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An egroup post in regard to My Battle with Big Pharma
nutrientscure Views: 3,769
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An egroup post in regard to My Battle with Big Pharma

Dear Curezone:

What follows is an "edited, upgraded, and changed" egroup post. The original post was written to a person in an egroup that asked me what did I mean? when I said "see you all at Xmas, I hope" in one of my prior posts to the group.

What follows is my answer to this question in great detail..


Allen Darman

Dear (name removed):

I wish to thank you for your supportive words above in regard to one of my recent posts in here, as well as your supportive words in regard to my "healing house idea".

I would like to say that what I have put on YouTube about correcting bipolar disorder naturally and is in various blogs on
is only "a partial slice" of what I know, albeit a "very big chunk of it".

Sadly, I feel it appropriate to honestly report to you the following:

1. I have had a world leading degree of understanding of how to correct bipolar disorder and Depression since January of 1998. This was the point in which I gave an hour and fifteen minute long presentation on such to an audience in San Rafael, CA. (If anyone that reads this material still has a video copy of this presentation, I would really appreciate "a copy of it" being sent to me, and I am willing to pay for this. I freely gave out over 120 of these videotapes, hopefully someone has one left.)

My goal at all times since the fall of 1997 when I first began posting to the Internet about how to overcome manic Depression naturally has been "to try to help millions, and not just a few".

In trying to share the above-mentioned knowledge with many other persons and/or parties over the Internet for years (my only real means to effect change is the Internet), I was either (1) not believed when I honesty stated what I knew to be true, or (2) simply ignored, or (3) called "manic delusional", or (4) "those few that believe me" simply happened to be persons without the means to effect real change, just as I was (and still am in a big way).

Unfortunately the above-mentioned knowledge has "yet to be truly heard", such that appropriate action is taken by some party with the means to effect real change.

2. The knowledge that is reflected in the above continued to mature and deepen over time (it got "better").

It got to the point in April 2000 where I had learned how to adequately correct a state of severe Depression with suicidal ideation in myself within a matter of hours (definitely less than a single day). I did this by (1) using "an effective gut purge", followed later by (2) "a very heavy and profoundly effective dose of broad based free form amino acids", and by (3) taking a wide range of other nutritional supplements at the same time as well.

Since April 2000, and EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT SINCE, I have known "deep in my heart" that what I was doing to treat depression naturally in myself applied heavily to THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.

Yes, broad based free form amino acids are that important, as far as "ALL HEALING IS CONCERNED". They are over (or at least they should be over) seventy percent of "the functional chemistry" of the average human's body, once the water is taken out. (Yet Big Pharma and drug oriented medicine never mention this class of essential nutrients to us. It is as if "amino acid levels" in the human body do not matter in regard to human health, or human health recovery, at all. "That's nuts".)

[Even though I have been #1 in the world in regard to knowing how to treat a state of depression in most so afflicted for over eight years, I am admittedly no better than anyone else. Despite the appearances of my written words, in truth I am a very humble man (just look at me on YouTube). And I have just as many flaws at the next person. I just got lucky here. I also did over fourteen years of hard work to "get where I am". In addition to this, I was also borne “with a little bit of genius” in “some ways”. You can blame my parents for this. My father tested second highest in the entire U.S. after WWII of all personnel in the Navy that were tested after the war for college entrance. This college entrance exam was taken by many hundreds of thousands of men, if my mother told me correctly (my father never talked about himself to us children). My mother had a photographic memory, was a voracious reader, and was a “great” duplicate bridge player (she could remember all of the cards as they were being played hand to hand, over twenty hands worth, at a time!). She was also a housewife with seven children, and a person with only a high school degree. And I was "their smartest" out of seven children (my mother always told me so), especially in regard to logic, puzzle solving, and "big picture thinking". (I have a long life history of “many separate events”, spanning a number of decades, that involve “great or unusual personal accomplishment”. All of these were the result of “self-education” through reading, and not going to "any school”. Such is indicative "of at least some degree of genius", if not a good deal.)]

Again, in trying to share the above-mentioned knowledge with many other persons and/or parties over the Internet for years (my only real means to effect change is the Internet), I was either (1) not believed when I honesty stated what I knew to be true, or (2) simply ignored, or (3) called "manic delusional", or (4) "those few that believe me" simply happened to be persons without the means to effect real change (just as I was).

And again, unfortunately the above-mentioned knowledge has "yet to be truly heard", such that appropriate action is taken by some party with the means to effect real change. (My goal at all times is "to help millions, and not just a few".)

3. The knowledge that is reflected in the above continued to mature and deepen even further over time (it got "even better" when Willy's baggie was borne). It also became "far easier to implement on other persons".

My son Willy "profoundly proved so much" to the world by what he did. He also HEAVILY VALIDATED what I have been saying (and been saying repeatedly for over eight years, as far as the therapeutic use of broad based free form amino acids is concerned).

