Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Page 2 of 17

If you are determined to not risk pain; then you will not have anything of value !!   19 y  
We should never be too smart to learn, or too proud to be wrong...
Having children, getting married, the ecstasy of sexua| intercourse, ambitions, hope for the future, and real friendships - all this makes life worth while, and gives the true meaning or significance to life....  You do not have to make crises in our lives, but we must  recognize them... A truly healthy life is not marked by the absence of crises, but rather how early the individual can raise to meet the crisis...   A life without crisis is no life at all.... So just learn to handle it.. Another item for all you who do not ...   read more

We learn as we go; or we should!!   19 y  
The Wisdom of the ages, is in our lives each day.. Stop, look and listen...
Invariably when ask about the source of their knowledge and power, the truly powerful will reply: "It is not my power. What little power i have is but a minute expression of a far greater power...." that is all mankind’s, all of life, ...GOD’s power and knowledge!!  This is what we need to come to know, in our lives...  We are only part of the whole. Where and what we have is really only that; which the most gracious and loving GOD has allowed us to have.... Pray for your deliverance and seek the face of GOD in your life....  Have confid ...   read more

Women have changed my life which is to be expected...   19 y  
What is the real plan for our lives?? Only GOD knows trust HIM... Let HIM direct you.... Listen then follow!!
The longer I live the more difficult I find women to be in general; but most especially those women who share my life ..... As you will discover in reading my blogs, [much of my life is now an open book] I have lived a simple, yet at times very confusing life...  I have always tried to seek the truth, and be fair in my dealings...  Even with such lofty goals, I have at times failed to give full disclouser... This is not in the sense of any out right lies, rather it is more often the lack of the correct information... In not being fully factual, or of ...   read more

Wisdom of the heart and soul....   19 y  
Trust your heart unto GOD....
Refer to my "brain boot camp" blog for some deep thoughts on the heart and soul... Some advice....  from: Kator  Guard your heart ladies least some fool should play upon your heart strings....    What the world sees, is not what is really in your heart...  So be the wise virgin, and be prepared for the coming of the bridegroom.... What ever the world knows is of no avail, trust your heart and soul for then will you find true joy..... What is there is the world that you can take with you???  Nothing ...   read more

My Modus Operandi.... To relish and love good friends....   19 y  
,Friends are choices we make on the road of life... Don't over look any that GOD placed in your pathway..
================================================= My Modus Operandi. To relish and love good friends. - Friends are choices we make on the road of life... Don’t over look anyone that GOD places on your pathway.. Date:5/9/2005 03:37:09 GMT Blog was viewed 489,891 times An ole saying which I remember from my dear Grandmother, who never really owned anything of value, once told me, ” you do not get to pick your relatives honey, but you do get to pick your friends, so pick them well...” I have tried to follow that advice... Most of my life I have been prett ...   read more

Women, women, everywhere.... Oh my!!   19 y  
Thoughts require you to think, ya you, not someone else... Igmo!!
Today is mothers day...  so for all you who think i am against women, read my "Road Warrior" blog and you will see....  We have waltzed around this, EVO theory and another thought came to me, that is "original though" where, when, and why???  Since they say that everything after eons, billions of years....  Just appeared and then commenced this incredible journey from one thing to become another...  ect...  You can read up on this hog wash, it is in every public school text book today....     But think GO ...   read more

Woman what makes them tick?? Only GOD knows for sure...   19 y  
The mystery of women will forever be in mens minds....
Woman who, what, and how they think will always be a mystery to most, if not all men....   What can we say about the opposite sex... much and very little...  They offer an outlet for the carnal drive of men, but also offer the complimentary view on life...  They are men’s conscience on so many matters...  First as mothers they guide and direct the thinking and actions of boys, then as friends they offer a different view of the world....  Then as wives and lovers they offer the pleasure and companionship for men...   These are not ...   read more

Some of the Wisdom of Life   19 y  
Problems do not just go way, you have got to do something...
Friends, neighbors, and crountrymen...  We last looked at the problem of problems.... Problems do not just go away like the sunsets... They must  be worked through or else they will forever remain... A barrier to any growth and/or development in our lives... We can only solve life’s problems by resolving them one by one... We must both understand and accept responsibility for the problem(s) in our lives, before we can solve them.... When we say ” it is not my problem”  we are now passing the problem(s) off to others....  Hoping that they will some how solve it for ...   read more

Discipline the key to a successful life....   19 y  
To take on the world's problems first you must meet your own...
Wisdom is the sum of the experiences of your life.....   If your live life to its fullest and learn to stop, look and listen you will gain the wisdom of the ages.... The tools of discipline are the techniques by which we experience the pain from the problems of life, in such a way as to work through and solve them successfully.... The key words are discipline and successfilly...  We learn and grow in the process. When we teach ourselves how to suffer and grow...  It is Patience that will lead us on to discipline.....   You can enhance the pleasures of life, by meeting and ...   read more

