Actually, EFT more commonly refers to Emotional Freedom Technique.
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My two cents:
I think that the physical toll from long term mental distress could provide an invitation for cancer - but in no way will I ever believe that trauma and stress alone cause cancer.
Neither do I agree that we know the cause of cancer unless you wish to determine cancer as a cellular defense mechanism brought on by irritation/inflammation due to a number of items such as chemical contamination, bacteria, virus, heavy metals, etc.
Most people who have been diagnosed with cancer are not in the healing phase in my opinion - their cancer cells and tumors are continuing to multiply and halting the growth of the actual cancer cells AND the eliminating the root causes that led to cancer manifesting itself are both vital for survival.
Eliminating stress and addressing mental conflicts can be important measures to help achieve success, and failure to do so could make success much more difficult. Like Essiac tea or a juice diet, such measures just might result in the elimination of the cancer, but I would not bet my life on it because in most instances much more is needed.
To be succint, I think that "stress (or trauma) causes cancer" is in the same category as "cancer is a fungus", "cancer is caused by a fluke", "cancer is caused by myco-toxins", and any other number of universal causes, or universal cures for that matter. It sounds good and sells lots of books and products, but it is not valid when presented as a universal cause.
Dr. Hamer has indeed found the cause.
So he claims. And so do any number of other people who have books, programs and products to promote that THEY have found a unique cause, feature or cure of cancer.
What Hamer has discovered is an important element of treating and resolving cancer. To try to put forward the idea that it is the ONLY cause of cancer is the stuff of an over active imagination or marketing.
Why is it that only in modern times has cancer become so prevalent? Clearly, mankind has had trauma and stress for thousands of years, including no end of loss of lovers and inability to let go of emotional issues - but yet mankind has had very little cancer until the past century or and the incidence has steadily increased until just the past few years. What mankind has not had in the past thousands of years prior to the 19th century is an abundance of well over 100,000 man made chemicals in our air, soil, water and food supply until modern times.
I have no doubts at all that resolving emotional issues may often help resolve cancer. But to put such forward as the ONLY cause or cure of cancer falls within the same realm as those who say that ionic foot baths, rare earth magnets or reflexology will cure all ills.
What I advocate is directly attacking the cancer while also addressing and correcting underlying problems and imbalances - and that includes emotional stress as well as cleansing, diet, lifestyle, proper nutrition and supplementation, etc. To not address all of those areas would be remiss.
I certainly agree with you that cancer is not caused by emotions, though I think that emotional issues can contribute to one's susceptibility to cancer as well as retard recovery.
I am not so sure about viruses being the cause of the "vast majority of cancers", unless the viruses are either new ones or else they cause cancer in combination with other factors. If viruses alone are the cause, wouldn't that mean that the viruses that cause cancer are pretty much a modern development since the proliferation of cancer is very much a modern phenomena?
Obviously diet, nutrition and lifestyles which lead to impaired immune systems and impaired livers are factors. What role do you see the increased exposure to manmade toxins playing? Incidence of cancer and other diseases and industrialization/chemical exposure closely parallel.
In response to your question "Is there any natural or other way to stop opiate wthidrawal ?!!!!?" The answer is YES!!!!
You are also correct: your wife became addicted as a result of the Oxycodone. Prior to starting with the Oxycodone your wife's symptoms would require the Dr. to give her something to relieve the pain. Unfortunatley the standard medical protocol in most cases is palitive care (masking symptoms) and not currative care (eliminating the cause of the symptoms).
The opioid peptides-endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins-are powerful natural pain relievers. People who suffer from chronic pain have lower levels of endorphin activity in their blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The essential amino acid DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) can help restore normal endorphin levels, and it can thereby assist the body in reducing pain naturally with out the use of drugs.
The effect of DLPA often equals or exceeds that of morphine and other opiate derivatives.
DLPA differs in that...
DLPA is generally avail in 375-mg tabs. Correct dosages vary according to the individual's own experience of pain. Note DLPA will not metabolize if you are vit c deficient or do not have enough vit B6 as well as problems with the GI Tract.
Dosage should begin with six tabs per day, 2 tabs 15 min before each meal. Pain relief should occur within the first 4 days. If after approx. 2 weeks no relief occures don't worry! there may be some GI tract or other health problems that need fixing along with the DLPA (this is not uncommon with addiction, and can be fixed) Withdrawal is a symptom of a biochemical imbalance. With correcting the imbalance you can safely and naturally eliminate the withdrawal.
for further reading you may want to check out
Best in health!
Addiction Free
CAUTION: Do not take during pregnancy or nursing. People with PKU (phenylketonuria) should not supplement with DLPA because it may elevate blood pressure, people with heart conditions or hypertension should check with a Dr. before for starting DLPA supplements. Usually, though, it is allowed if taken after meals. Do not take if you suffer from panic attacks or severe anxiety. Do not take if you have skin cancer melanoma.
My father was diagnosed with HIV 27 years ago!! I am soooooo grateful that he is still with us today but he is not doing well now. He was recently admitted into the hospital with •Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP)which I honestly thought was going to be the end. After a week, he was released, thankfully!! Prior to that he had purple lesions developing on his fingers. While in the hospital for the pneumonia, they took a biopsy of his finger and he was then diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma. After being shuffled to a few different doctors, they now want to start infusion chemo (not localized) because he has so many lesions. I AM SO WORRIED that the chemo is going to be so hard on him. His t-cell (cd4-?) is only 32!! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Alternative therapies, etc. His next appointment with his infectious disease dr. is not until November!! Should we request for him to seen more often? Also, I feel that he is showing signs og HIV dimentia!! I live in Austin & he lives in Fort Worth. I've begged him to move in with me but he will not. Also, I have researched the "greece test" for optimal chemo treatment. Any thoughts on that as well? It is very expensive. Worth it?
In my opinion it would be best to avoid the chemo treatments. This will only further wipe out the bone marrow leading to even more immune suppression.
I posted recently on this same subject on my forum. You may want to take a look at this:
Wow Hveragerthi! Your other post about HIV you referred to is quite informative! But I'm not sure how it all jives with Koch's postulates as I have recently learned the subject.
Being more specific to what claims you are referring to would be a big help to respond to. But since you bring up Koch's postulates are you aware that HIV does not fulfill Koch's postulates? Only about 70% of AIDS patients test HIV+, and considering the high false positive rate with HIV testing the presence of HIV in AIDS patients is even lower.
Again, Gallo did not claim HIV was the cause of AIDS based on real science. His false claim was based on profits as he owned the patent rights on the HIV test. So he lied about HIV being the cause of AIDS for profit. And the US government changed the definition of AIDS to fit the HIV virus to cover up Gallo's lie so he would not embarrass them again after he had already been busted once for scientific fraud.
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