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Re: the cops showed up at my house Tuesday evening just before my Mom was going to work and asked if a "Dave" was there and asked for me as well!
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Re: the cops showed up at my house Tuesday evening just before my Mom was going to work and asked if a "Dave" was there and asked for me as well!

I am glad that you got help I also was having my own step brother too this day makes me do oral and anal occasionally luckily I only see him every other weekend and he is usually at his friends, at first I was up in my bed because I still have a bunk bed and I am 13 lol, anyways he was down on his bed and was acting asleep and I also had to share a room with my 3 step brothers anyways J (Short for his name but don't wanna expose him) was the only one up with me and he started saying all this weird stuff asking me if I wanted to suck it and I said ew no and then he started coming over to my bed a climbing um the ladder to get to me so I climbed into the corner of my bed why he was weirdly moving to me and he grabbed me by my hair and through me onto my knees luckily I was on a bed so it didn't hurt, anyways and he pulled down his pants and he has a massive d**k for a 15 year old it was like 6 or 7 inches long which is higher than the average of an adult and he grabbed me by my hair and PUT IT IN MY MOUTH AND HE MADE ME SUCK IT, but now he makes me come up to his room because he has his own room now and he usually just starts out with me sucking it and then he moves down towards my bottom and the he does the so so and it really hurts like an unbearable pain he doesn't use a condom or a lube and goes very fast and hard because now he doesn't have a squeaky bed, and then when he is done he says you better come back up here tommorow and then I go use the bathroom and I well wipe with toilet paper because I guess he does his c** in me and then I go to wipe and it is like a light pink/red color and it goes on and on and on so I am hoping once he gets his driver liscence it will stop. I didn't think it would hurt that bad and it hurts like even 2 hours after that any tips for help or somethin that will make it hurt less please contact me at
Instagram: preston_cobb
Phone: (270) 734 0266
Also @JTM14 text m maybe we could become friends like do you have an Xbox? Or PS4
Xbox: TYCOBB71


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