fact is to extend the argument - with some form of diversion! Presentation is one way used to get certain facts or some point of view across! What people should ensur ...   read more

Ways parents discipline is strongly by pursuits   32 mon  
Look and you shall see! Most countries have become more individualistic over the last 50 years – a shift that’s most pronounced in countries that have experienced the most economic development.
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind How Where You’re Born Influences the Person You Become Children in countries like South Korea and Russia are more obedient, while American kids tend to be more self-indulgent. The Conversation Samuel PutnamMasha A. Gartstein Read when you’ve got time to spare. The Conversation More from The Conversation The Science of Being ‘Nice’: How Politeness Is Different From Compassion 2,164 saves ‘Gentle Parenting’ Explainer: No Rewards, No Punishments, No Misbehaving Kids 988 saves Why Are Sitcom Dads Still So In ...   read more

What Happens to Your Body if You Don't Drink Enough Water   32 mon  
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind Whoa: What Happens to Your Body When You don't Drink Enough Water. So find the answers in this situation! We are a large part water and it is the base of our human existence! READ and SEE!
Pocket Home My List Discover Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind Whoa: This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Enough Water Start sipping. Domino Kristin Limoges Read when you’ve got time to spare. Domino What Happens to Your Body When You Take Cold Showers 53 saves What Happens to Your Body When You Take Naps Every Single Day? 514 saves What Happens to Your Body When You Walk 10,000 Steps Every Single Day 384 saves If you’re reading this: Drink a glass of water. You likely need it, as 75 percent of Americans are described as “chronically deh ...   read more

Let's get a few things straight - I would like to help!   32 mon  
The world has been spinning for a while, yet most people here do not even understand it! The biggest problems is that most people are lookoimg for MORE and More! Yet most do not either have the time or tallent to do much about it so life flys on! What do you really think or know that gives you any real help? - merci cher ami
There is a vast open on going set of living growing things here today! Yet many do not even attempt to thing much about - how and why are you {we} here? It is not to make , money or become known nor to become the most perfect human! HUH? ======================= We will look and try yo point out our purpose and the plan which put us here searching for the true answers! ** Stop back as we develop some of the reasons and purposes for the system of life here on Earth! Are you interested? Stop back as we move forward looking for the answers and reasons! Unless you are a Higher L ...   read more

How did I get to become the Kerminator?   32 mon  
** One thing you should learn is my theme song, " I Hope You Dance! " by Lee Ann Womack!
Blog: My Unusual Road of Life.... by kerminator 1) Where are we going any way??? Tales of trips, and where I have been over the years. Then there is how did I get the Name ” Kerminator? ” Well, it was some years back when the Terminator movie was out! My first name is Kermit; Therefore when My youngest was 15; when they Saw the movie - They said you are the Kerminator, then it stuck and here I am world famous!! Here I am! Date: 4/28/2005 ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2007 times My life of adventure and woe started when I was a little boy, my Grandmother Mrs ”O” we called her, came ...   read more

familier et difficile   32 mon  
Mais les chercheurs ont découvert que l’une des meilleures façons de se souvenir de quelque chose que vous avez lu est de le lire dans une police bizarre. La taille et l’audace ne font aucune différence, même si plus c’est difficile à lire, mieux c’est. Lorsque quelque chose n’est pas familier et difficile à lire, vous êtes obligé de vous concentrer davantage dessus, ce qui vous permet de vous en souvenir plus facilement. Les grandes polices en gras peuvent en fait nuire à votre capacité de mémorisation, car des études ont montré que lorsqu’on leur demandait de mémoriser une liste ...   read more

US Navy wins over the aggressor enemy air force!   32 mon  
How did a Korean war dog fight which part of the history of Naval Carriers warfare? This story which is how legends are made! Read and enjoy friend!
History Wars Korean War The real-life Maverick who took on 7 Soviet jets in a classified Korean War dogfight The existence of the improbable dogfight remained under wraps for decades, yet the details of what happened are the stuff of legends. By Max Hauptman | Published Jun 24, 2022 10:45 AM History Culture Royce Williams During the Korean War, Navy Lt. Royce Williams went head-to-head with 7 Soviet fighters and not only survived, but left the fight with multiple confirmed kills. (Task & Purpose photo composite/Wikimedia Commons/U.S. Navy via Twitter). SHARE On Nov. 18 ...   read more

Looking for old DATA - Crank up the old system!   32 mon  
How to Recover Data From a Seemingly-Dead Computer - I have done it so go for it! Like all things there is a history and system to address! First become familiar with what you have and how it pretty much runs!
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind How to Recover Data From a Seemingly-Dead Computer And possibly bring it back to life. Popular Science David Nield Read when you’ve got time to spare. Advertisement Popular Science More from Popular Science How to hide your mess of cables once and for all 690 saves Find out if you need to replace your laptop with a tablet 911 saves 20 essential Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make you forget your mouse 939 saves Advertisement person holding head in hands while staring at a laptop Photo ...   read more

150 minutes of vigorous activity a week seemed to give more   32 mon  
I have been a runner, bike rider and swimmer most of my life when the it was available! Get the cobwebs out of your life and exercise the natural ways!
Pocket worthyStories to fuel your mind Vigorous Exercise Could Add Years to Your Life, Study Suggests All activity is helpful, but throwing in some intense workouts could give your health an extra boost. Runner’s World Elizabeth Millard Read when you’ve got time to spare. Runner’s World More from Runner’s World How to Get Stronger Without Lifting Heavier 238 saves Should You Run More or Run Faster? 372 saves Yes, Practicing Gratitude Comes With Legit Health Benefits 43 saves Does it really make a difference whether you include vigorous physical activity into a ...   read more

The best advice!   32 mon  
Phil 4:8 Think on the Rightious in life! That your way should be made sure and true!
Our life here on Earth is not about being rich or happy! It is about seeking the direction of the Lord God in our life! First to Learn and follow the directions in the Kingdom of God! Then you will have the Righteous of the Gospel of Christ to lead you! Then all else will be made known to you! ** Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy’ Think about such things.   visit the page

“Gam ze ya’avor,”   32 mon  
Most people believe that the phrase "This Too Shall Pass" came directly from the Bible itself. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Is the Phrase, ’This Too Shall Pass’ in the Bible? Well ” Not exactly! ” Most people believe that the phrase ”This Too Shall Pass” came directly from the Bible itself. Unfortunately, that is not the case at all. But there is a hope that is conveyed in the Bible that is similarly close that can give us the same comfort and peace. Rebecca Mashburn Contributing Writer 2019 22 Nov Is the Phrase, ’This Too Shall Pass’ in the Bible? In life’s struggles, we often wonder how circumstances can change. A simple phrase such as “This Too Shall Pass ...   read more

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Stories of unusual happenings that either happened to me, or were related to me; or were some part of my life! Some blogs will be on events that effect us - some political or of general human interest!… more...

Last Activity: 8 mon ago
1929 Messages   Last message 32 mon ago
340 Comments   Last comment 8 mon ago

viewed 3,599,539 times
Created: 20 y   Apr 28 2005


Comments (10 of 340):
Re: Let's get a fe… been … 32 mon
Re: Thriving Marri… johnt… 3 y
Re: Try to make ev… carme… 3 y
Re: How we should … chris… 4 y
Re: Medicine Recall James… 4 y
Re: If I had only … kermi… 4 y
Re: Is there balan… TomSa… 4 y
Re: Where we stand… kermi… 4 y
Re: Where we stand… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Black History … ren 4 y
All Comments (340)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  3 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  4 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  4 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  3 y  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  4 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  3 y  (120)

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