Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator
Page 4 of 17

Where will you spend ETERNITY???   19 y  
Indeed!! This is the question we all must seek the answer for... And one day we will see the result!!
Life is our experiment.... Ready or not....   visit the page

Liberation.... Oh Dear liberated woman.. Where are you??   19 y  
Crying,"Independence" yet pleading, "comfort and care for me" Many today are; Self-indeulgence, self-seeking,self-searching... Where are you?
Dear women of this so called liberated world...  WHERE ARE YOU, WHAT HAPPENED? Oh, sure you have been pill-liberated from pregnancy and some of the miseries of menstration...  Law-liberated from having unwanted or inconvenient babies, when all else goes wrong..  The law has freed you, from the inequalities in the dealings with men... But suffering never the less.... Enslaved, perhaps more than ever, in the blind confines of self...   Seeking to find some meaning of being a woman in this  world;  where evil reigns triumph....  You fi ...   read more

An updated reflection, on this blog and my recent life...   19 y  
Everything change as you progress down life's pathway, we hope and pray for the best... I reflect back seeing some disappointments but also see many improvments... We must all answer The ultimate question; "Where will you spend Eternity?"
I must say that  some of your comments have helped shape my life ...  We all stand accountable for what we do or have done in our lives...  It is very good that I can stand before you all and be accountable for my actions... Thank you for your considerations and comments, dear friends... I look back and survey the past year, of my writing these blogs...  I can see where I have grown, where I have gone astray, and where I have been able to help others... This is all good; as I must continually direct and correct my life to better serve other ...   read more

Support the "Fair Tax" The next revolution is here!!!   19 y  
You have an opportunity that few people in life ever get; that is the opportunity to change your life and that of your children, grandchildren, the nation, even the world.... Check it out folks...
This could well become one of the most moving events in the history of this country...  Where the citizens {You and me} get some control back and help to shape our future... The World will long remember the events that will follow the passage of the "Fair Tax" bill...  The United States will become one of if not the best country in the world to do business, because there will be no Corporate tax...  And the world will beat a pathway to our country....  Check it out get the book "Fair Tax" by Neal Boortz, or go on line www.fairtax.org  an ...   read more

Come see my new web site....   19 y  
Got a new web site, www.simplytruth.com... Stop and see it there will be lots of stuff, for {almost} everyone.... See Ya there!!
This is a welcome all to my new,  @  www.simplytruth.com     We will cover the main topics of the day...   First I will be expounding on different stuff like;  the "Fair Tax" movement, why we live like we do?,  Is real fuel economy possible?, and who do we think we are?...  Just to mention a few topics of general interest...   Will have a store, and other interesting stuff....  Come let us know what you think, good or bad...   Lets hear from everyone, well almost everyone... ...   read more

Important words "You still have a chance"   19 y  
Go for it... That is what we all must do!! DUH!! Waiting around never got anyone anything but older... DUH!!
Back with another message of hope and better living, folks... Life is a series of over & under, ups & downs, ins & outs, starts & stops, on & offs....  Our job is to learn how to do our best under all circumstances...  Now the circumstances will seem to be over whelming at times,  but there is an answer; put GOD first in your life ....  Don’t be a "OMG" person, {BTW that is the typical Hollywood prayer & probably the only one they know, too} who waits until something happens before making the correct choice...&n ...   read more

A new day, another opportunity....   19 y  
Each of us has the choice each and every new day we get up and get started to either; make it a better place for your having been there or not.... Not is unacceptable on this blog, and in most of the world.....
Stick with me as we explore reasons for improving your life...   This will take some time, so stop back to see what we have discovered or presented.... First should be an assessment of who you are...  Each of us is a unique individual, who have special talents.... We should find and develop these so that we can better serve not only ourselves, but the needs of others...  Do you know what talents you have??  If not now would be a good time to stop, and reflect on your life...  Take note of those things that come easy to you and that ...   read more

What to do with your Diet or not that is the question!!   19 y  
Your diet and exercise are some of the most important things you will do in your life in order to keep your body fit, see what we mean... We will offer some site where you can find info that could change your life for the better....
This is a continuation of our discussion,  as I complete this topic .... It will amaze you!!  Set realistic goals:  1) Decide to exercise consistently, you should work out from 20 to 45 minutes preferred three days a week...  2) After your first two weeks add 5 to 10 minutes to your workout period...  3) Try to work toward the upper time limit by the end of your first month... 4) If possible add a fourth day to your weekly schedule by the six month period... 5) Remember it takes at least 30 days to establish an new h ...   read more

What you eat is what you is....   19 y  
Most people know the what of their diet, but not the why... We will address why your diet is the most important part of your life after breathing...
Back as promised, it will require some time to complete the list of why your diet is your most important of your life after breathing... Sorry folks sex is a distant fifth, we will talk about the different level in life later so stay tuned for that discussion coming up on a future blog...  Diet, why??  Well after breathing you must have for{fuel} for your body to function.. So it is imperative that we try to maintain our diet to the best of our abilities...  Most of life’s ills could be controlled by eating a balanced and proper diet for your body type...  {Of cour ...   read more

In Search of the Perfect Diet... What, when and why???   19 y  
Get ready change your life for the better... We will search out as many valid diet / nutrition, articles as possible on this blog... Results require efforts. efforts require action.. While there is no perfect diet for everybody, we will lay out info. that should help you find what is best for you...
First  there really is no perfect diet, but there is the best diet for you, friend...   One persons food is another’s poison,  so to speak...  Lets try to find it if possible... Everyone body is somewhat different, so you will have to see what works for you, this will be a general statement on diets, not necessarily an exact science...  So enjoy exploring the search for the best diet for you... We will attempt to cove as many aspects as possible on diet....    First, we are all on a diet, the question is what kind of a d ...   read more

