I am so sorry that you are experiencing these trust-shattering experiences. You've had some superb advice - ACT ON IT, NOW. Don't wait for "something" to happen or for someone to make the call for you. Call Child Protective Services, immediately, and they will contact the police. A full investigation will be conducted and this will include a physical exam. Retrieve any/all physical evidence that may still exist, if you can.
You're a brave person to put your experiences into words and your courage will see you through this horrible part of your life safely and securely onto your healing path. Something that you may want to keep in mind is that your mother is probably being abused, as well. She may be turning a "blind eye" to what's been happening to you because she's probably been threatened that you will be taken away from her, forever, if she does ANYthing that might get this rat-bastid into prison. This is a threat that many abusers use to make sure that there is no interference in their heinous activities.
Take heart, dear one. As I said, you're very brave and this courage will help you to process all that's happened to you. You did nothing to deserve it, and you're NOT a bad person because this monster did what he did to you. You are not responsible for the actions of another adult. This person did all of this to you because he could - that's the only reason. Now, get on the phone, contact CPS, tell them EVERYTHING, and you and your mother will be taken to safety, and the rotten catfish will be thrown into jail.
My most sincere best wishes to you!
Progressives and SJWs claim that there is no LGBT grooming agenda aimed at underage children, but all the evidence suggests otherwise...
Shocker... Define 'Psychological Projection'
By Jordan Conradson
Published September 23, 2022 at 9:45am
The American Principles Project has released a new ad slamming Joe Biden and Democratic Arizona Senator Mark Kelly for cosponsoring a bill that would weaponize the Department of Justice and push “dangerous transgender drugs and surgeries on kids.”
The video features child psychologist Miriam Grossman, M.D., who says, “We have to go out there and stop this. Our children deserve better.”
The new law is sold as “A bill to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.”
It would empower the Department of Justice to “intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity” and strip parents of their rights.
It would also “prohibit an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity,” allowing any man into a women’s restroom based on what gender they think they are.
This is the disgusting Democratic agenda that Joe Biden is driving.
more posted below... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/sick-ad-exposes-democrat-mark-kellys-push-sex-change-surgeries-chemical-castration-american-children-video/
Mark Kelly supports all of it. pic.twitter.com/M6yNkX3cBr https://t.co/QWKN6Q8qGa
— Blake Masters for U.S. Senate Press (@MastersPress) September 21, 2022
Reality check: Nothing is okay about this. pic.twitter.com/6lBSkz8z9Q
— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) September 8, 2022
As politicians undermine trans rights here in Arizona and across the country, it couldn’t be more important to celebrate trans people and stand with them in the fight for full equality.
— Captain Mark Kelly (@CaptMarkKelly) March 31, 2022
On this #TransgenderDayOfVisibility, know that I've got your back.
Can we talk about that now?
Once again, the "holiday season" is upon us and abusers have available countless opportunities and excuses to perpetrate more frequent and severe episodes of domestic violence and abuse against their victims. Domestic violence/abuse includes: emotional violence, verbal violence, physical violence, religious/spiritual abuse, financial abuse, and sexual abuse. Domestic violence and abuse has no cultural, religious, sexua| orientation, ethnic, or economic boundaries. There is no stereotype or profile for domestic violence to exist, and it covers every "intimate" relationship, including platonic and familial associations.
During the holiday season, it is a statistical fact that reports of domestic violence and the severity of the episodes make a dramatic spike. The reason is simple: there are ample excuses for the abuser to experience "stress," and therefore more ample opportunities to blame victims for increasing stress in one way or another, especially in our current economic climate. Of course, the victims have nothing to do with the perpetration of violence by their abusers - they don't "ask for it," or stretch the limits of stress to cause their abusers to harm them. They are just there, for whatever reason.
If children are involved, the violence often becomes even more extreme with a reported 90% of all domestic violence being perpetrated IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. Often, the victim is threatened with "No Presents" for children unless the victim agrees OR submits to (fill in the blank). The victim is frightened of being abused, certainly, but they are even more frightened of the threats that may be seen through by the abuser. In my previous life, the abuser did, indeed, follow through with threats and the children were denied gifts during the holiday, special holiday meals, participation in religious/spiritual rituals, and many, many other witholdings. Keep in mind this statistical fact: children who are raised in an environment of domestic violence and abuse are 10 times more likely to develop into abusers or victims, themselves. If they develop into abusers, their level of abuse will be greater than their predecessor's.
How to know if you (or, someone you know) is involved in an abusive relationship? The first thing to do is to open your eyes and put on your "listening ears." From the National Domestic Violence Hotline website, www.ndvh.org, a general list of potential violence/abuse is provided:
I got out. I lost many, many things, including my own children. You, on the other hand, might be able to fare better than I did if you go through the proper channels. NOTHING is worth remaining - "Things" can be replaced, but there is no monetary equivalent to human life or well-being.
My most sincere positive energies and brightest blessings to all who are afraid, suffering, and desperate. End the cycle and contact: .National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE (7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224
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