In addition to this, my son Willy "profoundly anecdotally proved" that "almost his entire generation of peers, if not nearly the entire human race, is broadly essential nutrient deficient, and some more than others". How big is that?

My son Willy also "profoundly anecdotally proved" that the "Standard American Diet" (S.A.D.) has a wide range of essential nutrient deficiencies. (His profound recovery from the use of a wide range of supplements while ingesting the Standard American Diet STRONGLY suggests this.) How big is this as well?

In addition to the above, my son Willy "profoundly anecdotally proved" that the broad essential nutrient deficiencies inherent in Standard American Diet can be overcome by the regular use of a wide range of nutritional supplements, such that recovery from a serious lack of health can be achieved. He also proved that no doctor whatsoever is necessary for a person, even one in their teen years, to profoundly recover their health. How big are these things as well?

(It is no accident that my problems with hacking started just after my son Willy's original recovery story was widely cross posted to the Internet in June 2006. Big Pharma knew that "I had proved out adding broad based free form amino acids" to "the rest of what alternative medicine already knows" to achieve "FAR SUPERIOR THERAPEUTIC EFFECT". They also knew that "I knew the gut well", and perhaps far better than anyone else, especially in regard to "getting it to work adequately well again in the shortest possible time". THEY JUST HAD TO DO SOMETHING TO SLOW ME DOWN"... thus my problems with hacking were borne.)

Again, in trying to share the above-mentioned knowledge with many other persons and/or parties over the Internet for years (my only real means to effect change is the Internet), I was either (1) not believed when I honesty stated what I knew to be true, or (2) simply ignored, or (3) called "manic delusional", or (4) "those few that believe me" simply happened to be persons without the means to effect real change (just as I was).

And again, unfortunately the above-mentioned knowledge has "yet to be truly heard", such that appropriate action is taken by some party with the means to effect real change. (My goal at all times is "to help millions, and not just a few".)

What follows are some of my thoughts on the three items reflected in the above.

Despite my saying above, I continue to be hopeful that eventually (at one point or another) "some party with the means to effect real change" will hear me, such that appropriate action is taken. (It is entirely possible that this point is fairly soon... perhaps by Xmas or so, assuming "I get a little help".)

Thankfully, my newly acquired ability to use YouTube takes the unjust and incorrect claim by those that attacked me repeatedly over the years in regard to my being "manic delusional" out of the equation... or at least it really helps.

The recent video that I took and posted On YouTube (under my YouTube name of "nutrientscure") clearly shows a man (myself) exhibiting no degree of mania whatsoever. (The first ten videos were all taken only four days or so before writing this material. I "can not have changed that fast mood-wise". )

I have waited for over ten years to "be truly heard". I am still waiting. However, I am growing far more hopeful of late... that "soon I might be finally be heard".

Unfortunately, I am certain that Big Pharma is monitoring the Internet "for people like me" (people that can rally hurt their markets and their profits, but do not have the means to affect real change).

I am "THE ONLY PERSON WORLD-WIDE THAT I AM AWARE OF" that has had the computers that they were using repeatedly "hacked and tracked", and I was even repeatedly hacked while using various computers in a public library located near me. (This is all nuts!, but unfortunately it is the truth.)


It seems that I am in the ironic position of Big Pharma "hearing me", while at the same time "the rest of the world" has yet to fully realize and/or act on the historical implications of what I have been saying. (And saying for over eight years now, essentially stating "the same things" widely on the Internet over and over again.)

Big Pharma "most certainly knows me". And "they know that I am right as well" in regard to how to PROPERLY treat depression, manic depression, etc. via natural means.

If what I know ever gets developed "a very little bit", applied to even a handful of other persons, and put on YouTube for the world to see... Big Pharma is in huge trouble, if not is virtually "toast". (It would only be a matter of a little more time, while "the seed of broad based free form amino acid use quickly grows".) They know this as well as I do.

Big Pharma also knows that I am the first person worldwide to figure out how to properly treat a state of depression in most so afflicted. (I am almost certain that Big Pharma first knew about me and began to track me on the Internet back in the year 2000, if not a bit before.)

Big Pharma has to be desperate. This is why they have been "hacking me and tracking me" for years, and especially "hacking me and tracking me" since June 2006, when I first "widely cross posted" my son Willy's amazing recovery story to the Internet. (This hacking only made me realize in a deeper sense that I have stumbled on to some things of great significance in regard to human health, and health recovery. I already knew this in a very big way, but my being repeatedly hacked made me realize this "even more".)

Big Pharma has to deathly afraid of Adelle Davis's wisdom in regard to "putting the entire nutrient range together and taking it all at once". They have to know how much it would hurt them if "the entire nutrient range was taken by enough people", and these persons reported on the results of such effectively to the Internet.

Incidentally, my son Willy and I are the first two human beings on this planet to have adequately carried this key healing idea of "taking the entire nutrient range all at once" out. (This healing idea is "CRITICAL FOR ALL HEALING" in a general sense, as every single cell in the human body requires the entire essential nutrient range to function optimally.)

