The value of things in life...
Most things you have are not worth anything in the Eternity to come...
Date: 5/25/2005 9:14:22 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2045 times Brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors..... What we have here is the failure to understand the value of the things in our lives...
I must touch on this bit knowledge.... You may have noticed that in each of my blogs there is a message, some more demanding than others but never the less a message that you can take with you or improve the lives of those around you.... Look for the key words... Value is the key word here...
What is value?? Well simply put it is what ever another is willing to pay or trade for some item(s) that you may have.... What you need to think about is what do I have, and what is it worth?? Homework: Make a list of what you feel you have that is of value; list all items, then place a value (price)beside each one... We will check back in a day or so to see how you have progressed... Start with the simple things and move toward the more complex... See ya same channel... Make that list and we will go over it next time....
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