Choices or Why we are who we are.....   19 y  
Life is an opportunity for sucess or failure....
As we go thru this life, we learn that life is difficult.... There are no easy answers... Life is a series of problems... Do you want to moan about them or solve them?? But there is the wisdom,  to make the right choices in life....   It has been said the we don’t get to pick our relatives, but you can pick your friends....  Choose well...   We also have the opportunity to choose how and what we think...  We should also choose to reach the community of GOD that lives in all humans...  Meditation or prayer is key. ...   read more

Beauty is as beauty does....   19 y  
A womans worth is beyond appearance, it is her inter beauty!!
Once we truly know that life is different  -- once we truly understand and accept it -- then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, it no longer matters. We have been round and round on all this female sex stuff.... Lets say enough!! We want to give the just due to all of our women, who are the mothers, wives, lovers and friends....  They are a great source of natural inspiration....  They give the true meaning to the otherwise wild male ego, and put it into prespective.... Give the male a true counter part... a balance if it were, th ...   read more

What men don't know about female sexuallity...   19 y  
Pick your battles, and don't pretend to know about women sexua| thingies if you ain't a female...
Sorry.... I stand corrected because I am not too proud to be wrong... So if all you female bloggers will kindly let me know what you think!! Am I all wet?? You have the advantage since, I have never had a period, a baby, or been on the receiving end of sexua| intercourse... So what do I know... well not much, in the grand scheme of things, and less about womans sexuallity.... Let me know if and where I went wrong, and I will stand corrected... Thanks for your sincere feed back and other considerations..... Future massage(s) can or will retract any misconceptions, on t ...   read more

2nd piece of Evolution puzzle - Menstruation   19 y  
The adult female has a wonderfully made unique body....
We move on in search of the truth.... A friend sent this in an email today... This is another true statement by:  Edmond Burke, A MP in England in the 1800s said... " All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing..."       This is as true now as it was then.... What other facts do we want to present; about the falsehood of the so called Evolution Theory...  { BTW: you do realize a theory is any postulation put forth for consideration that is yet to be proved?} How about what other unique item(s) ...   read more

The clitoris is the key to the Evolution puzzle...   19 y  
Seek the truth for The truth shall set you free... No matter when or where you seek it!!
In review of some previous discussions on the misdirected evolution theory on how everything went on to something else, until the past few thousand years...   Part of any valid argument is that what ever conclusion is drawn, it must be supported by all of the premises...   To check for validly, all one must do is check all the premises to see if they in fact imply the conclusion... Just one false premise negates the validity!!  So here we go... The evolutionist state that everything changes or, just evolved by needs over time, well this could ...   read more

The key to this whole human sex thing...   19 y  
If mama ain't happy, then ain't nobody happy...
When you get down to it, sexua| intercourse is necessary for the survival of the species.... Well we all [all most} knew that... But the real question is the why??? Lets go back to Biology 101, every body did their homework right??? OK, then you know that according to the EVOs [note in previous blog] there was this egg laying animal which had so called evolved over millions or billions of years, {going to use the acronym (M/B) from now on so pay attention here.... boys and girls...} into a live birth, animal.... Well this takes a lot of explaining, as my granddaddy used to say to th ...   read more

What is all this sex stuff anyway??   19 y  
Know your enemy or friend whichever the sex may be....
Well we are back in the saddle again... Just like ole Gene Authry the singing cowboy used to croon... Oh most of you don’t know what i am talking about... So email me if it really bothers you that much, and we will talk.... Lets go back to biology 101, where you discovered that ther are things about the opposit sex, and yourself that you do not know much about... Admit it, it is true... This is a fact that you don’t know everything... yet!! Oh since I have had to reply to zillions? of emails, give some quality advice to a friend, and up date several blogs this is going to be shor ...   read more

Sexual intercourse is silly, but we need it...   19 y  
Where am i and how did i get here??? There is an answer find it!! But not on any map...
From where i stand the world is a blur, something that just goes on, I am here but don’ t really feel that i belong... So each of us must look at what ever makes up our life.. Sorry to say but for many it is just, MTV, some music vibes, dumb follow the crowd cloths and sex.... Sad to say but they are sitting there, Fat, Dumb, & Happy (FDH) remember this you have seen it before and will see it again on this blog as well as my other blogs... FDH... Got IT... It is the sex part that drives everyone... Now we will be getting to the whole sex angle from the EVOs ideas, so just hang on ...   read more

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Last Activity: 10 mon ago
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203 Comments   Last comment 10 mon ago

viewed 2,220,409 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 18 2005


Comments (10 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 9 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 9 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 10 y
Re: Now is the tim… kermi… 10 y
Re: Government Mess kermi… 10 y
Re: Ethical & Mora… kermi… 10 y
Re: What me work? … kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… ren 11 y
Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (203)

Blogs by Kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  27 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  2 y  (310)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  28 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  29 mon  (120)

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