Who's money is it anyway? 16 y
If you think! How can you not see what is going on!
Here is something to think about... Following is from a blog; which shows that some people are not decieved by fancy words and big government! Please read and think...
Posted By Bob Livingston On February 23, 2009 @ 10:00 am In Bob Livingston, Government, Personal Liberty Articles | 2 Comments
The Federal Government is proposing an $787 billion more or less in the so called economic stimulus plan to energize the economy, but will pumping that money into the economy stimulate anything other than the speed at which ... read more
A real American Hero!! 17 y
Where can we find a man like this today... Don't say Obama, there is no comparison!
Here is the story of a real hero!
They broke the mold when they made Harry.....
Among other things he had a sign on his desk which read " The Buck stops here", and he meant it!
When the Nation of Israel was declared in May 1948; he was told not to recognize Israel, because it was not popular; his reply was : " I am going to do what is rig ... read more
Power Under! 17 y
This can help you make a decision that could change your future!
Read what was posted for you, dear friend... Read, think and pray!!
Power Under
« on: Today at 10:19:26 »
"There are actually only two kingdoms in the world; Good - God ... read more
War on Cancer!! 17 y
What is the real story?
What we all need to know is; what is the real truth! Well, you have come to the right place the "Truth Barometer" so let’s look at some current stuff...
Winning the War on Cancer
In the book Winning the War on Cancer, author Dr. Mark Sircus discusses sodium bicarbonate, which helps to save countless lives every day. Sodium bicarbonate is the time-honored method ... read more
Life's blood 17 y
Right behind breath is life's blood... Sometimes negative is better!
Here is a view that should help you live better!!
Stop by and learn the truth to better health and well being!!
The human body consists a of billions of cells and each is enclosed by a cell wall. This cell wall performs many important roles, and some of these are absorbing nutrients, vitamins, hydration, and minerals. The cell wall is also responsible for eliminating acidic waste material and toxins.
When the amount of Negative Ions in the blood is increased, the function of a cell is activated. When there are more positive ions, the c ... read more
Shy?? 17 y
While we all want to be accepted and popular; most people are somewhat shy... Tips to get over it!
Try these suggestions and just maybe your life will improve! Nothing gained nothing lost... But maybe some beter relationships and things of interest...
Too Shy?
Here is some help for you or a friend...
We all were shy once upon a time!! Help for those who want to venture out...
6 Ways to Overcome Your Shyness and Meet People
Being socia ... read more
Maybe this will help? 17 y
This plan was from Bill Cosby they say... Either way it deserves merit!
Every once in a while there is a better idea, read on and see what you think!!
" The only way we will become better informed is to know the true facts..."
a True-ism Sept 2008
(1) ’Press 1 for English’ is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak ... read more
The next four years? 17 y
Anything could happen, but at least you know this much!!
Another word of wisdom, we think...
... read more
Cancer prevention? 17 y
Most "Cancer research" is absurd! Like trying to stop a sniper after he has shot someone; too late...
This is very good info we should all like to know; from a newsletter:
"Cancer Research". That’s what’s absurd. It’s
intellectually insulting. And yet people fall for
it all the time. "Run for the cure," they tell you.
It’s not just that the pharmaceutical industry has
no interest in curing cancer. We already knew that.
The absurdity is TRYING to cure it in the first place.
Looking for a cure in the face of our toxic environment,
toxic food suppl ... read more
Seven Golden Rules... 17 y
These may be of some assistance to you in the future!!
Some info that could help you...
The 7 Golden Rules of Income Investing
You see, every successful income investor lives by a certain set of rules. And if you follow them, you too can build a million dollar portfolio for less than half of what it costs to go the store these days.
Here are the rules:
1. Ignore the News. Warren Buffett doesn’t bother to watch CNBC, and why should you? The financial news, after all, isn’t any different than your own 6 o’clock news. Drama may draw viewers, but it’s nothing more than a distra ... read more
Who do you say HE is?? 17 y
There are some questions we must all answer one day!! This is one of those!! So now you have an answer, HUH!!
From some of my other blogs:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Who is HE?
Almost everyone in the world today has heard of Christ... Wither they realize it or not they now have knowledge as to the central theme of our existence!! Many may argue the point as to Christ being the central point in history, which is understandable from their point of ignorance or out of sheer stupidly... Even the Devil and all his Demons know of Christ... So why would someone purposely stand on the outside, then attempt to continually be one, who denies the existence and purpose of ... read more
Your final interview!! 17 y
Interviews are where the Interviewer looks over you qualifications and deeds from the past then decides how to apply your efforts to the future!!
This is a date we all will keep; ready or not!!
We all should understand the importance of an interview!! In an interview; you present the facts of your past, in order to move on into your future... The interviewer will conducts the interview in his own manner... The out come will determine your future!!
The one interview we should all be prepared for; is when one finally stands before Almighty GOD on that last judgment day!
&nb ... read more
Is a Battery green?? 17 y
Hybrid cars may be some what better; it remains to be seen the actual results... The use of a battery plant is not always the best plan, in a green world!
Here is a FYI on some truth about going green, maybe.... HUH!
What part does the electrical Battery play in the over all Green world picture... Lets look at the use of the Battery in Hybrid cars and some other non uses... These are some more true facts; from a Truth barometer point of view!!
Hybrid cars - There are two basic types of Hybrids series or parallel:
How They Operate
In practice, like a regular car, a series-hybrid vehicle has an engine that is generally running all ... read more
From Jihad to Jesus 17 y
We should strive to seek the truth in our lives; here is some you may not know...
Another piece of the Truth: You may want to read some of the true facts about Islam!!
This is from the author, of the book " From Jihad to Jesus ."
Go to his web site @ www.fromjihadtojesus.com... for more detailed info... Read on!!
Rassamni says,“Cold blooded murder is evil. Love is superior to hatred. Freedom is more precious than suppression. Truth is nobler than plagiarism.” He explains that Islam mercilessly crushes dissent.
Although Islam holds 22 percent of ... read more
Help for minorities? 17 y
Some times the supreme effort & sacrifice goes unnoticed and is soon forgotten...
If you like to know the truth read this message... Then think long and hard about what you may not understand about this situation!! From an email:
We need to show more sympathy for these people.
They travel miles in the heat.
They risk their lives crossing a border.
They don’t get paid enough wages.
They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
They rarely see their ... read more
Looking for something?? 17 y
Here is a super list of net sources to check...
Oh, Where is it ??
A wonderful place to look for what ever... From web site mercola.com:
Beyond Wikipedia: 19 References You Can’t Do Without
Wikipedia can serve as a great introduction to a subject, and connect you to other related ideas, people and places. But it’s not all there is. Here are some resources that can help you with whate ... read more
Some times... 17 y
Many times; The real truth is only a short search away...
Much of Life should be about, who you help and what you give away...
The real world understanding comes with knowing t he real Truth...
You should always try to find the real answers which require some inquiry...
When it comes to the current; Islamic threat... You should check out this web site!!
See what you think!!
read more
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