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Parasites in sinuses of USA population, Dr.s ignorant, government loves it
ItsAllOver Views: 11,391
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Parasites in sinuses of USA population, Dr.s ignorant, government loves it

I hate seeing these posts, finding them only to come up to a dead end. No answers anywhere.

Tired of this whole effing parasite thing. If they're so common ( which apparently they are ) then why do you never hear anything about it?

I just read and keep reading that parasites in the nose are "EXTREMELY UNCOMMON" OR that there's only been
"A few cases" & that those "few cases" were in some far off 3rd world country.

Such B/S. It seems to me the whole evil enterprise (deep state incl. The CDC, BIG PHARMA, the FDA & our crooked government ARE VERY WELL AWARE most of us are infected with intestinal parasites. They mention how our veggies carry them and our water. Then why the fq all the pesticides? What happened to those? Or are they just used (like flouride,heavy metals & toxins in our air and water) to make us all more sick? Of course that's all it is. They're awfully hush hush about these parasites affecting 90% of us. It's B/S....SOUNDS like parasites are the ROOT CAUSE of many of our deadly diseases!!! Makes perfect sense seeing as they want to reduce us to 85% world population wiped out. They're doing an awfully good job of it.

Ice lost all respect for Dr.s, they can't be that dumb.


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