What took you so long?? DUH!! Thanks Robbie and all the others!   19 y  
It should be gratitude, in place of a poor attitude... Those people who do not or have not taken charge of their lives, ask this of those who provide the actual support... When response is necessary, things get done.... Thanks to Robbie and all the others both military and civilian who have gone to help; WELL DONE!!
  This is a photo of an actual  life or death rescue of over a hundred  {NASA} people from a rebellion on Zanzibar; while I was in the Navy,  in 1964...  They did not ask what took you so long??   In fact this is part of the UNCLAS Message from: CNO {Chief Of Naval Operations} to: USS Manley....   1. The following dispatch from Embassy Dar Es Salaam to: CNO; DTG 080030Z for your inormatiom... " You have been much on our minds if not in our sight, all of us have been deeply grateful for your unseen pres ...   read more

Who are we really??   19 y  
Reputation is what other people think of you, character is what you are when no one else is around... Who are you, friend?
Life is an on going process, we are influenced by and also influence others...  It is this interaction that defines our character and thus ourself...   Will we be bold and active in helping others, or self centered? Do we continually think of what we need or want, and scheme to obtain it at all costs? {Now we are not talking about the basic needs of everyday life here folks, that is understood and accepted that there are such requirements in life....} Many people spend much of their life making themselves look good...  {we are not talking about ap ...   read more

What we do defines us, good, bad or indifferent...   19 y  
I have sought to bring truth and wisdom to all.... This will be a reflection on these virtues and how they effect our life...
Once upon a time there were three bears who lived on the Appalachian trail..... They would run and play all day...  Oh! Never mind that was a different story....  You can read about the AT events on the  current "Southern Etiquette" & " My Road of Life" blogs....   What we want is the essence of life’s adventure(s)...   Seek the truth and if you are fortunate enough you will find the wisdom to help you make the decisions that will shape your life and the lives of those around you... This effects everyone, man, woman and c ...   read more

Adventure that is what life is all about, folks.... Live it!!   19 y  
If we were to review our life, how would your past be, fun,dull,crazy, safe, boring,or just about right... Mine is just about right.... If you get a chance dance!!
We look at others and wonder what happened to us... Well folks today is the first day of the rest of your life, so live it.... Well one of my four sons, Steve and I will leave this afternoon for four days on the Appalachian Trail here in Georgia....  This will prove to be part of my life’s adventure....    There is a song sung  by Lee Ann Womack; called "I hope you dance"....  { No I do not get a kick back}  It covers most all the bases, on not standing in the corner and letting life pass you by.... & ...   read more

The more I live the more I love...   19 y  
The most important thing in this world and beyond will forever be love, absolute pure love... One of the keys of life!!
Love has been written about almost as much as war...  But the greatest difference is that even in war the love shines through...  Love is the reason that mothers care/love their children, some times at great sacrifice and even personal danger... This is the reason people have placed themselves in harms way for another...  This is the reason GOD Almighty has allowed us to live and experience this life...  Love is the key folks...   There are so many examples around us, that the only reason you(we) do not see it {Love expressed} is because we chose to ...   read more

Respect, this is the core of life...   19 y  
With out respect, {the recognition of other(s) and their being(s)} we would be very selfish and dis concerning persons...
Respect:   Friends; one of the most important things in life is to learn to respect others and their property...   This one of those Golden rules in life....  Treat others as you would like to be treated... Life  comes down to being  without respect, then  no one has any thing, it would be the law of the jungle...  The biggest gorilla takes what he wants, when he wants, and from whom he wants....   That includes sex, food, positions, any other conceivable thing... Not a pretty picture folks.... So why do we often teac ...   read more

Safe sex???   19 y  
There is no such thing as safe anything, or any real guarantees by mankind in this life folks. This is One of the Absolute Truths of life! BTW I have been trained both military, civilian from Nuclear, shipboard weapons, industrial, mines, air, land and sea, in safety programs... They just cut the odds down...
Oh! Where did we get this idea that life is just a stroll thru a rose garden??  That idea is just  a wishful  desire or at best  a sales job folks...  We need to rethink our position(s) in life!!  Even death and taxes are not a sure thing....  I know many people who do not pay taxes, and there are some who were translated...  { If you are confused we need to talk.... reply or email...} People tend for the most part to look for things that they like, or desire, and not necessarily the truth... The truth is not real pop ...   read more

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A forum based on truth for the exchange of ideas; built on faith, hope and charity... Based on communication thru feelings and dealings between individuals...… more...

Last Activity: 9 mon ago
291 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
203 Comments   Last comment 9 mon ago

viewed 2,198,645 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 18 2005


Comments (10 of 203):
Re: Pew found - Sh… kermi… 9 y
Re: Pew found - Sh… Sudde… 9 y
Re: Only two choic… kermi… 10 y
Re: Now is the tim… kermi… 10 y
Re: Government Mess kermi… 10 y
Re: Ethical & Mora… kermi… 10 y
Re: What me work? … kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… kermi… 11 y
Re: Existential cr… ren 11 y
Re: Blood of Chris… kermi… 11 y
All Comments (203)

Blogs by Kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  26 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  32 mon  (310)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  27 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  28 mon  (120)

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