Parasites, there is hope. You're not crazy. I'm living proof that pumpkin and honey saved my life.
Doctors had me seriously thinking I was crazy. I've been diagnosed, and treated for everything one can imagine. I even ended up fighting cancer 3 different times. Not one doctor would believe me.
I had an infestation of
parasites that ended up manifesting into various organs, and causing severe illness, and my guess is the
parasites were most likely reason behind 2 of my cancers.
I'd been seeing
parasites in my stool for at least 3 years, and when I made video on my eyes, and mouth, that's when I said enough is enough!! The horrific feeling seeing these things in my mouth and eyes, it felt so gross. How embarrassing, how do you talk to anyone about this?
I'd spent so many days in hospitals, doctors offices, psychiatrist, and emergency rooms. All to no avail, and all making me feel like I was crazy, like I'm just imagining it all.
I had tried every prescription and over the counter meds, as well as the suggestions on the Internet. Google had become my best friend. I saw so many others going through the exact same thing as I'd been going through, I no longer felt nuts. I felt a huge sense of relief, I became hopeful, and I became determined to find a solution. After many failed attempts, I had finally found something that worked.
I'm here sharing this because I know what it feels like to sit in your shoes if you like me,suffer from an infestation of parasites, and have been made to feel like you're just some twacker imagining this, or that you're an attention seeker trying to make people feel sorry for you because you're so sick. Been told you're just getting old, and going downhill is part of aging. I've been there, and literally thought I was dying. I had nearly given up on my life, and no desire to do anything.
I'm going to share a link for those that are interested. It's a study done and the end result is RESULTS. You're not crazy, and parasites will drive you crazy, especially when nobody believes you.
Pumpkin Seeds and Honey. That's it. Those two natural things have given my life back time. The energy I got back, the inflammation and pain just gone, I ended up on a walker or cane to walk, but no more. I couldn't believe how this worked so quickly. Doctors had me feeling like I was a freak. I don't trust doctors at all anymore, and I'm doing homeopathic natural regimens now. Essential oils, healthy eating, and research on so many new ways to take care of myself. Doctors only care about the ol mighty dollar these days, and their bed side manner is a joke. No more good ol docs that listen, explain, or stay open-minded to new possibilities.
I could sit here and explain every symptom, pictures of the many results after many treatments, and so on, but I feel like if you've got parasites, then you already know.
I just wanted to share with anyone who suffers from parasites, and the mental, and emotional issues parasites bring with them this site that shows you the proof why pumpkin and honey seem to be the best cure for parasites.
I pray that this reaches at least one willing, open-minded human and that person is able to get rid of those nasty horrific wormy things that had made them sick.
You're not crazy, and I'm living proof that this works. I hope you at least read the study below.
Here's the site to read further.