Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator

Who do you say HE is??

There are some questions we must all answer one day!! This is one of those!! So now you have an answer, HUH!!

Date:   6/22/2008 4:45:16 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2473 times

From some of my other blogs:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Who is HE?


Almost everyone in the world today has heard of Christ... Wither they realize it or not they now have knowledge as to the central theme of our existence!! Many may argue the point as to Christ being the central point in history, which is understandable from their point of ignorance or out of sheer stupidly... Even the Devil and all his Demons know of Christ... So why would someone purposely stand on the outside, then attempt to continually be one, who denies the existence and purpose of Christ?? When this is a known truth!

If it was not known to you, then it is now!! Think on this a while dear friend!! Some will tell you that Christ does not matter or that they do not believe in HIM... Well you can certainly make that choice but at some point in the not too distance future; you will have to come the knowledge that HE is and Stands as the Central point in human history!! Ready or not...

Can they say all these things with a sane mind and purpose? Maybe?? Will it stand the test of time?? Probably not!! HUH!! How are they going to act standing in front of the judgement bar of Christ on that last day?? Not happy will be the answer!!

Christ was and is the key to the past, present and absolute future... Eternity!! All ramifications for future events will follow an exact purpose...
Our part of the plan is to be in the right place at the right time!!

" In our life; the real key to the universe and Eternity beyond depends on the decisions we make and/or have made in faith! " a True-ism May 2008

All the rest is of little consequence.. Including this forum or blog, and the evening news cast...
May the truth be known!! HUH!

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Comments (15 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 10 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 10 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 11 y
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Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 12 y
Re: How you can he… kermi… 12 y
Re: How you can he… claud… 12 y
Re: Ressurection -… kermi… 12 y
Re: He came, becau… kermi… 12 y
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