Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Page 3 of 17

Question, questions every where but not an answer in sight...   19 y  
Most of the real answers in life are on a needs to know bases, "What do you really need to know?? To find out sometimes... We receive messengers to correct our path..
Now is the time to seek real answers... People have questions that are difficult to answer some times...  But once you put them on a needs to know bases, things change...   [refer to the "Why" blog for details]  Most questions are more the ...DUH!! Ones with obvious answers, and not the soul searching future of the universe type....   What we need to do here folks is to start thinking like a pro... What do you know and why??  Well we all come into this world with certain prewired items, most of which we ca ...   read more

The INTERNET is good? or IM better? whatever.. Ask the teens!! people!!   19 y  
How are the teens you know communicating, and with whom??? IM is a fact of life in the modern age, ready or not....
To the new generation, {10 to 19} think email is "so last gereration"...  Many of the teens today, rely on wireless IM.... {Instant Messaging}  They are into this " go any where technology..."  The question is why does a teen need this type of IM?? Or too much email for that matter....  We have not even considered the cell fons....  "Because it is out there" is not the correct answer folks...  Each parent has to decide where to draw the line of this techno-childhood...  All parents should have some contro ...   read more

Love is ever lasting; life is not...   19 y  
Only the true love of GOD and Mankind will truly exist in the Eternity to come....
What is life but a brief period on the time line of eternity....  A puff of smoke, a whisper on a breeze, a stirring on the face of the waters...  That is what our(your) life is ....   This maybe an over simplified view, but it is accurate on the time line of eternity, folks..   Like it or not... We need to find our place in the universe...  It is not what kind of house you have, or some car, boat or other object....  It is not some grand and fancy position you may hold; these are only to allow you to learn to help others...  It i ...   read more

Fourth of July, the most important holiday in the US history.. What an opportunity to be patriotic!   19 y  
Respect is the honor we pay to people and objects that represent the highest values and / or standards of those lofty ideals...
Folks it is that time again...  Lets talk about respect...  For people and of course the US Flag on this forth of July holiday 2005..... It is time to be patriotic... DUH!! This country was conceived in liberty, Thur the baptism of blood of people who wanted to be free to worship, and choose their government...  The history books are full of the deeds and dreams of these founding fathers....  If you don’t understand we need to talk... I have stood at Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia, and heard the play back of the voices of those brave gentlemen...  ...   read more

Maybe I ought to do something??? DUH!!   19 y  
Life is your pathway thru Eternity.... So live you life well, remember today is the first day of the rest of your life!! Only you can live it... GO for it!!
Well time has brought me out to Calif... once more, it has been a time to renew some old friendships, some people I have know for over twenty years...  And meet in person for the first time a new soul on my pathway of life..... Very good trip!! The wisdom of life is cumulative.... We can look back at the sum total of our lives and see the events and people who shaped our lives....  Life is what you made of it....  Yes folks there were choices, and decisions that shaped your life...  So lets not try and blame everything on who ever for ...   read more

What we do in this life; depends on how we respond....   19 y  
Remember those we meet in life are there for a purpose...
Life is a trip, and we all need to plan to make it the best we can...  I plan to meet someone face to face soon and find the bond the GOD has placed in my pathway...  We don’t always at first know the why of things, but it always becomes clearer once we accept the challenge and step out on faith...  Learn to interface  and understand those you come in contact with in this life...  The bonding and interpersonal connections are what make up one of the most important parts of life... Live It!! What you have already done is gone, as Willie Nelson sang " ...   read more

Be grateful for the guardrails in life.....   19 y  
Choose this day whom you will serve, and follow the pathway of God's TRUTH... Learn the limits in your life and live there!!
@ 05:35 this morning; I am reaching back into my top desk drawer, and getting out the notes for my most personal thoughts and studies....  We will try to explore and reason some of the what ifs of life... Much of life is learning to live it within the proper channels, limited only by our mind.... And THE MIND of GOD.... The truth is more than mere facts... It is not just something that we act upon... Rather it acts upon us... God has written HIS TRUTH upon the hearts of all humans... {Notice key word all}   Human hearts long for the truth to fill the mora ...   read more

Wisdom of the ages.... Or at least for now....   19 y  
Age comes with years, but wisdom is gained one day at a time...
Wisdom comes to people as they live life; so pay attention and you might get some....  What we need is to look at some things successful people have done.... Included in todays discussion is such a list... This is a list from the Investor’s Business Daily; They have spent years analyzing leaders and successful people in all walks of life. Most successful leaders have these ten (10) traits that, when combined, can turn dreams into reality.   Lets look see...  ( A southern term for check it out) [We will start with one each presentation so stay ...   read more

Words of wisdom...   19 y  
We must make changes in life when the pain gets too bad...
This is a word of wisdom, after all these more base subject matter covered of late... Of course base is good and necessary at times, but there is more to life... There is an Ole Southern story about a man who went out to visit a friend down in L.A. or Lower Alabama, we call it here abouts....  When he got there the friend was out sitting on the front porch with a couple of coon dogs laying out there beside him...  They got good iced tea and was talking, when the man notice one of the dogs....  It was laying there trying to sleep in the heat, and every now and ...   read more