And, Big Pharma has to be deathly afraid of broad based free form amino acids, when they are used properly. Well, they SHOULD be deathly afraid in this regard, for BROAD BASED FREE FORM AMINO ACIDS (when used properly, and with other common measures) spell "DOOM FOR MUCH DRUG ORIENTED MEDICINE".

And apparently, I know far more than anyone else on this planet "how to properly self-administer free form amino acids". (My son Willy is second in this regard, at least at the present time.)

"Free form broad based amino acids" are often the only neglected essential nutrients when "many attempt to heal", despite their representing over 70% of the "dry weight" of an average human being.

(Isn't it patently obvious that often ignoring, or not therapeutically treating, the probable and serious deficiency of the amino acid class of essential nutrients amongst the "mentally ill" is "nuts"?)

The above-mentioned knowledge about how to properly use broad based free form amino acids to "self-achieve profound therapeutic results" came in part from (1) my taking over 100,000 free form amino acid capsules myself since 1997, in part from (2) what Willy, my son, taught me, in part from (3) my witnessing "broad based free form amino acid healing" in number of other persons over the years, and in part from (4) what I have learned over the Internet and in various books.

When I said in my prior post "see you all at Xmas, I hope"... I meant that I hope that "I am still here on this planet walking and talking as I am now".

Big Pharma "most assuredly must want me dead", as many hundreds of billions of dollars as I am going to cost them if and/or when I ever succeed in getting the world "to act appropriately" on what I have been saying about "broad based free form amino acids" and other healing measures for years.

I have essentially told Big Pharma over the Internet that I can "bury them by Xmas" ("adequate YouTube anecdotal evidence", and "my going video" on YouTube, may be enough to get the job done here).

I just hope that they "don't bury me first".

All the very best,

Allen Darman

There are over one hundred (100) blogs on Some of the might interest the reader of this one. Many are on correcting depression and bipolar disorder naturally, or on related topics. To find a listing of these blogs, click on "more" on the blog you see on "my page", and then click on "list view" on the top of the blog section that has come up, and scroll back through the pages.

"nutrientscure" on YouTube

One (of many) YouTube videos that was taken on Sunday evening, only four days ago, is:

Willy's Baggie: An Explanation (watch first)

(Despite clear evidence that "I am doing well chemically" on this video that was taken only four days ago, I assume that some persons are going to label the material that I have written here today "as being the result of manic delusion". These people feel that I must be in "some state of delusional mania" to have written what I have written herein. In these people's opinion's, I am clearly exhibiting a great degree of "erroneous judgment due to mania". Well, I have to tell you, I am not manic in any degree whatsoever at the moment... nor was I during the entire time that I have written this. And I am not manic in any degree whatsoever on YouTube four days ago as well. This you can see with your own eyes, if you would only care to look. And "I can not change that fast" from where I was mood-wise only four days ago... anyone that knows anything about manic depression should fully realize this.)

An addendum:

What I have learned about the correction of human health is enormous. It could result in "a serious collapse of Big Pharma and conventional medicine" some day.

What I have learned about health recovery, knowledge that could really damage Big Pharma, and expose conventional medicine's "many lies", is most probably "far too revolutionary for me to get away unscathed". This knowledge may ultimately cost me my life (as too many persons are going to have sour grapes for losing so much power, prestige, and/or money, and all it takes is "one stupid and immoral person" to end my life).

Big Pharma may decide that "their best strategy" with me at this point would be to simply leave me alone after "hacking and tracking me" for so long", in a "last ditch effort to discredit me". And then again, they may decide different... such that "I may not be alive much longer than another year or two"... or perhaps even alive for only a matter of "so many more months".

In honesty, I cannot imagine seeing my 60th birthday (four years from now), as this represents far too much time "to prove to the world what I know". In history, "most true revolutionaries end up dead". I do not think that I will be an exception in this regard.

Whatever will happen, will happen... is my attitude on all of the above. I am not going to live or act in fear, or let any of the above affect my behavior or my decisions in any way.

For the rest of my life, however long it may last, I am going to do my very best to fight the evil industry called Big Pharma.

For the rest of my life, I am also going to do my very best to "spread the wisdom of Adelle Davis all over the world" (especially her wisdom regarding "taking the entire nutrient range all at once" when healing).

And lastly, for the rest of my life I am going to do my very best "to educate the world in regard to the tremendous healing power of broad based free form amino acids". Why? Because I am certain that amino acids are the class of essential nutrients that Big Pharma is scared of the most. I also know that this is the class of essential nutrients that "the great majority of people know almost nothing about". (Most people have no idea of the incredible power of broad based free form amino acids to help heal a wide range of illnesses. And apparently no one but I "deeply and personally knows" of their incredible potential in regard to the correction of a state of depression, no matter how severe, within a matter of hours, or a matter of days, depending.)


Allen Darman



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