Back to the sexuality of men...   19 y  
Sex appeal is part of the female role, and she plays it very well indeed... No argument from this male...
Friends and interested people; welcome to the second part of male sexuality... Something  I have some experience with, being a man...  We discussed some examples of how especially the younger females go for the goal so to speak... Now we will look more at how some of the male / female relationships work out..  We are not going to try ans scoop the tabloids, or the pretty people magizines...  We are not going into the bars, taverns, night clubs scenes...   We are going to the more normal everyday encounters...  Where our examples: ...   read more

Fear or the lack there of...   19 y  
Fear should not rule your life.... We must over come it or it will devastate us... Fear is the enemy of mankind... People have been ruled by fear for centuries, don't let this happen to you...
Today am in Nashville; ya, opryland and such...  Was by there last nite... Now it is time to head back home... Another successful mission accomplished!! But was stirred by news from an email friend that had expressed some fear in her life recently... Fear is a emotion based on not understanding something that is in your life...  People fear conditions that they can not control or change..  They fear situations that are new to them...  Therefore it is based on the unknown....   What we need to do is learn to recognize and overcome the fear or ...   read more

Mens Sexuallity.... What it is and is not...   19 y  
Males are not responsible for all the sexual happenings , but will admit that they do have a strong sex drive to seek out females... Gods plan but to be kept under control...
The male has been blamed for most all of the social ills of history....  Why?? Sex!! Well this is what we are going to look at....  It starts in early age, the female develops quicker, and starts the ball rolling...  The female starts, like in my life, sending notes in class [2nd grade], then starts talking to the boys....  Females talk on the average about three times more than men.... { just a fact of life}  Becky, was her name, and she would talk, talk, and talk.... { Not a bad thing, just was not ready for it yet}  All I wante ...   read more

The value of things in life...   19 y  
Most things you have are not worth anything in the Eternity to come...
Brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors.....  What we have here is the failure to understand the value of the things in our lives... I must touch on this bit knowledge....  You may have noticed that in each of my blogs there is a message, some more demanding than others but never the less a message that you can take with you or improve the lives of those around you....  Look for the key words...  Value is the key word here... What is value??  Well simply put it is what ever another is willing to pay or trade for some item(s) that you may have....&n ...   read more

Most times the still small voice, comes from the most unusual places..   19 y  
The still small voice, is there to alert you to the changes needed in you life, listen and respond... Watch and pray...
I received a wake up call yesterday afternoon, thru an email question from a friend... The question was short and direct...  Just as this person is in real life direct... Which is good , very good!!  We all need to hear the truth and recognize it so we can live the real words...  I almost cried thinking of that question and the answer... I like most people go thru life, supposedly living our dreams or ideas; but actually living an almost  complete opposite existance....  This is called a paradox....  Saying one thing and doing another... ...   read more

Turn down the noise, and listen to the still small voice....   19 y  
Do not allow unnecessary noise mess up your life, control or limit it...
What we have here is a failure to communicate....   This is exactly where many people find themselves today...   Talking, and working, supposedly playing, but not getting any where....    Communication is the sharing of or expression of ideas and thoughts....  Have you been able to express any lately??  Well we will explore some reasons why?? Do you ever wake up feeling like your did not get any rest after supposedly sleeping all night ??  Well you are not alone, and about 70% of adult women feel the same... Lets look at some ...   read more

Smooth sexy skin...   19 y  
We love what you ladies go through just to look sexy... And believe me you succeed, my hearts is pounding, wow....
Well ladies here i go again, sticking my $@*&#! where it does not belong..  You would think being a man, i would learn not to tackle primary female items...  But i will try once more....  What the topic of consideration is "Bare Necessities..."  all you ladies know what those are....  One on the list of top favorites this summer time of year is sexy skin....  Yes and i agree that you women do a marvelous job of ridding yourselves of unwanted body hair.....   Well being a swimmer most of my life believe me i understand your di ...   read more

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived!   19 y  
Life is 90% your attitude, the rest you can not control, only learn to react towards....
In life when we fail, as we will if we do anything, the truth will become known.... The question is how many times does it take you to learn it??  This is the whole story of history....  History will repeat itself until we learn the lesson.... Like forever home work, you get to do over, and over again...  Well we might stupidly say "who cares?"..... Remember knowledge will forever rule ingnorance....  So the smart people will always be in the drivers seat, and everyone else is just on the bus for the ride...  Got it...  DUH! The rea ...   read more

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A forum based on truth for the exchange of ideas; built on faith, hope and charity... Based on communication thru feelings and dealings between individuals...… more...

Last Activity: 9 mon ago
291 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
203 Comments   Last comment 9 mon ago

viewed 2,198,624 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 18 2005


Comments (10 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 9 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 9 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 10 y
Re: Now is the tim… kermi… 10 y
Re: Government Mess kermi… 10 y
Re: Ethical & Mora… kermi… 10 y
Re: What me work? … kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… ren 11 y
Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (203)

Blogs by Kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  26 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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